Dreaming about numbers – What number do you play? Lottery Luck


dreaming about numbers, the general dream, play the 18

Write numbers

dream that we write numbers, as in a notebook, play the 05

Numbers on screen

dreaming that we see numbers on a screen, on a cell phone, play the game 02

Many numbers

dream of many numbers, with numbers in many places, play the 00

Cross out a number

dreaming that we erase, that we eliminate, that we cross out a number, play the 89

Dream about a specific number

If we dream about a specific number, and we remember it clearly, we must play that number backwards and forwards. For example, if we dream of the number twentywe must play the twenty and also him 02.

Dreaming about numbers, with many numbers, is related to reviews, analysis, and criticism. If we dream that we are close to the numbers, if we are writing or typing them, the dream tells us that we are increasingly criticizing ourselves, comparing ourselves with others, and in a somewhat unfair and excessive way.

On the contrary, if in the dream the numbers are far from us, out of our reach, this tells us that we are being very critical of other people. Reflectively, we can try to be more flexible, more «soft», with others, and with ourselves when judging and criticizing.

May you have very good luck!