Dreaming of rain, will some sad moments accompany you?

dream of rain It can become alarming because many times we have the thought that the drops represent only nostalgia and sadness, but for your peace of mind, this is not always the case.

So that you do not speculate about what it means to dream of floods and do not believe that dreaming of a tsunami reveals that bad luck is going to hit you, we present the most common interpretations for dreams in which rain is present.

Blessed rain! That is the way to cleanse the soul and take away everything that we do not like. Dreams in which water is present through rain usually have different meanings that depend exclusively on the current situation you may be going through and how you feel in terms of love, family or work.

What does it mean to dream of rain?

This vision in dreams could be the representation of fertility, the opportunity to flow and move forward, renewing cycles without looking back. Sometimes it is also a sign that there are stuck feelings that want to flourish but you repress them even if you want to explode.

dream of heavy rain

Perhaps it is a revelation that indicates that some problems are coming into your life, such as work or financial difficulties. In other cases it would have to do with the fact that the adverse situations you have faced seem very hard but they would be temporary, since you will find solutions calmly and intelligently.

What does it mean to dream of rain and getting wet

This vision could be the clearest sign to tell you that although you have experienced moments of tension and stress today, good news will soon arrive that could make you feel freer. At the same time, you would have opportunities to change old toxic habits and cleanse yourself of negative feelings that you may have had with your partner or family.

Meaning of dreaming about rain at night

Just like in real life, the night hides things and becomes dangerous at times. This dream could mean that you should be alert to any situation because altercations and misunderstandings would come into your life. In other cases it would be the revelation of a streak of good luck in which, if you find yourself without a partner, you could find a sincere love.

visions with rays

Dreaming of rain and lightning would have to do with some difficulties that you are going through. It is a sign to show you that by relaxing and thinking well about the alternatives, you will be able to move forward. Just as the sun rises after the rain, the same thing happens in life and your mind wants to teach you that your courage is the only way to overcome any challenge.

Dream of rain inside the house

Its meaning is ambiguous because it could be synonymous that there are some traits within your personality that you want to keep to yourself and not make them known to other people, a reason that makes you feel sad and misunderstood. This would be the time to shout out to the world who you are and reveal your true feelings and thoughts.

What does it mean to dream of rain and mud

You may think that just as dreaming of mud means the closing of cycles that brought difficulties to your life, visions of bad water are the way your mind wants to show you that there is something inside you that torments you and restless too much. The truth is that your mind would like to show you that you did not act correctly some time ago, or you fought with a very close person and you sense that they could betray you.

rain and your partner

What does it mean to dream of rain and your partner? If you have asked yourself lately, you should know that it would be linked to desire and passion. In the event that you have felt some monotony in your relationship, this vision would show that you hide some desire for experimentation to get to know the person you love in other areas that you may not have known until now.

We show you everything about the meaning of dreams so that you learn to interpret them and not eat so many stories.

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