Dreaming about school – What number does it play? Lottery Luck


dream about school, general dream, play the 91

To be in school

dream that we are at school, play the 54


dream about a schoolmate, play the game 86

school burns

dreaming that there is a fire at school, play the 93

Music school

dream of a music school, play the 69

Find something at school

dreaming that we are looking for something at school, play the 56

Robbery at school

dream that the school is robbed, play the 90

Locked in school

dreaming that we are locked in school, play the fifteen

Dreaming about school is mainly related to memories. The nature of the dream, our state of mind in the dream, is a reflection of the type of memory associated: positive or negative. If in the dream we are calm, happy, the dream was caused by a good memory. On the contrary, if in the dream we are being scolded, we are crying or something bad happens at school, it is a bad memory, a negative memory, that is causing the dream.

May you have very good luck!

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