Dragonfly meaning, it really can be surprising!

The dragonfly meaning It may be quite an enigma but its appearance makes it an insect associated with good fortune and happiness.

For hundreds of years, there has been the conception that dragonflies have accompanied the human being. For various cultures, dreaming of a hummingbird or appreciating flying insects can be represented as attracting good fortune, prosperity, and love. Also, within some social groups dragonflies are usually associated with messages from beyond or as emissaries of vibrations from the universe.

If you want to know the funny and curious whatsapp emoji meaning or you are interested in understanding how dragonflies could bring different messages, then this article will tell you things you didn’t know about it:

Spiritual meaning of the dragonfly

Thanks to its ability to fly, adapt to different habitats and even because of its color and brightness, it is usually given a positive meaning in various cultures around the world. To level spiritual, it would symbolize the change in the aspect of achieving self-realization on a personal and professional level. Other connotations within people is that it would be synonymous with mental and emotional maturity, raising the spirit to a higher level and in some other cases, to a deep understanding of the meaning of existence.

if it’s blue

In cultures of Mesoamerica and North America, the meaning of the blue dragonfly is usually the manifestation of the souls of the deceased. In other words, the wings of these blue insects could be considered as the mechanism used by beings from other planes to communicate. Also, it can be interpreted as a message of prosperity and good fortune in love, business and personal growth.

Dragonfly meaning in love

There are those who say that dragonflies often convey feelings and emotions. From this point of view, what the word love means could be related to dragonflies, since they are seen as emissaries of joy and happiness that come down from heaven to spread love. In some Aztec writings, it is interpreted that the person who finds a dragonfly would be receiving the message that they should experience their emotions inwardly and show their truest colors, that is, let out their most festive and loving side to spread good feelings. .

Meaning of dragonfly appearance in the house

For the Chinese tradition of feng shui, having dragonflies at home or receiving their spontaneous visit would represent the harmony and good energy of your refuge. This little animal could be the ratification of your positive vibrations that would result in the attraction of good luck. These good streaks would be presented in aspects such as work. It is also common for these insects to visit a business, indicating prosperity and peace, two characteristics that define success.

And on a necklace?

The dragonfly necklace has a special meaning. For the Chinese culture, also having pendants, paintings or mobiles with the figures and colors of dragonflies would come to mean abundance and purification of the space in which they are found. These insect replicas would also serve to attract a visit from a loved one.

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