Dreaming about crying – What number does it play? Lottery Luck


dreaming about crying, the general dream, play the Four. Five

We cry

dream that we are crying, play the 64

someone cries

dreaming that another person cries, plays 82

child cries

dreaming of a child who cries, plays fifty

baby cries

dreaming of a baby who is crying, plays the 10

woman cries

dreaming of a woman who cries, plays 49

man cries

dreaming of a man who is crying, plays the 58

cry dead

dreaming of mourning a deceased person, play the 52

Dreaming about crying is associated with goodbyes. If in the dream we are crying, this tells us that, unconsciously, we are thinking about someone’s departure, about the lack that that someone, or that something, will have in our life. If in the dream another person cries, the dream means that they are saying goodbye to us, that we will be the ones who, in some way, are going to leave.

May you have very good luck!