Dripping dog nose | 9 Causes & Solution [2024] –

If your dog's nose suddenly runs, it usually indicates allergies or a cold. In rarer cases, nasal mites, irritants, inflammation, tooth abscesses, pneumonia or even nasal cancer can also be responsible.

A wet dog nose, on the other hand, is completely normal and healthy. The moisture allows the dog to absorb more smells from the environment.

To narrow down the causes, the following questions can help:

  • Is only one nostril dripping or both?
  • Does it occur after a specific event?
  • Is it all year round or only in certain seasons?
  • Are there any other pathological symptoms?

Dogs also use their noses to regulate their temperature. Heavy panting with a runny nose can therefore also indicate sweating. [1]

Below you will learn about the 9 most common causes and their symptoms.

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#1 Allergies

According to studies, up to 20% of all dogs struggle with allergies. In humans there are around twice as many. Typical triggers here are:

  • Skin flakes and hair
  • Grasses, shrubs and pollen
  • Dust mites and flea saliva
  • mold spores [2]

Here, a runny nose is simply a symptom of an allergic reaction. Other typical effects of this are:

  • Fast breathing rate
  • Diarrhea
  • Runny nose
  • Dog is breathing heavily
  • itching
  • Sudden vomiting
  • Strong cough [3]

Prevention is the best option here as there is no cure for allergies. To identify the allergens, an allergy test at the doctor can help.

Alternatively, it often helps to pay attention to exactly when allergic reactions occur. If the symptoms are severe, antihistamines can also bring about improvement.

In dogs with allergies, inhaling allergens often causes allergic reactions in the nose. Among other things, it can be recognized by the fact that they run their paws over their muzzle, their nose is constantly dripping, they breathe unusually or even suddenly vomit.

#2 Distemper

Distemper is one of the most dangerous viral diseases a dog can get. Fortunately, there has been a vaccine for this for around 40 years.

In Germany, distemper is part of the mandatory vaccinations. However, if the 3-year-old vaccination is forgotten or a puppy is vaccinated too late, this can still happen. [4]

In most cases, the virus is transmitted via saliva, blood or urine. A simple sneeze can be enough. Typical symptoms of this are:

  • Strong cough
  • Lack of motivation
  • Frequent sneezing
  • Sudden vomiting
  • Runny and dripping nose
  • Severe fever
  • Loss of appetite [5]

With early treatment, around 50% of infected dogs are expected to survive. However, in very young or already weakened dogs, the virus is often fatal.

If you suspect distemper, I recommend seeing the vet immediately. The sooner you act here, the better your chances are.

When dogs are infected with distemper, they usually have a cough and a constantly runny and drippy nose. It can also be recognized by chronic vomiting, listless behavior and severe fever.

#3 Irritants

In addition to allergies, other particles in the air can also irritate the inside of the nose. Since dogs primarily perceive their environment with their nose, this happens relatively often for them.

Cleaning agents, chemical substances and room fragrances are among the most common causes. Other typical triggers are:

  • Incense sticks
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Perfumes
  • Dust
  • Toxins [6]

If the dog inhales these substances too regularly or simply too much of them, it can irritate the nasal mucosa and stimulate the production of nasal mucus.

It can usually be recognized by a runny nose or even by sneezing and snorting. In severe cases, nosebleeds and breathing problems can also occur.

If your dog constantly rubs its snout at the same time, this could also indicate a foreign body in the nose. Blades of grass in particular are common here. [7]

If the dog inhales irritants through the nose, it can cause irritation to the inside of the nose. It can usually be recognized by the fact that the dog sneezes very frequently, the nose starts to runny or the dog rubs its snout with its paws.

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#4 Pneumonia

If viruses, bacteria or fungi get into the lungs and settle there, an infection can occur. Doctors also refer to this as “pneumonia”.

In most cases, the lower respiratory tract – the so-called “bronchi” – also becomes inflamed. Typical symptoms of pneumonia are:

  • Severe fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dog tires quickly
  • Drippy nose
  • Dog breathes loudly
  • Constant coughing
  • Irregular breathing
  • Lack of motivation [8]

Anti-inflammatory medications are usually recommended for treatment. If there are severe breathing problems, the dog must also be stationed partially.

Rest, little physical activity and drinking a lot of fluids are important for recovery. Bacterial pneumonia can also be transmitted to other dogs. [9]

Pneumonia can not only make breathing difficult in dogs, but can also manifest itself in a constantly runny and dripping nose. In most cases it can also be recognized by a cough, fever and general lethargy.

#5 Cold

A cold is the colloquial term for a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. It is usually transmitted through other sick dogs and animals.

Since a wide variety of viruses are circulating in Germany, the symptoms can vary depending on the virus. Typical examples are here:

  • Sudden cough
  • Labored breathing
  • Blocked or runny nose
  • Rattling in dogs
  • Mild fever
  • Dog nose drips
  • Loss of appetite
  • Watery eyes [10]

Vaccines already exist against many of the most dangerous viruses. For this reason, it is important to follow the recommended vaccination schedule.

This is especially true for puppies. Their immune system is not yet fully developed, which is why viruses can have a much stronger impact there.

With most common viruses, the dog regenerates itself. In individual cases it can also make sense to help with medication. [11]

Viral infections in the upper respiratory tract can affect both breathing and the immune system in dogs. You can usually tell when the dog gets a fever, starts to wheeze when breathing, has a runny nose and refuses to eat.

#6 Tooth abscess

An abscess is the medical term for a collection of pus. A tooth abscess is a buildup of pus around the root of a tooth.

If this occurs in the upper back molars, then the inflammation can also affect the nose. Because the roots run very close to the nasal canal.

In most cases it can be recognized by the unusual swelling on the snout. Other typical symptoms are:

  • One-sided chewing
  • Strong bad breath
  • Drippy nose
  • Refusal of food
  • Redness of the gums
  • Itching on the muzzle
  • Constant drooling
  • Touch sensitivity
  • Sudden whining [12]

A tooth abscess is very painful and leads to problems when the dog is no longer able to eat and drink properly because of the pain.

Although antibiotics can combat the symptoms, there is no way to cure the disease without surgery. In mild cases, a root canal is sufficient.

In severe cases, the tooth may need to be completely removed. The earlier the infection is treated, the fewer the consequences. [13]

Dogs with a tooth root abscess usually have a lot of pain and can no longer chew properly. If the infection occurs in the upper part of the teeth, it can also manifest itself in a runny nose, among other things. However, it is most likely to be recognized by swelling.

#7 Rhinitis and sinusitis

In order to narrow down the cause, doctors differentiate between different infections in the nose:

  • Rhinitis = inflammation of the nasal mucosa
  • Sinusitis = inflammation of the nasal sinuses

However, the symptoms are almost the same. According to statistics, greyhounds, border collies and Shetland sheepdogs are primarily said to struggle with this. [14]

Dogs with a flat face are also more commonly affected. It is usually triggered by allergies, fungi or bacteria. Typical symptoms here are:

  • Rattling breathing
  • Dog has bad breath
  • Runny and dripping nose
  • Dog breathes strangely
  • Touch sensitivity
  • Lack of appetite
  • Constant coughing [15]

The treatment depends on the cause. If allergies are responsible for the infection, then it is important to remove the allergens from the household.

An allergy test is usually carried out for this purpose. Anti-inflammatory medications can also help with bacteria and fungi.

If the nasal sinuses or nasal mucosa become inflamed in dogs, this can lead to, among other things, increased nasal mucus formation. In addition to a runny nose, coughing and unusual breathing are also common.

#8 Nasal mites

Nasal mites are among the most unpleasant but harmless parasites. These are parasites around 1 mm in size that can be seen with the naked eye.

As a rule, the white animals are transmitted when the dog comes into contact with infected dogs. They are rarely picked up from nature.

You can sometimes recognize them by small white dots at the entrance to the nasal canal. They also cause severe itching. Other symptoms of this are:

  • Physical restlessness
  • Dog sneezes constantly
  • Runny and dripping nose
  • Frequent snorting
  • Nosebleeds
  • Labored breathing
  • Constant shaking of the head [16]

Fortunately, nose mites are annoying but generally harmless. In rare cases, this can also cause the nose to become inflamed.

Since the mites can be transmitted to other dogs and pets, you should isolate your four-legged friend here. However, transmission to humans is not possible.

To make a diagnosis, the veterinarian usually looks inside the nose with an endoscope. In most cases, simple nose drops are sufficient for treatment. [17]

If the dog's nose is infected with mites, this can manifest itself in severe itching, constant sneezing and a runny nose. It is also noticeable that affected dogs often shake their heads and snort.

#9 Nose cancer

Cancer is the most common