The dragon in Feng Shui It has a very important meaning. As we know, in this philosophy there are two types of energy: Yin energy and yang energy; one with a positive charge and a negative load. This is in simple terms because, in reality, energy is cataloged in more complex issues than only positive or negative, since it contains vibrations that go from light to the shadow with all intermediate nuances.
However, speaking of yang energy, In Feng Shui, the dragon is a symbol and bearer of this energyan energy of light, prosperity, fortune and protection. Not for nothing, in all stories, Chinese legends and myths there is a dragon as a symbol of strength, tenacity, abundance and magic, not without the risk that always implies great power like good luck.
The dragon has always been present in Feng Shui and in the Chinese / Pexels
Thanks to the support and protection that dragons symbolize for the Philosophy of Feng Shui, they are even present in small amulets of metal, wood or paper, and on each Chinese holiday they are shown as the main element of the celebration. On the other hand, Feng Shui has the belief that the dragon is one of the four guardians of heaven, bearer of magic, power and wisdom, hence Feng Shui recommends that in each New Year celebration we keep in mind to the dragonor failing, let's have a dragon amulet for protection of our home.
With an amulet at home, according to Feng Shuiwe have a harmonious space, with an abundant flow of energy, protected and with a source of wisdom that helps us make decisions already visualize our dreams and projects; Not to mention the protection and fortune that provides its presence. You have to remember that The dragon is a guardian of the divinea protector and watch over the sacred and our home is precisely that, a sacred sanctuary in which we finally rest and replenish ourselves from the energy burden that involves coexistence and daily experience. A home protected by a dragon, according to Feng Shui, It is a protected space, sacred and full of good luck.