Dreaming of prison, you are prey to your own personality!

dream of jail it is more common than you think and even if you get scared believing that you would go to prison, we must give you part of the peace of mind because it is only a metaphorical image that your mind shows you.

Have you noticed that in moments when stress consumes you, these types of visions appear? Well, dreaming of firearms or being deprived of liberty can be terrifying, but in this case, your subconscious is using very powerful images to show you that you are prey to your own fears and that this is the moment to free yourself because you would be missing things in life that you will not recover later.

If you are wondering what it means to dream about fretting or you are interested in knowing all the details about what it means to see yourself in prison, then this article is made for you because we will tell you what you want to know about it:

What does it mean to dream of jail?

This is one of those visions that represents fatigue and boredom in the face of different circumstances that may be overwhelming you. It could be part of a feeling of suffocation and lack of freedom that has you trapped and is causing you not to think calmly and rush into making life decisions, which could mean that you have to assume future responsibilities because of some mistakes. For you to be calm, it does not mean that you necessarily go to jail for any of these failures.

Meaning of dreaming about prison

Take note of these dreams in which you see yourself deprived of liberty because they would bring great messages of life:

be behind bars

Dreaming of being in jail could be that your life in these times is a bit messy and you do not easily find the horizon to which you want to go. Seeing that you are confined is not an exact reflection that they are going to arrest you, but it would be a feeling that would lead you to evaluate how to get out of confinement and the gridded life in which you could be trapped in the workplace or as a couple and that, Of course, you would not like to experiment because you are a freedom-loving soul.

Dream of a son in jail

Just as you might think what does it mean to dream of pregnancy and having a child would show that your most positive and peaceful side would be emerging; but in this type of vision in which you see him behind bars, he would talk to you about the need to be in a social circle that gives you greater affection. Although it may be that your family and friends are unconditional, you may be requiring more of their support to overcome problems and obstacles that come your way.

What does it mean to dream of visiting a prison?

On many occasions, these types of revelations tend to be almost a slap in the face to wake up. Perhaps you do not feel free today and on the contrary, you see that your life is somewhat boring. This feeling of wasting time, of not being comfortable anywhere or of not achieving what you want would put you in a mental cell from which you have to get out by working hard on the mental part.

What does it mean to dream of someone in jail?

What does it mean to dream of jail and that someone is in prison? With this vision, your subconscious would be trying to tell you that it is time to let go of things, places and people that simply cannot be part of your life anymore because they would not allow you to evolve. Also, it is a dream that would reflect that you hold some grudges and that you do not know how to forgive. This would be the right time to leave behind prejudices and start looking for happiness in situations that you did not explore before.

jail and death

Well, what it means to dream that you kill someone can sound extreme and scary, especially if you end up in legal trouble. But dreaming of prison and death is good news because it would be the moment to move on, undertaking the life projects that you have proposed. Death here only represents the end of a cycle that is quite hard for you, but now you know your plans are very creative and unique, so the opinion of others does not matter, you just have to follow your instincts and look for the goals that please you.

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