dowsing method to search for water find groundwater with a rod

Dowser’s Rod We have recently been asked about the dowser’s rod and what its true use is. It is important to note that the dowsing rod is closely related to a divination technique called hydroesthesia (not to be confused with dowsing).

Next, let’s see, more about the dowsing rod (how to find groundwater with a dowsing rod)


General features

As we mentioned in the first paragraph, the dowsing method for finding groundwater is also known as hydroesthesia. The method is not considered scientific, but rather something artisanal, but one that has made life easier for farmers around the planet for thousands of years.

The Irish explorer Thomas Joseph Hutchinson, in his book «Two Years in Peru», published in 1873 in England, mentioned it In this sense, it provided records of Peruvian archaeological documents dating back to at least 9,000 BC, which show evidence of the use of hydroaesthetics in Latin America, to search for water in the subsoil, already at that time. In Egypt, in 1949, cave paintings were discovered in the Tassili caves, indicating the same use of the technique on the African continent more than 8 thousand years ago.

More recently in time, between October 1925 and February 1930, Major CA Pogson was the official water dowser for the Government of India. He traveled thousands of kilometers using the zahori method to search for water and thus make wells and perforations. During these years he was consulted on any matter related to groundwater.

Let’s see, next, how to find groundwater with a dowsing rod and its difference with dowsing.


How does it differ from dowsing?

The dowsing method of finding water uses a forked branch from a tree, bent pieces of metal or plastic wire, or a small pendulum while dowsing, in addition to using any of these tools, can also not use any pointing device but a map.

Another difference is that dowsing can not only try to discover inanimate objects but also animated ones, such as a missing person, and is also used in the detection of diseases and the prescription of their treatment.

Like the zahori method and the dowsing, There is also the phenomenon of teleradiesthesia or superpendulism. It is a phenomenon in which the sensitive person does not go to the actual place of the sought object, but is presented with a map of the place.


How is it done?

As in the past, the instrument used for this purpose is a dowsing rod, a forked hazel branch, grown in spring and cut in mid-summer on the right day and precise planetary moment. It can be used to search for metallic ores and terrestrial radiation.

It is recommended to search for water to use a dowsing rod willow, as this tree is closely linked to water, but if there is no willow nearby, hazel can be used.

You have to approach the hazel or willow from behind with a new knife baptized in holy water. Preferably the night before the shortest night of the year (June 21), around midnight. The selected branch is pushed forward between the legs with the left hand, which will be wrapped in white cloth, the tree is asked for permission and the branch is cut.

The dowsing rod it is used always by the same person, solemnly and silently, and by no one else. A sign is placed at the two ends of the fork to tell which is held in the right hand and which in the left. For the wand becomes accustomed to being used by its possessor and adapts the course of its molecules so that the dowser’s personal current passes through it with as few disturbances as possible.

The hazel is an ancient holy tree, very favorably inclined towards man. Eating hazelnuts increases blood pressure and dilates blood vessels. In ancient times, the homes of wise women were often surrounded by hazelnut trees.


How to apply the zahori method

In order to perform this method of searching for water, it is necessary to hold both ends of the dowsing rod in your hands and walk forward, at a certain moment the third end of the rod will twist downwards: that is where you will find what you are looking for.

The number of times it tilts indicates how many meters it is below the surface. Beforehand, you have to adapt the rod to what you are looking for with your mental strength. If it’s water, you’ll need to hold the wand gently.


A well known case

For 23 years, farmer Maria do Socorro Teodoro, 57, has been known for having good energy to mark wells. She lives in the village of Aroeira, a rural area in the municipality of Betânia, in the Sertão do Moxotó, Brazil, and guarantees that she has never failed. She uses as dowsing rod a fork in the form of a «Y» of a tree, runs through some land that contains water resources, in order to indicate the exact place to drill an artesian well.

For farmer Socorro Teodoro, the use of this dowsing rod It’s enough. When he reaches a field, where he intends to mark the drilling of an artesian well, she takes off her shoes, walks and watches the movement of the pitchfork. As Socorro walks, the dowsing rod it rotates 180 degrees, pointing to the ground and indicating where there are seams of water to drill.

The first time Socorro marked a well was in 1998, in a field that still belongs to his family. At the time, she was dug without the help of drilling machines, technically more suitable for drilling wells. It was with the help of people from her family that, with few tools, digging 10 meters deep. Socorro found a vein of water with a flow of more than 5 thousand liters per hour.

The water from the well is used to this day for the cultivation of pastures and some types of vegetables planted on the property. In total, Socorro Teodoro has already marked more than 60 wells. According to her, they all gave water. Some, marked and drilled in neighboring towns, reached a flow of more than 7 thousand liters.

If you want to know more about the dowsing rod and this method of finding water, you can ask your question in the comments section at the bottom of the page.


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