Dreaming about a cross – What number does it play? Lottery Luck


dreaming of a cross, the general dream, plays the Four. Five

have a cross

dreaming of having a cross next to us, play the 17

Cross in church

dreaming of seeing a cross inside a church, play the 47

wooden cross

dreaming of a cross made of wood, play the 94

Iron Cross

dreaming of a cross made of iron, of metal, play the 06

Many crosses together

dreaming of several crosses together, in a group, play the 29


dreaming of a crucifix, play the 85

Dreaming about crosses is associated with acceptance. Having this dream tells us that we must accept the general situation that we are experiencing, no matter how strange and out of place it may seem to us. This acceptance does not mean that we should resign ourselves or stop fighting, no, not that, what it means is that we should not spend energy looking for a cause or motive, in assigning blame. Dreaming about a cross tells us that we must use our energy to move forward, it is not looking for answers that we will not obtain.

May you have very good luck!