Dreaming of a swimming pool, relax, surely you will not drown!

Sometimes, dream of a swimming pool It can become very disturbing because we do not find a logical answer and we tend to think that so much water collected could portend problems.

Dreams can play tricks on us and sometimes it is difficult to understand what our mind wants us to understand when it shows us some action. It is true that water is purifying and represents life, but does it have the same meaning in dreams?

If you want to know what it means to dream of a plane or you want to know if you are drowning in a glass of water when you see a pool while you sleep, here we tell you everything you need to know:

What does it mean to dream of a swimming pool?

In a good part of the cases, this revelation would have to do with the need to get to know you better and understand your feelings in depth. Also, it could be linked to the fact that for some time you have needed to cleanse your soul and leave behind negative energies or feelings for things or people that are no longer worth it.

Dream of swimming in a pool

It can refer to the fact that you currently feel in a state of positivism that would become a reflection of the inner well-being, calm and inner peace that you radiate in the circles in which you move. Sometimes, when you feel overwhelmed, it would be a sign to recognize yourself inside and visualize your growth on a personal, professional and loving level.

dream of dirty pool

This revelation could be associated with the concerns and fears that you may have at this moment. Perhaps you are experiencing moments of concern about debts or family situations that overwhelm you, but you must be calm and find ways to solve the inconveniences that afflict you.

Dream of an empty swimming pool

Perhaps you have been thinking about economic matters and want to make investments. In this dream, your mind wants to alert you to the risks you could be taking with your decisions and invites you to think twice before betting on a business. Also, it would be a sign that some relationship (friendship or love) is at a standstill and you would be afraid of losing a person in your life.

Dream of swimming pool with people

Your subconscious may be telling you that caution is your best ally now, because you would be making the wrong decisions and you would find yourself diverted from the things that are really important in life by chasing people or situations that may not be what you need at this time. moment.

Dream of drowning in a pool

Suddenly you don’t feel very well emotionally and stress or mental exhaustion consume you; your mind may be warning you to breathe and focus. This dream could be linked to the unnecessary importance that you could be giving to problems that are not so big, that is, you would be drowning in a glass of water! Take things slowly and reflect.

Are you interested in knowing everything about the meaning of dreams? In Vibra you can answer any question about these revelations with a single click.