Even if our dogs actually have a robust nature, the following can definitely happen: Der Dog vomits food and eats it again. Yes, you heard right.
It’s not just about retching. The vomit is almost immediately “inhaled” again.
What is it all about and what should you pay attention to? Find out in our guide.
My dog is vomiting food and eating it again – why is he doing this?
To understand why our furry friends use these «unusual» habit have, you need to know the following: vomit is considered a food source.
And not only vomit can be on the menu. Also feces is one of the things that some dogs actually eat. But why is that and above all: Is that still healthy?!
The dog says yes. Because even here you can still nutrient hide that the canine organism may need.
So dogs eat their vomit because they want to provide themselves with food and important nutrients.
There’s another reason. Vomit contains the smell of the respective dog. If it is now eaten again by the dog, can possible predators no longer track him.
Should I let my dog eat his vomit?
There are several answers to this question. First of all: What kind is the vomit? Is it, for example, the result of poisoningthe dog should never eat the food again.
Then Vomit serves the purpose of transporting the poison out of the body. Instead, you should collect it and then hurry to the vet with the dog and vomit.
On the other hand, if your dog is a small vacuum cleaner, there is another reason behind the vomiting. He has eaten too fastthe stomach immediately catapulted the food back up.
In this case there is no health risk, when your dog re-eats the food that has not yet been digested. After all, it hasn’t had enough time to even begin to be digested.
Causes of vomiting after eating
There can be a variety of reasons behind vomiting, such as the following.
Eating too fast
We have already mentioned this point to you. Perhaps you have a fur nose yourself that regularly attacks its food. things like chew and enjoy are these a foreign word.
In other words, the feed migrates sort of in its original state in the stomach. And he, in turn, is overwhelmed by it. The result: the dog vomits the food as soon as it has eaten it.
We should never consider the interconnected factors stress and nervousness disregard. It is not for nothing that it is said that these hit the stomach. The consequence: Food/feed can be vomited.
What is true for us humans is also true for some dogs. If something is hit on the dog’s stomach, it cannot cope with the food intake.
Not only nervousness can send the stomach on a roller coaster ride. Also Fear is a factor that can trigger nausea in dogs.
feed intolerance
Dog stomachs are sensitive. That means nothing other than that some Food not digested well can become. A “classic” here is grain. Vomiting can result.
Also fruit and vegetables can also lead to vomiting – especially if some substances are even slightly toxic to the dog.
This reason is arguably the one where every second really counts. poisoning can cause vomiting. As mentioned, the body tries to excrete this life-threatening substance.
If you suspect that this is the reason for the vomiting, go straight to the vet.
Already mentioned, but not to be said often enough: take one sample of vomit with. Ideally, you also know what caused the poisoning.
spot on
As a dog owner, you may have already become acquainted with a so-called spot-on. It refers to little chemistry clubsdesigned to protect dogs from parasites.
You can have side effects. This includes, among other things, that dogs can vomit after application.
Dog vomits undigested food after hours – why?
Food that has found its way into the dog’s stomach is broken down there by gastric acid into a paste. This is part of the digestive process.
In the course of this process, substances are released that the dog does not like. Then it may happen that the lining only after a few hours comes back up.
What Soothes Dog’s Stomach After Vomiting?
It is very important that your dog after vomiting drinks enough. Otherwise it can quickly become dehydrated. It can also be useful to have a fasting day to insert
Dogs that vomit and then eat the vomit are not uncommon. It is important to find out the cause of the vomiting and act accordingly.
Especially if a serious cause is suspected. Have you already had experience with your dog eating his vomit again? Then share them with us in the comments.