Dog smells like fish: Most common reasons & solutions

Yuck, my dog ​​stinks of fish! This is how many animal lovers react when their furry pet develops an irritating scent. The problem is not that rare; it can affect every dog ​​and almost every part of the body or excretions.

The Causes for this are very diverse, so there are many possible solutions that might come into consideration.

So that you know what to look out for, you will find the following list the 11 most common reasons for a dog to smell like fish. You will also find 7 things you can do to free your four-legged friend from the disgusting smell.

11 reasons for a dog to smell like fish

When a dog smells like fish, it can affect various body parts and feces. The smell is particularly common

  • from the mouth
  • from the skin/fur
  • in the feces and
  • in urine

the four-legged friend. In most cases this is due to one of the following 11 causes.

1. Food containing fish & intolerances

The first possible reason is quite obvious and harmless: often the four-legged friend just has food containing fish eaten. Such varieties are very popular because they are comparatively lean and contain a lot of omega fatty acids, but at the same time they often cause strong bad breath.

It is then typical that the Stink after eating appears and disappears as soon as the four-legged friend gets another meal. Occasionally a food has such a strong aroma that even the feces smell slightly of fish.

Also applies to dietary supplements

Of course, this also applies to dietary supplements or food with actually praiseworthy additives. For example, if your dog… Salmon oil or Green-lipped mussel he will also smell from his mouth.

The problem is aggravated when the dog has one Food allergy or intolerance has. This does not necessarily have to be due to fish as an animal protein source, but can be caused by other allergens such as the grains it contains.

Then the dog often comes along too Flatulence and belching to fight. If digestion is disturbed, a supposed fishy smell is possible even if the animal is actually fed other meat; it is then caused by bacteria with an unfavorable composition.

2. Dog helps himself to garbage

A second cause of fish smell from the mouth is usually, but not always, on the street: some four-legged friends love it Eating garbage or other leftovers. These are mostly curious, free-roaming dogs.

If the waste contains fish or seafood, the dog's mouth will of course smell accordingly. There are also countless mixtures that are not fish, but smell very similar.

Of course, there is also the possibility that the animal is away from the local household waste served. However, none of this is desirable, and not just because of the bad breath: waste also significantly increases the risk of an upset stomach or parasite infestation.

3. Dental problems

Fishy bad breath is often also due to the teeth: Many dogs have problems with their teeth – whether due to misalignment, tartar or injuries.

Unfortunately, a damaged tooth is an open invitation to everyone Germs: Remains of food get stuck in the tooth pockets and other gaps, which, if it is fish, causes constant bad breath. As a result, bacteria and/or fungi multiply rapidly, and the resulting sulfur compounds make the stench even more intense.

Dogs don't like to show their toothache The problem is therefore usually recognized too late: The infections then often spread to other parts of the body, such as the eyes.

4. Liver- & Kidney disease

The liver and kidneys are among the most important metabolic organs. For example, they break down harmful substances and thus detoxify the body – including dogs.

If the functions are disturbed, poisons brew and get into the breathing. Typical aromas are, for example, a sweet smell, ammonia or the smell of urine from the mouth. The latter in particular reminds many dog ​​owners of fish.

Metabolic diseases also occur other symptoms on: Affected animals are often very thirsty and pass large amounts of urine. Weight loss, digestive problems or lethargic behavior are also indications of such an organic disease.

5. Evaporation phenomena

But a fishy smell doesn't always have to come from the mouth: sometimes that smells too fur bad – even if the dog actually stayed clean.

The main reasons for this are: Exhalations from the four-legged friend. Dogs don't sweat like humans do, but they do sebaceous glands, which are there to protect skin and fur from moisture, cold and pathogens. This layer of fat can have a very foul smell.

It is often said that the animal “smells like a dog” – because that Fragrance notes different There may also be fishy fumes. Water dogs such as retrievers and cocker spaniels are particularly badly affected.

6. Dog rolled over

Whether in the grass, in the feces of other dogs, in carrion or in the mud – some dogs just love to roll around. Basically, this is what it is completely species-appropriate behavior.

All causes & solutions at a glance

Would you like to know what causes this behavior? Then take a look at our article “Why dogs roll”!

Problem with the matter: The dog often smells really bad afterwards. Often – especially if he has rolled around in certain leftover food or rubbish – the aroma of this smell is very reminiscent of fish.

7. intestinal diseases & Parasitic infestation

Even if the dog Indigestion has or at one intestinal disease suffers, there may be a fishy smell. This usually affects the four-legged friend's feces.

The main reason for this is that what is eaten cannot be fully processed, so the feces are not completely digested and therefore smell different. In some cases they also play Endoparasites like worms and giardia play a role.

8. bacteria & Mushrooms

Almost everywhere can be responsible for a bad smell, which can also be directed towards fish Bacteria and fungi. Both are promoted by injuries and infections.

For example, you can:

  • nose and oral cavity
  • Dental apparatus
  • Skin & Fur
  • Colon
  • paws and
  • Head or ears


In addition to odor changes due to the decomposition processes that the microorganisms set in motion, these pests also cause damage in the wrong place Complaints: Many affected dogs suffer from pain, their body functions are restricted and itching also occurs frequently.

9. Anal gland inflammation

One is very painful for the dog Anal gland inflammation. This gland is actually a relic from ancient times: the ancestors of our four-legged friends needed it to cover their tracks or to chase away enemies – similar to what skunks still do today.

Today our furry friends no longer use them for protection, but as Marking aid. However, if the anal gland is inflamed, it not only hurts the dog, the smell of the secretion also changes and often becomes fishy.

Inflammation is often caused by foreign body, that get stuck in the anus, e.g. blades of grass. Allergies, digestive problems such as diarrhea or a build-up of feces, for example due to unkempt fur, also contribute to the problem.

10. Inflammation of the uterus

But sometimes it stinks too Dog's urine for fish. In female animals this is occasionally due to one Inflammation of the uterus. It is usually caused by a bacterial infection, which is why it often occurs at the end of the heat when the cervix closes again.

One Pyrometraas the technical term goes, is expressed primarily in purulent discharge. At the same time, affected bitches often urinate significantly more, with the typical stench. Other symptoms include fever, lethargy, diarrhea and vomiting.

Such inflammations are dangerous and can even result in fatal sepsis.

11. Urinary tract infection

Both genders, however, can benefit from one Urinary tract infection to be affected. She is mostly Result of a bladder infection and is primarily caused by bacteria.

The bacteria enter the urinary tract from the dog's feces, for example, and they sometimes also enter the urinary tract through their own blood – for example due to a kidney infection. Affected dogs drink more, often have problems urinating and often behave lethargically, and sometimes the animals also have a fever.

This is often the case Urine then very darkalso because it contains blood. The unusually intense smell of the waste is another important indication of a urinary tract infection; they often smell like fish.

This will get rid of the fishy smell

If a dog smells like fish, it's only normal if he's eaten some. Otherwise the aroma indicates a health problem, So you should definitely investigate the cause.

Above all, self-diagnosis can help other symptoms, that you may be able to observe. For example, if your dog has yellowish discharge in addition to urine, this suggests a uterine infection. Problems with chewing, on the other hand, primarily indicate dental disease.

Depending on the cause, a different solution may be possible. Many animal lovers have had success with the following strategies.

1. Feed change

If your dog stinks because of fishy food coming out of his mouth, the first thing that helps is of course Feed change. Instead of salmon, you can switch to poultry, beef or game, for example.

Strong-smelling supplements become more or less odorless when you use them Capsule shape because these are usually only opened in the stomach.

However, one should Food intolerance or allergy come into play, choosing an alternative is not that easy. It is then probably best to choose a particularly tolerable hypoallergenic mixture.

2. Bathe the dog

If the dog's body stinks, bathing him always helps – right?

Not quite: If the sebaceous glands are responsible for the fishy smell, going into the tub can even be counterproductive: in the short term the dog won't smell, but in the long term things will look different again.

In the worst case, it can too much hygiene then even cause skin infections, the animal then suffers and smells even worse.

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A shampoo that is as compatible as possible is very important in order not to put unnecessary strain on the skin. You can find more information in our “Dog Shampoo” Guide.

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