Dreaming about killing someone and hiding the body: 7 spiritual meanings – – Spirituality Blog

Do you think your dream of killing someone and hiding the body or leaving it unburied represents some terrible things coming into your life? For most people, having this type of vision is quite alarming.

Generally, if you are a person with a good heart and intentions and do not wish to harm others, then such visions will surely make you sweat and bewilder. Obviously, taking someone’s life is the last thing you can consider. Even if you are extremely angry at someone, your anger does not reach a point where you can inflict pain on others or kill them.

People who are habitual with malevolent intentions rarely dream of killing someone.

Spiritual meaning of a dream about killing someone and hiding the body

Spiritually, Killing in your dream does not make you a classic murderer. Rather it symbolizes:

  • Your request to kill or get rid of a part of your own personality.
  • Your hospitality towards a particular person
  • A sign of offering or your need for power.
  • Your fight to escape of that influence probably exerted by the person you killed in your dream.
  • A solution to a problem killing a part of her
  • You have the problem of stress, bad temper and self-control.
  • You care too much about someone and are afraid of accidentally hurting them
  • Aggression or unspent anger. Sometimes you try so hard to contain your inner anger and frustrations towards someone or something in reality that your subconscious is releasing these emotions while you are asleep.

If you dream about killing someone and hiding the body, it actually means that you are strong enough to face your problems and will not be responsible for the consequences of your actions.


On the other hand, if you killed someone in your dream and left the body unburied or fled the crime scene. So it may suggest that you do not have the strength to face your problems. and you will be responsible for the consequences of your negative actions.

Killing someone in your dreams appeals to you because you have impulses strong enough that, if left unchecked by your waking mind, you could take actions that could lead to murder. Depending on the type of murder, It could indicate anger issues or long-standing hatred.

Even the people you kill in a dream, whether it’s someone you know or someone you don’t know, are a representation of a part of you. When you hate them or want to kill them, you are currently trying to kill an aspect of yourself that you don’t want to face.

Kill an unknown person and hide the body.

There can be two reasons for killing a stranger: either you are planning something big or you are a psychopath.

For example: You dream of killing someone and hiding the body. Now you might think that if the police somehow find the body, they will surely try to find the people who are linked to that person.

In that case, you might think that you should kill one or two people at random and hide them in the same place. That could change the motive for the murder. When the police can’t find any link between those three bodies, it will be more confusing for them. And you will have enough time to leave the place or change your identity.

On the other side of the floor, there are psychopaths. If a person kills someone and is not caught by the police. He or she grows interested in this matter.

Sooner or later, these types of people become serial killers. It is basically a psychological disorder known as antisocial personality disorder.

In this situation, the person does not agree to obey the law and social norms. Typically, that person has to have a long history of fights and arrests. Most of them are very skilled at lying. This disorder is generally found in men and especially among adolescents.

Kill your boss in your dreams

It is true that a certain percentage of employees have the desire to kill their bosses. In the world of service, every soldier knows how bosses dance on their heads, creating continuous work and mental pressure.

Some people can handle this and some can’t. And in most cases, those who cannot bear the torture leave their jobs and commit suicide. But very few people among them have the reverse chemical disorders in their minds.

Therefore, instead of leaving work or committing suicide, the desire to kill the bose grows to close the matter once and for all. Long standing. Sometimes this dream or desire grows by experiencing something very horrible.

For example: Two employees of the company are excellent friends and have worked together for many years. Now your new boss has been so arrogant and creates a lot of pressure on the employees. They both see that many of their co-workers have started to quit the company. But that doesn’t affect his boss, who starts recruiting new people and continues the torture.

One day, one of those two friends commits suicide due to excessive pressure at work. The other person just can’t stop him from crying.

But the incident has no effect on the boss, and he is acting like “So what”, nothing happened. In this situation, what comes to that other person’s mind is the desire to kill his boss and hide his body from the world.

kill a friend

When you dream of killing someone and hiding the body, it can be your friend. There can be many reasons behind that. Usually, your friend is that friend with whom you can share anything.

Sometimes you share that information about your life with your friend, which you can’t share with anyone else. Now, if that supposedly very good friend of yours betrays you, it leaves you no choice but to kill your friend. There may be several situations.

For example, your friend has done something fraudulent using your name and the police have started chasing you. You already knew they were going to arrest you for that reason.

During that situation, the anger that comes out of you can sometimes become violent. You may start to think you are going to jail without even doing anything.

In that case, let there be a crime under your name – kill that friend. There may be different situations like you find out about your wife’s extramarital relationship with your best friend, or somehow your friend has done permanent damage to your family.

Kill a family member

Family is always precious to everyone except those who have suffered abuse or loss in the past. It is always a dream for everyone to save their family by any means. We all go through different stages in life, and most of them are dramatic and difficult.

Not all the time danger comes to your family from the outside. Sometimes it can be your relative perhaps the close one who has something very bad for his family.

For example: one of your relatives is trying to take your property or all the money you have. And to do that, he or she leaves no stone unturned. Interestingly, you know everything but you can’t do anything because that person is your close relative.

Therefore, eventually you start keeping the anger inside you. But one day, it will explode, and then you will have a strong desire to kill that family member and hide the corpse from everyone.

Kill someone you don’t like

Killing someone you don’t like is not a sign of a normal person. They are above all the symptoms of psychopaths. Basically it is a psychological disorder. known as antisocial personality disorder. In this situation, the person does not agree to obey the law and social norms. Typically, that person has to have a long history of fights and arrests.

Most of them are very skilled at lying. This disorder is generally found in men and especially among adolescents. If you do not go through adequate psychological treatment, it will begin to increase. And you will start killing people just because you don’t like them.

Can dreaming about killing someone and hiding the body indicate sadness or bad luck?

Yeah! Of course! Killing someone can’t be a good thing. Initially, you will be relieved that you killed that person who had done the worst to you.

But after that, you have to think about hiding it from society. You will always live in fear of being caught by the police. Therefore, of course, it’s bad luck for you.

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