Effective Spell to Forget a Person

There are people who do not have any difficulty in forgetting a certain person (be it a love, an ex-partner, or an unrequited love…) but on the other hand, other people find it harder to stop thinking about other people, and more if they are sentimental people, that is to say, that their reason moves more through their heart than through their head, therefore if you are one of those people who has a hard time forgetting someone, you are in luck, because this spell will be of great use to you.

When a couple breaks up or perhaps a person does not correspond to us, the first thing we want to do is stop thinking about that person, some people find it very easy as they focus on their work, friends or even playing sports as this helps to stop thinking and relax, but other people have a hard time turning the page, so today I want to show you a simple but powerful ritual to forget a person.

I introduce myself, I am Luz Silvar Soler, I am a medium, tarot reader and sorceress. Some of you already know me since you have been my followers for years, but if this is the first time you visit my website , welcome, I hope that the spell that I am going to teach you today will be useful to you, we can use it when we have broken with our couple or for an unrequited love and we want to forget the other person.

When I have felt true love or have felt intense emotions for a person, it is impossible for me to forget it.

That is why I am going to share with you my personal formula, improved from ancient rituals, to manage to forget a loved one forever.

Because I know better than anyone how terribly difficult to get it.

With the spell to definitively forget and stop suffering you will achieve it.

In addition, it is an easy, free and very effective spell. Because we deserve to turn the page.

For all of you who are like me and have that difficulty 🎁 Spell to forget it forever (And be happy again 😉).

🔔 ATTENTION: Once you start it, it will be very difficult to stop it. Therefore, I would ask you to pay close attention and use it only when you are really sure that you need to do it.

Why perform the spell to forget a person?

As hard as it is to forget a person in our lives, the truth is that sometimes it becomes necessary.

Either to put an end to the negativity or bad vibrations that it is producing within us.

I even have to warn you about something: It may end up compromising our own well-being and happiness.

From the Luz Silva Soler Blog I am always committed to sharing the best spells, tricks and rituals that are capable of taking your life to the highest level.

Today you are going to know the tool that only a few knew and you will be able to separate from your mind, finally, that person who is making you suffer.

Because we deserve to turn the page and remove the blindfold from our eyes!

What is the enormous effectiveness of the spell to forget based on?

The Spell to make us forget is very complex, it is mainly based on the laws of quantum and cerebral mechanics, the configuration of our reality and white magic.

In addition, it is perfected by me and you can be sure that it is, therefore, a very effective, homemade, simple and totally free ritual.

But don’t worry, although it is highly complex, it will be very easy to carry out and the results will not be long in coming.

Characteristics of the ritual to forget

The characteristics of the spell to forget a love (be it a former partner, unrequited love or a current loved one), are the following:

Spell Theme: Love.

Effectiveness: Extremely high.

Difficulty: Low.

Spell Type: Spell to forget FOREVER.

The elements, materials and ingredients to perform the spell to forget a person are:

  • A black folio, sheet, paper or cardboard (it is VERY IMPORTANT that it is this color ☝️ ).
  • A white chalk or correction pen with which to write on the page.
  • Sugar.
  • A photo of the person you are going to forget 📷 .
  • The ashes of a myrrh incense stick or cone.

How to carry out the spell to forget and stop suffering permanently?

The operation is very simple.

⚠️ NOTE: Next, you have the detailed step by step to perform the spell to forget. Write everything in a notebook NOW and forget about it TODAY

1>First of all, we will choose a day in which we can spend around an hour or an hour and a half alone.

It is important that we are not disturbed and that we are focused on successfully carrying out this magical, arcane and esoteric ritual to forget the person we have in mind.

And, as you well know, interruptions only manage to alter the result of our spell.

2>Before starting, light the incense thanking the divinities for the opportunity they are giving you by allowing you to perform this oblivion spell.

You can pronounce the following phrase out loud:

Thank you elemental forces for allowing me to cast this spell to forget it.
ALWAYS with your permission,
meet my demands,
FREE my chains and
BREAK the blindfold from my eyes.

3>While the incense is consumed, we will write at the top of the sheet or cardboard the name and surname of the person we want to remove from our lives and at the bottom of the page our name and surname.

In addition, both names must be joined with two lines and, later, they will be crossed with two more white lines.

To make it simple for you, you can easily check it in the following image:

Do not lose detail! Today you can start your new life with the spell to forget a person 🙂

4>Once the previous point has been made, you are going to break the sheet in half.

Now, you must tear the page in half, leaving our name on one piece and the name of the person to be separated from our mind on the other remaining piece.

The piece where the name of the person we want to forget forever is written, definitively, we are going to break it into small pieces, until its name is practically illegible.

We will put it in a garbage bag where, in addition, we will introduce its photograph (which you will also break into a MULTITUDE of tiny pieces, so that not even its face can be seen).

And, in addition, we insert the ashes of the incense that we have lit throughout the ritual.

5>When you have it ready, you will spread it in a geographical point that is OUTSIDE our habitual residence.


  • If you live in a big neighborhood: throw it in another neighborhood.
  • If you live in a town: you will eliminate it on the outskirts of the town.
  • If you live in a house in the countryside: you will spread it at a point far from your home.

6>However, our piece will remain intact, without breaking it and what we will do is submerge it overnight in a deep dish with sugar.

When we wake up we will go to a place where flowers or aromatic herbs grow (it could be a garden, the mountain or next to a river) and we will bury EVERYTHING. The sugar and the piece of foil. And we will leave the place without looking back.

From this moment your paths will be totally separated. 👍

Each one of you will collect a different energy charge and the spiritual action carried out through the spell generates a fork in our path in which we will begin to move, almost immediately, on the side of happiness and well-being.

The thoughts that were so intense before, little by little, will turn into distant emotions, in which you will realize that without him you are much happier.

It is a gradual process that will lead you directly to your happiness.

Thus, in addition to eliminating what is left of your way, you will ensure that, thanks to magic, you allow good things to enter your life.

Smile again ⭐️

Before saying goodbye, I advise you to give a Like to my Facebook page (I share many exclusive spells) and remind you that if you need to contact me you can do it from the Contact section.

I send you luck, light and joy to your life. My best wishes go to you and your spell to forget a person. You are going to get it!