Dog smells sweet: 7 possible causes (guide)

Every fur nose has its own individual smell. But if it smells different, there may be a serious reason behind it.

For example, does the dog smell sweet? Then you should get to the bottom of the cause as soon as possible.

Because there are 7 possible causes for this – and we will go into them in this guide.

Dog smells sweet: 7 possible causes

Does your dog smell sweet? Then, among other things, Giardia can be behind this smell as well as a fungal infestation.

But also organic diseases like Diabetes mellitus and kidney problems can be the causewhy a dog smells sweet.

Let’s take a look at exactly why these and other reasons lead to the sweet smell.


Unfortunately, a Giardia infestation is not as rare as you might think. Because these protozoa are among the particularly stubborn dog parasites.

The whole dog does not automatically smell sweet here, but primarily its excrement. This sweetish smell also usually has an accompanying stench of decomposition.

And that means you should go straight to the vet with a stool sample.

diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is diabetes. There is a lack of insulin here, which in turn results in acetone as a metabolic product.

The acetone is released through the sweat glands, skin or breath.

If your dog smells sweet, this can be the first sign of diabetes.

Good to know

Does your dog smell of iron from its mouth? Bleeding caused by the change of teeth can then be the reason, but also gingivitis.


A fruity-sweet bad breath does not always have to set off all the alarm bells immediately.

It is also possible that tartar is the cause of this smell in the dog.

Together with bacteria, which also play a role here, tartar affects the dog’s bad breath.

kidney problems

Unfortunately, older dogs in particular get problems with their kidneys. If these only work poorly, toxins are no longer properly excreted with the urine.

One consequence can be that urine and also dog take on a sweet smell. This makes kidney problems another possible cause if a dog smells sweet.


If your dog smells sweet, it could be caused by a yeast infection. These multiply above all on and in the ears and on the skin.

A feature of these mushrooms is that they have a sweetish scent. If you also see that your dog is scratching more and more, yeast may have been the cause.

sweaty feet

Dogs sweat from the balls of their feet to cool off a bit. But bacteria also feel extremely comfortable in this sweat.

This in turn can lead to a special phenomenon that leads to a sweet smell in your dog: the so-called popcorn feet.

Sounds funny? Definitely – and it’s usually not a cause for concern if your dog smells sweet.

Carbohydrate feed

Carbohydrates consist partly of sugar molecules, which is why they are considered to be fast sources of energy.

When carbohydrates are broken down during digestion, sugar is released.

If your dog is now fed with food that has too high a carbohydrate content, this can lead to your furry nose smelling sweet.

When should I go to the vet if my dog ​​smells sweet?

Have you noticed that your dog smells sweet Don’t wait much longer to visit the vet.

Whatever the cause, almost none of them are trivial.

A quick diagnosis is important so that your dog gets the right treatment – whether it’s medication, a teeth cleaning or a change in diet.

Does your dog smell of iron from its mouth? This is of course another reason why you should take him to the vet.

Has your dog ever smelled sweet? If so, what was the cause and what helped? We’d love for you to share your story with us in the comments.