The days are getting shorter and it gets dark earlier. If you want to walk your dog in the approaching darkness, you should make your four-legged friend visible. Reflective collars, harnesses and leashes are very helpful and help to avoid accidents with cyclists, for example. Reflective vests are more suitable for long-haired dogs; in contrast to luminous collars or harnesses with integrated reflective strips, they cannot be covered by long fur. It’s always worth thinking about your own clothes when getting dressed for a walk in the early morning or evening – the dog owners must also be visible!
Especially senior dogs and dogs with little undercoat suffer from the cold and damp. It pulls into the joints and spoils some fun on autumnal walks. Appropriate clothing against the cool temperatures is recommended here. Well-fitting clothing does not hinder the animal’s movements and keeps it warm.
The length of the walks depends on the dog. For some old four-legged friends, several short forays through the autumn forest are better than one long one. During the excursion, the dog should always keep moving and not sit down or even lie down.
ticks are still active at 7° Celsius. Dogs that stay in typical tick areas such as forest, water bodies and meadows must be protected against the small bloodsuckers. Tick preventatives do a good job. If you don’t want to put them on your animal, you have to examine it thoroughly after every walk and remove any parasites that are present. Find out more in our guide to ticks.
Not to be underestimated is the harmful effect of the so-called autumn grass mites on the dog. The larvae of the small pests attack dogs, bite into their skin and suck their blood. This leads to severe itching caused by the allergy; the dog is constantly scratching and licking areas that are commonly affected, such as the paws, nose, ears, and abdomen. This can result in wounds (due to the constant biting and licking), skin irritation and inflammation. As a preventative measure, dog owners should avoid the common places where autumn grass mites are kept. These include meadows, fields, forest edges, gardens as well as damp and sunny places. However, if you don’t feel like just walking the streets during the autumn grass mite season, you should ask your veterinarian about effective and gentle preventive measures. You can read more in our guide to harvest mites.
Mushrooms thrive in the moist autumn soil. Eating mushrooms can be life-threatening for our four-legged friends. To be on the safe side, dogs must not eat any mushrooms at all; not even those fit for human consumption. Be careful when playing with sticks. If the thrown stick lands on the forest floor or on a pile of leaves, the dog can unintentionally pick up a fungus.