Dreaming about wind – What number does it play? Lottery Luck


dreaming of wind, the general dream, plays the 17

Strong wind

dreaming of a strong, very intense wind, plays the twenty-one

weak wind

dreaming of a weak wind, with a light breeze, plays the 63

Cold wind

dreaming of a very cold, freezing wind, plays the 97

hot wind

dreaming of a hot wind, where we can feel the «embarrassment», plays the 40

windless place

dream that we are in an open place, where the wind does not blow, the 18

Wind pushes us

dreaming that we are pushed by the wind, plays the 88

Wind lifts something

dreaming that the wind lifts something from the ground, and raises it into the air, plays the 08

destructive wind

dreaming that the wind destroys things in its path, as in a tornado, plays the fifty

Dreaming about wind is associated with good things to happen. The type of wind that appears in our dream, the force with which it blows, will be an indication of the importance of this good thing that will happen to us. A strong, intense wind that pushes us is associated with important changes, very positive changes for our lives.

May you have very good luck!