If a four-legged friend Shortness of breath gets and at the same time Choking noises then it is very unpleasant to watch. In many cases the phenomenon is short-lived and the animal recovers quickly. But there are also reasons that are more serious and/or lead to the dog repeatedly having problems.
To decide what to do, you need to know where the symptoms are coming from. That's why you'll find it below the 9 most common causes causes dogs to wheeze and gag at the same time. I will also give you 4 strategies that can help if your four-legged friend feels uncomfortable in this way.
9 reasons for a dog to wheeze and gag at the same time
1. bronchitis
At a bronchitis the lower and often upper airways in the bronchi area are inflamed. It is usually caused by one viral infection, but there is also Allergies, parasites, fungal infestation or foreign body, that can cause the disease.
In severe cases, the animal has problems taking in air, and at the same time the mucous membranes form mucus to protect the respiratory tract. The result: The dog wheezes and chokes up mucus.
Bronchitis can both acute and chronic appear. Symptoms that last longer than two months are considered to be chronic. The risk of permanent damage to the lungs and respiratory tract is then very high.
2. Tracheal collapse
In the case of a tracheal collapse The quadruped's trachea narrows. As a result, the cartilage mass is destroyed and it becomes increasingly difficult for the dog to breathe. Typical symptoms are rattling and choking, often in conjunction with increasingly severe coughing.
Tracheal collapse occurs in most cases genetically determined. Small breeds with short snouts are particularly affected.
There are also some factors that promote the disease, for example: Lung and cardiovascular problems, allergies or Overweight. Also injuries, for example due to a collar that is too tight Leash pulling can result in tracheal collapse.
The blessing in disguise is a collapse slowly and gradually occurs so that you are not surprised by a life-threatening situation. With an early visit to the vet, the chances of treatment are good.
3. Laryngeal paralysis
At a Laryngeal paralysis On the other hand, the larynx muscles slowly relax. Here too, genetic causes are suspected, but these are different from tracheal collapse larger breeds affected.
Without a functioning larynx, the Breathing very difficult. The result is rattling, and the associated difficulty swallowing often leads to unproductive gagging without sputum.
A typical feature of laryngeal paralysis is a sudden hoarseness in the dog. If your four-legged friend suddenly barks differently than usual, you should definitely consider this illness.
4. Dog has Foreign body swallowed
Practically every four-legged friend takes one at least once in their life Foreign body on. These can be, for example, small balls, textile fibers or even stones and leftover toys.
In many cases, these troublemakers are automatically eliminated. But if the dog is unlucky or the foreign body is too large or poorly shaped, it can also get stuck in the body.
If this happens in the respiratory area, the dog reacts with two reflexes: on the one hand, it tries to get enough air despite all resistance, and on the other hand, it tries to get the foreign body out of the body under all circumstances. He wheezes as if he had something in his throat and is therefore choking at the same time.
5. Allergies & Intolerances
Also allergic reactions can affect the respiratory tract and irritate the gastrointestinal tract at the same time. This is because the actually harmless allergen mistakenly causes the immune system to overreact.
The airways are then blocked Mucous membranes swell. The dog can no longer breathe and begins to wheeze. At the same time, the body tries to remove the disruptive factor, which often causes a gag reflex.
Allergies can be caused by virtually any substance, including food. If the reaction is not innate but has been acquired over time, it is called a reaction intolerance – but the symptoms are very similar.
6. Respiratory infections
Respiratory infections are mostly from Bacteria or viruses caused. In some cases, they can also be caused by allergies or foreign bodies.
Bronchitis does not always occur straight away. Nevertheless, the respiratory tract can be so affected that the dog has problems swallowing and breathing. The body often reacts to the former with a gag reflex, while the blocked airways cause the dog to wheeze – especially if the snout is blocked.
Respiratory infections are often spread from dog to dog. Sneezing and coughing are also typical symptoms. Especially the so-called one “Kennel cough” is highly contagious.
7. “Dog Asthma”
It is also known in dogs Symptoms of asthma. This is not an independent disease; instead, it is usually symptoms of two clinical pictures described:
- On the one hand, recurring ones occur allergic reactions called “asthma attacks”. This is usually because the allergen is not known, so the dog is repeatedly exposed to it.
- Secondly, you also speak at one chronic bronchitis of “canine asthma”. If the condition lasts longer, many owners can no longer make a connection between the underlying disease and the symptom.
In both cases, the airways become so constricted that the four-legged friend can no longer breathe. Rattling can actually always be observed, but occasionally there are also choking noises.
8. Parasitic infestation
Virtually every dog suffers from this at least once in their life Parasitic infestation. Microorganisms such as worms or giardia enter the body unnoticed; a sniff is often enough.
Our four-legged friends still get along well with small parasite populations. If the pests multiply uncontrollably, it quickly becomes noticeable. They then often affect not only the intestinal tract, but the entire body.
The result: In addition to digestive problems, shortness of breath sometimes occurs, especially if your darling falls victim to treacherous species like this Lungworm has become. Then the animals wheeze and feel sick, which is why they make gagging noises or vomit.
What to do if you have parasites?
If your dog is infected with parasites, you definitely have to do something – also to prevent other animals or even people from becoming infected.
You can find out more about this in our article on “Deworming dogs”.
9. Symptoms of poisoning
But be careful: A simultaneous rattling and choking can also be a sign of a poisoning be!
Unfortunately, there are a lot of toxins that can be fatal to dogs: The four-legged friends react very violently to supposedly harmless foods such as chocolate or grapes, and poison bait such as rat poison or insect bites can also be life-threatening.
Often the dog is literally starved of air, which explains the rattling sound. The body also recognizes that something is wrong. This often results in nausea. Has the poison already been digested – for example as more time-delayed Poison bait or common with nerve agents – the reaction is often limited to a pronounced gag reflex.
Everything about “poisoning”
Since it is one acute emergency If you have a problem that needs to be treated immediately, you should know exactly what to do. I therefore strongly recommend our detailed article on the subject of “Poisoning in dogs”.
Dog wheezes and chokes: You can do these things
If your dog wheezes and chokes at the same time, there is not always a danger to life. Nevertheless, the problem means suffering on all sides: the four-legged friend doesn't feel well, and it's not pleasant for you as a dog owner to see your pet like that.
Therefore it is advisable as early as possible to do everything possible to ensure that this situation does not repeat itself over and over again. Due to the cause, veterinary measures or gentle solutions are usually necessary – home remedies, which are often sold among dog owners, unfortunately usually cannot help.
Instead, above all, the following 4 tips promising.
1. In an emergency, go immediately vet
In general: If you suspect an emergency or other suspicious symptoms occur, you must go to the vet immediately! Some causes include poisoning or a foreign body blocking breathing life-threatening and must be treated immediately, even on weekends or at night.
Otherwise, it is always advisable to seek expert advice if the problem over a longer period of time consists:
- Prompt medical treatment of bronchitis, for example, prevents a chronic illness that is then often no longer recognized as such
- Laryngeal paralysis or tracheal collapse can only be treated with surgery
- Allergies can often at least be alleviated with antihistamines
- If there is a severe infestation of parasites, only a worm treatment tailored to the parasites actually helps.
Separate dogs from other dogs
If your four-legged friend lives with other pets or other pets, you should keep him away from them as a precaution separate, as soon as symptoms appear. Many viral diseases are highly contagious, This way you minimize the risk of an epidemic in your home.
2. Avoid allergens
If the dog develops breathing problems and gag reflexes due to environmental influences or chemical substances, the following applies Avoid allergens as much as possible.
During the pollen season, for example, you might not want to go for too many walks in the countryside; avoiding chemical cleaners in the house (e.g. in favor of vinegar preparations) and of course cigarette smoke has also been successful in some cases.
If the problems persist, it will help the dog a lot if you additional help from the vet are looking for.
3. The dog Allow yourself to rest
You can still do that Under no circumstances should you overload your dog when he makes rattling noises and shows signs of gagging.
Too much exercise only makes the problem worse: the animal gets even less air and, in the worst case, it could even threaten to collapse.
For many reasons it is also necessary that the dog cure properly otherwise, for example, a spread of influenza could follow.
4. Adjustment of the feed
In the event that a food allergy or intolerance is the cause of breathing problems with gagging, there is actually only one thing that can help Feed change.
Many dog owners then try to…