Dreaming of shit, does it mean good luck?

dream about shit It can be something very unpleasant, but in the end its meaning can bring you many positive things. Why?

There are visions that are quite difficult for the human being to digest, such as dreaming of vomiting, to cite an example, and that are very revealing. In the case of excrement, it would have a meaning associated with the current life in which you would be, oddly enough, going through good times.

On other occasions, we have told you what it means to dream of firearms and some revelations that can be a bit unpleasant, especially if shit appears in the dream. But not everything is bad since this represents wealth and fortune.

Pay close attention to this article because you will be shocked:

What does it mean to dream of shit?

This dream really becomes an experience and it is something that you should not overlook because it has a great message. Shit dreams represent varied but positive situations that are considered to be a good omen.

Dream of touching poop

You should not be disgusted if you play shit in your dream, because this means that you will be very successful and have great economic abundance. In addition, it is a sign that everything will turn out as you are planning because good energies accompany you. That’s why keep chasing your dreams, because soon you will be able to see yourself with a lot of money.

Dream about human shit

If in your dream you see human shit, this means you hide important aspects of your life from people for fear that they will judge you or think something different about you. However, when you dream of this it also means that you are very close to opening up to others and thus feeling much lighter, happier and more rested.

Dream about dog shit

Dreaming of dog shit is a great omen, as it means that you will have great success in creating new personal or professional projects. This could be a sign for you to see this project with enthusiasm and love, since it is something viable that will end with great success.

Meaning of dreaming of shit on the body

nothing bad would come dream of bathing to receive the messages of honesty and positivity that this brings before the vision with excrement in your humanity. Be careful because this may mean that you are hiding several secrets and you are afraid of being found out. Remember that lies and deceit always turn into a snowball that is later very difficult to control.

What does it mean to dream of a lot of shit

It would be a premonitory dream since it would mean abundance and prosperity. It may be that money comes to you that you did not expect or you receive a payment that you already thought was lost, but in any case, your finances would smile after this vision.

poop in front of others

This means that you are going through a situation that is embarrassing you and you have the need to talk about this topic with someone but you do not dare yet. However, it is better that you do not remain silent in the face of these problems and let those uncomfortable moments advance so that they have a solution.

Have you had other types of dreams and want to interpret them? The meaning of dreams is within reach of a click on Vibra.