Probably every dog owner knows that the ideal weight of the fur nose has a positive effect on their health and life expectancy.
Being overweight, on the other hand, tends to be counterproductive – just like being underweight.
What to do if your dog too skinny is? The following guide will tell you which home remedies can help and when you should go to the vet.
Dog too thin – 9 home remedies that help
Is your dog too skinny? Then the home remedies can Oatmeal, potatoes, cottage cheese, powdered beef fat, and even baby food, as well as rest help.
Flavor enhancers, warming up the food and hand-feeding can also help as home remedies if your dog is too thin.
How exactly do they do this and how do you use them correctly on your dog? You will find out now.
Oatmeal – especially in the form of gruel for dogs – is a real miracle home remedy if your dog is too thin.
Oats are rich in vitamins and minerals. It also contains important trace elements and roughage, which have a positive effect on dog health.
For the oatmeal, you simply let a handful of tender oatmeal swell in water overnight, boil it up the next day and then mix it with the feed.
You can also spice it up with carrots or turkey so that your dog likes the oatmeal.
Your dog should only find boiled potatoes in the food bowl, because raw potatoes are also harmful to our furry friends.
Potatoes are high in calories – and this can help your overweight dog regain some weight after a few days.
cottage cheese
Cottage cheese as a home remedy if your dog is too skinny? Definitely, because this cheese has a positive effect on the digestion of the fur nose.
Why this can help to gain weight? Because underweight can also be the result of diarrhea in some cases.
Cottage cheese is valued here as a home remedy. And once the diarrhea is gone, the dog can ideally gain weight again.
beef fat powder
Beef fat powder is considered an insider tip among home remedies if a dog is too thin. According to the name, it contains a particularly high proportion of fat.
And fat is an important part of the diet in order to gain weight. In addition, beef fat powder is often enriched with glucose.
This in turn provides your dog with an energy boost that stimulates the appetite.
Good to know
Please note that beef fat powder is only a short-term solution. If fed for a longer period of time, the fat contained is stored and leads to health problems.
baby food
Baby food can be another home remedy to help a dog gain weight.
It’s usually packed with healthy ingredients that can have a positive impact on dog weight.
Of course, baby food should not be an integral part of the dog’s diet, but it can be mixed with the food for a few days.
hand feeding
Well, that may not be the last word, but fussy dogs in particular can be encouraged to eat a little more with this simple trick.
Hand feeding also has the advantage that you strengthen the bond with your fur nose and you both have a new routine.
Please try not to get your dog to eat with treats here. This can quickly result in him not touching his normal food at all.
warm up the lining
Warming up the food is another home remedy that will help if your dog is too thin.
Why it is like that? The warmth enhances the flavors of the feed. Not only does it taste better, it also smells tastier.
And if something smells and tastes delicious, people prefer to eat it in most cases.
flavor enhancer
Of course, flavor enhancers only mean natural products that are free of artificial additives.
Especially dogs that complain can be outwitted and encouraged to eat a little more.
Salmon oil, brewer’s yeast and chicken or beef broth are suitable here. Simply mixed into the food, these home remedies can help if your dog is too thin.
Stress can be a reason why a dog eats less and becomes thin over time. Accordingly, rest is a home remedy if the dog is too thin.
Can your furry friend eat its food in a quiet place without being disturbed by domestic traffic? Then, ideally, it will soon gain weight.
Home remedies don’t help – what else can I do if my dog is too thin?
The household remedies mentioned do not help at all with your dog who is too thin?
Then there is a small one pharmaceutical trick to stimulate your four-legged friend’s appetite – mirtazapine.
This is a drug from human medicine, which is actually an antidepressant.
It also stimulates the appetite of dogs and cats, but should never be given without the vet’s approval.
It is also important here that your dog does not accidentally overdose, otherwise he will be quite high for a few days.
When should I go to the vet?
And since you will only get this medicine from your vet anyway, you can also go there with your fur nose.
you should do that if nothing has changed in his weight Especially when he eats more.
Because underweight can be the result of a serious illness and leads to a nutrient deficiency in the long term, which is also not to be taken lightly.
Is your dog too skinny or was it? what helped We’d love for you to share your experience and other helpful tips and tricks with us in the comments!