Effect, application & dosage (guide)

If a dog is not quite as fit as it should be, it does not automatically have to be the «pharmaceutical club».

In many cases, home remedies already help to alleviate skin diseases or intestinal problems, for example.

So too Healing clay for dogs. Where does it help and how do you use it correctly?

Find out in the guide below!

Healing clay for dogs: what effect does it have?

In a way, healing earth has one All-round effect for dogs. She detoxifies the entire organism.

More precisely:

  • Healing earth strengthens the immune system
  • Healing earth helps to cleanse the intestines of gases and toxins
  • Healing earth is perfect for doing intestinal cleansing in dogs
  • Healing earth has an anti-inflammatory effect and can clean/heal open wounds

So you see: In a way, there is nothing that cannot be treated by regularly administering healing clay.

By the way, this not only applies to dogs, but also to you and your health.

Good to know

The inventor of the healing earth was Emmanuel Felke. He saw an injured dog rolling around in the dirt, despite open wounds. Felke did not expect to see the dog alive again.

He was all the more surprised when he the dog a few days later alert encountered again.

He suspected the mud bath as the reason for the unlikely recovery. And from then on he took advantage of this positive quality.

9 areas of application of healing clay in dogs

As you now know, you can use healing clay for almost all illnesses or irritations in your dog. You will now find out exactly how this is done.


Healing earth usually consists of Peat, clay, loess or loam soil. The healing earth is of course cleaned and sterilized before it is used as a remedy.

The reason why healing clay is so effective: it contains many important minerals and trace elements.

These include, among other things Silicate, three-layer clay minerals and dolomite.

In addition, there is healing earth rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc – and another list of important minerals.

1. Healing clay for intestinal cleansing of dogs

As mentioned at the beginning, healing earth is a means, what for intestinal cleansing can be used by dogs.

But when is intestinal cleansing necessary at all? Among other things, when your dog a treatment with antibiotics behind has.

Because these have, so to speak, «destroyed» his intestinal flora.

In order to rebuild them, in addition to pro- and prebiotics also healing earth a useful tool. By the way, not only antibiotics are a reason to sanitize the dog’s intestines.

Do you notice that he has tear stains?

Then this also indicates that his intestinal flora is out of balance – an intestinal cleansing should be pending.

2. Healing clay for dogs with diarrhea

Diarrhea or soft faeces in dogs is by no means uncommon – and not always a cause for concern.

Nevertheless, he should always be kept in mind. Because the Parasites can be triggerssuch as giardia.

Does your dog have loose stools? Then it can Administration of healing earth help. As mentioned, these toxins and gases in the intestine are bound and rendered harmless.

In addition binds healing earth water – and thus removes it from the soft feces.

In addition, healing earth contributes to the balanced mineral balance of the dog becomes.

Because this is quickly thrown off balance by the loss of fluids caused by diarrhea.

3. Healing earth for giardia in dogs

Healing earth can also be given if your dog is under a Giardia infestation suffers.

Why? First of all, because healing clay strengthens your dog’s immune system. And a weakened immune system among other things, is the reason for a Giardia infestation.

Please make sure that you give your dog – if it «tends» to this parasite – no carbohydrate feed give.

Because the little beasts especially love this food component.

4. Healing earth for anal gland inflammation

that the Inflamed anal glands in dogs, is unfortunately not uncommon. Often the wrong food is behind this unpleasant disease by a constipation is triggered.

Healing earth can help here both internally and externally. If the intestinal flora is to blame, it helps to restore it.

The substances contained in the healing earth can also Relieve inflammation and itching of the anal glands.

For this you can mix a paste with water.

5. Healing clay for heartburn in dogs

heartburn in dogs – as in us humans – by a excess gastric acid triggered.

This travels up the esophagus and causes an uncomfortable burning sensation.

Triggers for canine heartburn can include: wrong or spoiled as well as to hot or too cold food be.

Also one gastric disease can be behind the heartburn.

Good to know:

You can recognize heartburn by the following symptoms, among others:

  • Your dog «licks empty»
  • Your dog smacks a lot
  • Your dog licks itself a lot
  • Your dog starts eating tons of grass

How healing earth helps here? By their so-called basic properties come to fruition. These help to bind the stomach acid. Healing earth thus represents the acid-base balance of the stomach.

6. Healing earth for gastritis

One gastritis – also gastric mucosal inflammation called – can be a consequence of gastric acidification. But it can also be the trigger for heartburn.

The fact is: gastritis is extremely unpleasant – and affects not only the sensitive stomach but also the appetite of the dog.

Since here too Stomach acid plays a role plays, healing clay can alleviate or even end gastritis.

Again, the reason lies in the restoration of the acid-base balance.

7. Healing earth for stomach hyperacidity

Here it works same principleas well as with heartburn or gastritis. Healing clay balances the dog’s alkaline-acid balance that has gone out of balance.

So if your dog suffers from chronic gastric hyperacidity, healing clay can get it under control.

Please discuss the treatment and the duration definitely with your vet!

8. Healing clay for pancreatitis

Also one inflammation of the pancreas or pancreatitis is an inflammation in which healing earth is said to be very effective.

Among other things, it can contribute to symptomsassociated with this inflammation, be alleviated.

9. Dog detox with healing clay

Healing earth is not only suitable when it comes to intestinal rehabilitation or stomach problems. Also for one All-round detoxification of the body this is often applied.

As you now know, healing earth can be used for many inner problems. And where there is a certain degree of detoxification of the intestines, there is also that Detoxification of other organs such as the liver and kidneys is possible with healing earth.

In addition, healing earth is beneficial for a healthy fur and a healthy skin and strong connective tissue.

My dog ​​eats feces – can I stop him from doing that with the help of healing clay?

Maybe your fur nose is one of those who like to eat their own or even someone else’s droppings? Then let’s assume that you don’t find this behavior that funny.

After all, it is associated with one or the other health risk. In addition, eating feces indicates that your dog suffers from a deficiency. For example, because it lacks important minerals and trace elements.

What can help? That’s right – the «miracle weapon» healing earth. Because this contains pretty much all nutrients and mineralswhich a canine organism needs.

Accordingly, the feces-eating should soon be a thing of the past.

The right dosage of healing clay for the dog

It is best to first discuss the correct dosage of and the duration of treatment with healing clay for your dog with your veterinarian.

In addition, the size of your dog a role when it comes to the healing earth dose. Here is a simple rule of thumb when it comes to internal use:

  • Small dogs get ½ – 1 tsp or 1-2 tablets
  • Medium dogs get 1 tsp or 2 tablets
  • Large dogs get 1-1½ tsp or 3 tablets
  • Very large dogs get 1 tbsp or 3-4 tablets

Good to know

There is healing earth in different degrees of grinding and for different applications. For example, if you choose the Luvos healing clay, you can get it in these forms:

  1. Luvo’s Healing Earth 2 externally
  2. Luvos Healing Earth stomach fine powder
  3. Luvos Healing Earth microfine capsules

How should I give healing clay to my dog?

There are different ways to give your dog healing clay. This also depends on whether internal or external use is recommended:

  • Mix in the feed
  • As poultices, wraps or compresses
  • Sprinkle on the feed (e.g. with Barf)
  • Mix with water and administer either pure or with feed

Mixed with water, you can also use healing earth as a paste on open wounds Instruct. The ingredients contained in the healing clay help to disinfect and heal the wound.

Which healing clay is suitable for my dog?

If you want to try healing clay for your dog, you can also use healing clay here, which are actually intended for humans is. Like the Luvo’s Healing Earthwhich you can find at Rossmann, among others.

In addition, there is also special healing earth for dogs, such as AniForte Heilmoor.

What experiences have dog owners had with healing earth?

Have you been thinking about supporting your dog’s health with healing earth for some time? Or is it even necessary to do this, for example with the help of an intestinal cleansing?

Then we will surely help you Experiences of other dog owners further. We have put some of these together for you here.

Here’s what dog owners can say about heartburn:

“I mix healing earth into the feed every now and then. (…) that dogs eat grass when they are sick or they may have acidosis. And you can then give healing earth with natural yoghurt or quark. (…) and it also got better.”

Many dog ​​owners also treat intestinal problems with healing earth, and with success:

«If Carlos has problems with diarrhea, he gets fine healing earth (one teaspoon) with some yoghurt. It has very good results. Even when he had a gastrointestinal infection, I built up the intestinal flora with healing clay and yoghurt.”


healing earth is an excellent remedy to bring your dog’s health back on track in the short term as well as to improve in the long term.

In fact, the «dirt» that started it all is a still underestimated “superfood”when it comes to the health of our four-legged friends.

But if you don’t want to resort to the chemical club right away – which should really only be used in an absolute emergency – you can Healing earth is more than just a good alternative be.

How about you and your dog? Have you ever administered healing earth? And if yes,…