Effective prayer for my husband to stop drinking

Effective prayer for my husband to stop drinking / prayer for my husband to stop drinking Many women ask themselves: how can I get my husband to stop drinking? The answer is in prayer.

Prayer frees and transforms the lives of many people, all that is needed is faith and perseverance to conquer what may be impossible in human eyes.

Let’s see, next, effective prayer for my husband to stop drinking or prayer for my husband to stop drinking or drinking.



Effective prayer for my husband to stop drinking #1

God free my husband from alcoholism, get him out of this addiction that has destroyed his life.

I know that I am nothing and I am not worthy to ask you for this Lord, but I come to you to ask you to free him from the traps of the enemy, who tries to end my marriage.

I want a better husband, calmer, free from all the addiction of alcoholism. I think my marriage will improve.

Let all that negative entity of addiction come to be defeated in the name of Jesus Christ Almighty.

Save my family and enlighten this entire society that is afflicted at this time of insecurity.

Thank you for everything, for life, friends, food, health and peace.


Stay calm and let this moment be of many possibilities for direct communication in your prayer.


Effective prayer for my husband to stop drinking #2

“Jesus, through devotion to your Holy Wounds, give healing and liberation to my husband.

Lord Jesus, in the devotion of the Holy Wounds, by your precious Blood shed on the Redemptive Cross, restore my husband’s life from addiction to alcoholism.


Jesus, through your Holy Wounds, through the merits of your Passion, remove the traumas and negative thoughts that my husband has because of alcohol, whether due to genetic inheritance or poor family formation.

Lord Jesus for your Holy Wounds, for your precious Blood, free him from alcoholism; sanctify it in your love; regenerate it in your mercy.

Jesus through your Holy Wounds, give him the Holy Spirit, so that he may be motivated, strengthened in will and be able to overcome the temptation of alcohol.

Lord, do not allow my husband to be defeated and humiliated by drink, but to be brought back to life.

I also ask you, Lord, for the liberation of family members from the traumas of a history marked by deep pain.

Jesus, by your holy wounds, restore the life and family of alcoholics (say it three times)


Effective prayer for my husband to stop drinking #3

Lord, I come to your presence at this time as the simple being that I am. Glory to your name!

My marriage is on the brink of ruin because of my husband’s drinking addiction. He can’t stop himself

God. Give him strength to stop drinking and be at peace in our home.

Help him improve as a husband, make him stop drinking and stop doing the things he has been doing because of this drink.

I thank you in advance for the gift you will give me. Thanks for everything. Amen and thank God!


Effective prayer for my husband to stop drinking #4 (husband or other family member or acquaintance)

This prayer can be prayed both for the husband and for someone else who is also affected by alcoholism.

Saint Anthony, saint of all saints, patron of all patron saints, help me help someone in real difficulty.

It is about so-and-so who is addicted to alcohol.

Today I come to pray to you to help him overcome this terrible phase of his life, so that you use your powers to leave his addiction.

I ask you very strongly to help him not to give in, to help him to contain himself and to help him find the path of healing and freedom.

Fulano will not get ahead alone, he needs divine help, like yours San Antonio, and for that I pray to you, because I know that you help those who need to be helped.

San Antonio, away from Fulano all temptations, all the desire to drink and all the problems that make him fall back into vice.

Give him the opportunity to be better, give him the opportunity to be happy.




In addition to praying the effective prayer for my husband to stop drinking or drinking (any of the three that we have presented before), the following is recommended:

don’t fight with him If you keep fighting, screaming, insisting vehemently to force your husband to stop drinking and give up this damn addiction, nothing will help, it will only make the situation worse. So the first thing you should do is stop fighting and demand immediately.

show your support When you stop fighting, go to your husband and tell him that you are by his side whenever he needs you, that you are one flesh, that you will do everything you can to help him and that you will always be ready to reach out to him.

also know Prayer to ask God for a miracle (powerful and urgent)

Our life is made of problems, day after day new challenges appear that leave us without (Read more)

Show him the consequences of his addiction in his family Then gently show him how your family and marriage are being damaged by his addiction. Research treatment opportunities in your city and tell him about them. But try to do it not as if you were bossing around, but as someone who cares about your health and your family.

With these tips, you take an attitude to solve the problem and also make a strong prayer for it. Then your husband will soon leave this addiction.

Do you have any questions about effective prayer for my husband to stop drinking or drinking? He can contact us on our social networks or by leaving his question in the comments section.


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