With the Elo is a special mix of breeds succeded.
In our breed portrait you will learn everything about appearance, history, nature, attitude and upbringing as well as care and health.
Take a little time and see whether the Elo suits you.
Elo in the profile
Size Male: 35 to 60 cm, female: 35 to 60 cmWeightMale: 22 to 35 kg, female: 22 to 35 kgColorsBlack, Orange/Mahogany, Blue/Silver, Brown/Chocolate, Fawn, Cream, White, Sand, Life expectancy12 to 15 yearsOriginGermanycharacter/temperamentcalm, balanced, relaxed, alert, family-friendlyFCI groupnot acknowledged
the Elo belongs to the medium-sized dog breeds.
Since Elo breeders are less concerned with looks and more with temperament, there is when it comes to looks some variants.
So there is the Elo in two sizes with the coat variants wire-haired and smooth-haired.
Both skin variants have this strong, medium-length coat with undercoat and the pointed erect ears mean.
The anatomy is robust and compact, the tail is curled over a straight back. The eyes are brown to black.
Colors there are many, pure white with tan, red, black, gray and/or mottling of various shades being desired.
The coat check and the Dutch pattern as well as an evenly spotted or checkered pattern coat of hair are particularly popular.
while at small Elo one height at the withers of 35 to 45 centimeters can be reached, this can be done with the big rating up to 60 centimeters.
The smaller variant brings about 10 to 15 kilograms on the scales, the larger between 22 and 35 kilograms.
History & Origin of the Elo Dog
The Elo is a right young german dog.
His breed history only started in 1987 in Lower Saxony. The idea was to create a socially acceptable family dog to breed that robust and balanced was.
In addition mated man Chow Chows, Bobtails and Eurasiersas these carried the desired essentials.
Individual fragments of the mated dog breeds are in the actual name of the Elos – Eloshaboros – recognizable.
For a refinement of the Elos this was later with the German Spitzto the Japan Spitzto the Samoyed and the Dalmatian crossed.
It wasn’t until 1995 that a smaller version of the Elos was bred. For this one resorted to the Pekingese and the smaller tip return.
The Elo is neither of the FCI still recognized that VDH connected.
The breeding of the Elos, whose name is subject to trademark protection, is overseen by the Elo Breeding and Research Association (EZFG).
Essence & character of the Elo
Because the idea was connected with the breeding of the Elo, a ideal family dog to create, this also has the desired properties.
He is adaptable, hardy, social, friendly and easygoing.
The Elo has a total calm temper. With conspecifics or other four-legged friends in the home environment, he gets along well.
He is considered alertbut does not tend to bark. Strange he is usually somewhat distant towards others, but never shy or aggressive.
This breed of dog has no hunting instinct. Walks are relaxed – with appropriate training even without a leash.
Small Elos count as one little livelier than the larger variant.
attitude & upbringing
The Elo is flexible and adaptable. He can be kept both in a flat and rural.
The Elo likes to be outdoors. It doesn’t matter whether it’s raining or snowing – the Elo needs a total of every day minimum 3 hours of exercise.
The Elo is clingy and would like to be integrated into family life. Once he has learned it, you can also give him 4 – 5 hours to leave alone.
So that To leave alone does not become a problem, you should get him used to it when he is a puppy.
You can raise the Elo well joint excursions take it to the restaurant, on vacation or to the office.
And yet the Elo not a classic beginner’s dog.
The playful ones puppies definitely have a certain stubbornness The growing Elos are therefore not easy to subordinate.
One loving, consistent upbringing is important so that the Elo does not determine where to go.
One Puppy group and a dog school are part of the compulsory programme.
Health & Care
For Diseases this breed is not very susceptible. So that there is no problems with the overweight there should be feed consumption but keep a close eye on it.
There are two Diseasesto which the Elo tends: distichiasis and sebadenitis.
The distichiasis describes a fine fuzz on the lower lash line, which lies over the eyeball and thus causes corneal inflammation.
The sebadenitis is a keratinization, beginning at the head and tail, which, if left untreated, causes inflammation and degeneration of the sebaceous glands – hair loss is the consequence.
Both diseases are good treatable.
With some Elos it jumps kneecap out regularly. Do you build them? muscles by moving on, can dem be prevented.
The fur must regularly brushed be what at coat change more important is. One summer shearing should not be done because it damages the fur and that top coat stand out can.
The food of Elo should high-qualitywithout superfluous fillers and with a high meat portion be.
Besides, she should age of the dog are equivalent to. Snacks for in between should definitely be sugar-free.
The Life expectancy lies between 12 and 15 years.
Does the Elo suit me?
The Elo suits you if the following points are taken into account:
- If family or individual – You bring Time for your Elo with. You have Fun are interested in engaging with him fit and active.
- you live in one City apartment or in the country? Since the Elo very adaptable is, come many types of housing in question. Climb stairs should be avoided.
- You want to sign up with the Elo im dog sport let off steam? Since the Elo is not very enthusiastic about this, you better look for a more suitable breed.
- love elos extensive walks. they should a total of 3 hours daily outlet receive.
- you are looking for one Dog with no hunting instinct? Then the Elo is just right for you! The Elo accompanies its people relaxed while walking, cycling and jogging.
- For families with children is the Elo made. The love for children Elo is patient and has one high stimulus threshold. Nothing can faze him that easily!
- It’s already live other four-legged friends in the house? Since the Elo has no hunting instinct, he lets himself be socialize with other animals.
- The Elo is good for assistive and therapeutic purposes form.
Fun facts about Elo
- The Purchase price for a puppy starts at about 1,500 euros.
- Elo dogs hair little and are for allergy sufferers well suited.
- The founders of EZFG (Elo Breeding and Research Association)Heinz and Marita Szobries, run exciting on their own ranch intelligence and personality tests through.
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