Dog squeaks and is restless

When dogs whine and are restless, it is usually a sign of unmet longings or existing pain. Under certain circumstances, it can also indicate poisoning, negative emotions, arthritis, a lack of exercise or even stomach pain.

There is usually only cause for concern if the dog's daily needs are met and he still appears upset.

Below you will learn about the 7 most common causes, how to recognize them and what to do in specific cases.

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#1 Unsatisfied desires

Dogs use both their behavior and verbal sounds to communicate. The following desires could be the trigger for the strange behavior:

In addition to daily exercise, a good portion of attention is also part of the dog's daily needs. If this is missing, he will show you this loudly. [1]

In particular, greedy breeds such as Labradors are very impatient when eating. If the daily portion was too small, then you can be prepared for something.

Young dogs in particular can only hold their urine for a very short time. However, if the bladder presses very hard, four-legged friends tend to whine and become restless.

Unneutered male dogs have an almost constant high sex drive, while female dogs only come into heat twice a year. Here they like to patrol around the windows.

If dogs do not get enough sleep due to a loud environment or constant distraction, then stress hormones cause increasingly nervous behavior. [2]

When dogs don't get enough attention, sleep or food, they often express this through whining and physical restlessness. Sex drive or a strong urge to defecate can also be responsible for this behavior.

#2 Stomach pain

The entire digestive system of dogs is still very primitive. This is primarily because the four-legged friends only became more and more omnivorous when they were tamed.

In dogs, even small things are enough to overwhelm the stomach and intestines or cause abdominal pain. Typical causes of this are:

  • Dog eats grass
  • Food intolerances
  • Mold in the food
  • Human food leftovers
  • Spoiled food
  • Food allergies [3]

In the vast majority of cases, stomach pain can be recognized by the dog refusing food, constantly whining and becoming increasingly restless. Other typical symptoms are:

  • Severe flatulence
  • Dog licks his lips
  • Gagging and vomiting
  • Lethargic behavior
  • Diarrhea
  • Loud stomach noises
  • Sudden drooling [4]

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Dogs with existing stomach pain often begin to whine and whine. Among other things, abdominal pain can also be recognized by drooling, loud stomach noises, and constant licking of the lips. Fasting usually helps with treatment here.

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#3 Lack of utilization

In the past, dogs were primarily used for hunting and herding. So it's no wonder that most breeds have an enormous amount of energy every day.

The problem? With our current lifestyle in big cities and without a big yard, many people cannot let out their daily energy. Typical signs here are:

  • Chewing on shoes or furniture
  • Dig inside the apartment
  • Constant whining and whining
  • Dog destroys his own basket
  • Nervous or restless behavior [5]

Here the unusual behavior is simply an expression of frustration, excess energy and boredom. The solution is therefore to exercise the dog more:

  • Get new toys regularly
  • Organize playdates with other dogs
  • Get an indoor and outdoor ball throwing machine
  • Adjust the size of the apartment to the size of your dog
  • Take your dog jogging

It is important that you support your dog not only physically, but also mentally. And the more busy he gets, the calmer he will be in the future.

When dogs have too much energy during the day and no way to get rid of it, they often start whining. Destroying objects, suddenly running around and generally very restless behavior are also common here.

#4 Poisoning

Suspected poisoning is one of the three most common reasons why dog ​​owners go to the vet. However, poison bait is only the cause in exceptional cases.

Rather, the ignorance of many first-time owners leads to poisoning. Because they are often not aware that even normal foods can be toxic to dogs. This includes:

  • Grapes and raisins
  • All products with cocoa
  • Alcohol and hops
  • Sugar alcohol “Xylitol”
  • Some types of nuts
  • Avocado and avocado oil [6]

In addition, dogs' curiosity often leads to them accidentally swallowing medicines, poisonous plants and cleaning products. Typical symptoms of poisoning are:

  • Frequent vomiting
  • Dog starts whining
  • Sudden tremors
  • Increasing breathing problems
  • Restless behavior
  • Diarrhea [7]

Since the kidneys and liver are responsible for processing toxins, this can lead to permanent organ damage. It is important to take action immediately.

For treatment, it is also essential to know what caused the poisoning. Veterinarians often first try to make the dog vomit with medication.

If dogs have swallowed toxic food or other things, symptoms of poisoning can occur. Whining and physical restlessness are just one of many typical signs. Tremors and breathing problems are also common here.

#5 Anxiety & Stress

In stressful situations or when dogs feel threatened, the body releases stress hormones. Adrenaline and cortisol are among the most well-known here.

However, in young dogs or four-legged friends with low self-confidence or existing trauma, even everyday situations can lead to this. Typical triggers are:

  • Noise and sounds over 85 decibels
  • Lack of socialization at a young age
  • Loneliness and separation anxiety
  • Increasing dementia in old dogs
  • Severe storms with thunder [8]

Sensitive four-legged friends such as lap dogs in particular often struggle with fear. It can usually be recognized by physical restlessness. Other typical symptoms are:

The solution? Identify the trigger and eliminate it. Alternatively, you could proactively get your four-legged friend used to it. However, you should proceed step by step here.

If you have severe anxiety disorders or existing trauma, calming supplements or even medication can also be useful. But that's more like Plan Z.

Severe anxiety or chronic stress conditions can manifest themselves in the dog's behavior. Among other things, it can be recognized by the fact that affected dogs become increasingly restless, begin to tremble and whine. Here it is important to avoid the trigger.

#6 Arthritis

The term arthritis comes from Greek and means “joint inflammation”. Essentially, this disease progressively destroys the cartilage in the joints.

Although the risk increases with age, statistics show that 20% of all dogs over the age of one suffer from arthritis. [10] Typical symptoms are:

  • Aversion to jumping
  • Beeping when moving
  • Licking and gnawing at the joints
  • Groaning when getting up
  • Unusual irritability
  • Sudden limping [11]

Affected dogs often appear restless. This is usually because they cannot find a sleeping position that seems comfortable or they are always in pain.

The cause of arthritis is still unclear. However, being overweight is one of the biggest risk factors. In addition, large breeds are said to be most commonly affected.

Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for this. The pain can be treated well with the help of medication, dietary adjustments and physiotherapy.

Dogs with arthritis often experience so much pain in everyday life that they begin to whine or even become restless. Among other things, it can be recognized by the fact that the joints are swollen and the dog is constantly gnawing, biting and licking them.

#7 Other pain

In addition to poisoning, stomach pain and arthritis, there are also other potential triggers for the pain. The most common causes of this are:

When young large breed dogs grow too quickly, pain often occurs. More precisely, when the bones grow comparatively too quickly.

For example, if a tooth is chipped or there are splinters stuck in the gums, severe pain can occur. Whining and restless behavior are common here.

If bacteria or fungi accumulate in the ear, inflammation can occur. Dogs with long floppy ears are particularly affected by this.

If there is a herniated disc, pinched nerves or other injuries, affected four-legged friends often become very sensitive to touch.

If you suspect any pain, I advise you to see the vet immediately. Because dogs instinctively try to hide existing pain as best they can. [12]

If dogs are struggling with toothache, back pain, ear pain or even growing pains, this can usually be recognized by their behavior. Typical symptoms here are that the dog becomes sensitive to touch, begins to whine and generally appears restless.

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