If dogs smell like rot from their mouths, it's usually caused by certain bacteria. Typical triggers are dental problems, a nose infection, certain eating disorders, inflamed airways or even an oral cavity tumor.
According to surveys, a whopping 74% of all dog owners complain about their dog's bad breath. So the problem is more widespread than it first seems. [1]
Doctors also refer to this as “halitosis”. Below you will learn about the 5 most common causes and what helps against them.
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#1 Dental problems
In around 4 out of 5 cases the problem is literally in the mouth. More specifically, some dental problems can result in a buildup of bacteria. This includes:
- Strong tartar
- Inflammation of the gums
- Chipped tooth
- Holes in the tooth
- Dog changing teeth
- Dental caries
- Splinter injuries [2]
Many of these problems are also accompanied by severe pain, which dogs like to hide. They inherited this behavior from wolves.
In addition, problems in the mouth are usually recognizable to laypeople and can manifest themselves with a smell of decay due to the bacteria. Typical symptoms here are:
- Dog refuses contact with the mouth
- Unusual discoloration
- Dog refuses his dry food
- Foam at the mouth
- Dog has black gums
- Severe redness and swelling
- Dog chews on one side or unusually
- Excessive drooling [3]
What is noticeable here is that dogs suddenly become sensitive to touch around the muzzle or react unusually aggressively when contacted. This is just a protective behavior.
In this case, I recommend visiting the veterinarian, who can immobilize the dog using local anesthesia. The therapy then depends on the suspected cause.
Various problems with the teeth and gums can lead to the buildup of bacteria. It can often be recognized by the fact that there is severe redness, the dog's mouth smells of decay or even refuses normal dry food.
#2 Nose infection
If a dog's nose becomes inflamed, it is usually caused by bacteria, fungi or allergens. Doctors also distinguish between 2 different types:
- Inflammation of the nasal mucosa (“rhinitis”)
- Infection of the paranasal sinuses (“sinusitis”)
However, the causes, symptoms and treatment are almost identical in both cases. Dogs with a long snout, such as the Borzoi, are particularly affected.
Typically, such an infection also results in pus forming, some of which flows down the throat and usually also contains bacteria and blood. [4]
This mixture is also the reason why affected dogs often smell like rot from their mouths. Other typical symptoms of such inflammation are:
- Profuse nasal discharge
- Dog breathes with his mouth open
- Loss of appetite
- Constant rubbing in the face
- Dog is panting heavily
- swelling in the face
- Pain on contact
- Unusually loud snoring [5]
In the case of chronic inflammation, the cause is usually allergies. An allergy test can help here. For bacteria, however, antibiotics are usually used.
Dogs with an inflamed nose usually develop pus, which also drains down the throat. This mixture of pus, bacteria and blood can also cause a putrefactive smell in the mouth. Breathing problems are also typical here.
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#3 Coprophagia and Pica
When dogs eat their own or other people's feces, veterinarians speak of “coprophagia”. Typical causes of this are:
- Nutrient deficiency
- Lack of attention
- Neurological disorder
- Stomach and intestinal parasites
- diabetes
- behavioral disorder
- Thyroid disease
- Upset stomach [6]
Pica, on the other hand, is a disorder in which dogs eat things that are not food. These include, for example, stones, grass, paper, earth, plastic and so on.
Both of these eating disorders can cause the dog to ingest bacteria in a direct manner or serve as a breeding ground for bad bacteria to spread.
This also explains why both disorders can cause the four-legged friends to smell like putrefaction coming from their mouths. Other typical signs are:
- Frequent abdominal pain
- Chronic digestive problems
- Constant diarrhea
- The dog's belly gurgles
- Undigested things in the feces
- Listless behavior
- Dog vomits often [7]
Here too, treatment depends on the cause. A detailed diagnosis from the vet is essential. To prevent this, the dog's access should be limited.
If dogs constantly eat feces or swallow indigestible things, this can serve as a breeding ground for bacteria. With constant repetition, it is not unusual for dogs to vomit constantly and smell like decay coming from their mouths.
#4 Inflamed airways
Respiratory infections are usually caused by bacteria and can also become noticeable through bad breath. Typical examples are here:
Doctors refer to the lower respiratory tract as “bronchi”. If there is an infection, then we talk about “bronchitis”. Viruses and allergies can also cause this.
This can often be recognized by the fact that the dog wheezes, coughs frequently and constantly has the urge to gag. The rhythm and volume of breathing also changes. [8]
The windpipe is also called the “trachea” by doctors. When inflammation occurs, they speak of “tracheitis”. This usually causes the entire trachea to swell.
If bacteria are responsible, then dogs smell like rot more often than their mouths. A choking sensation and a strong cough are also typical here. [9]
When veterinarians talk about “pneumonia,” they mean pneumonia. In most cases it is caused by bacteria or viruses.
Affected four-legged friends often develop a high fever, constantly cough and make strange noises when breathing. They also often give the impression of being tired. [10]
Bacterial inflammation of the bronchi, trachea or lungs can cause dogs to smell like rot from their mouths. As a rule, such infections are accompanied by breathing problems, a gagging sensation and a severe cough.
#5 Oral cavity tumor
According to studies, around 6% of all tumors in dogs occur in the oral cavity. Fortunately, it is a relatively rare type of cancer. [11]
The exact cause of tumors is still unclear. However, male dogs are said to be affected around twice as often as female dogs. The following breeds are also at risk:
- German boxer
- Chow Chow
- Gordon Setter
- Toy Poodle
- Weimaraner
- German Shepherd
- Golden retrievers [12]
The smell of decay from the mouth is usually due to the fact that bacteria have accumulated or some tissue has died. Other symptoms include:
- Dog refuses food
- Problems swallowing
- swelling and redness
- Dog salivates a lot
- Problems chewing
- Touch sensitivity
- Bleeding in the mouth [13]
Unfortunately, tumors in the mouth are known to spread relatively quickly to the rest of the body. An early diagnosis is therefore essential for the chance of recovery.
In the initial phase, an attempt is usually made to remove the tumor surgically. If the cancer has already spread, radiation and chemotherapy can also help.
If a tumor forms in the dog's mouth, it can also lead to bad breath. When bacteria accumulate, dogs also smell like decay. However, it is typically noticeable beforehand due to swelling and bleeding.
Rare causes
The following triggers are known to lead to bad breath. However, a smell of decay is rather rare:
- Diabetes: Here the bad breath usually smells chemical and slightly sweet. It can also be recognized by an abnormally high amount of drinking.
- Bad dog food: Unhealthy fillers can promote bacterial growth and thus cause a bacterial imbalance. [14]
- Liver and kidney problems: If the dog's organism can no longer filter out pollutants, his mouth often smells metallic.
- Stomach problems: In the later stages, they also manifest themselves through bad breath. Typically this also results in vomiting and loud stomach noises.
- Toxic plants: Usually leave a sour and rancid smell. However, dogs often eat it anyway to make themselves vomit.
- Chronic vomiting: This ensures that bacteria from the stomach get into the throat and can potentially spread there. [15]
If dogs smell like decay coming from their mouths, the first step is to identify the cause and solve it. The following can also help:
- Quality food: Dental care starts with nutrition. Since dogs otherwise don't get anything to eat, you should never save money here.
- Brushing your teeth: Even if no one seems to stick to it, veterinarians recommend brushing your dog's teeth twice a day with a dog toothbrush.
- Dental care toys: Some toys, such as this one, are specifically designed to clean teeth while you play.
- Visit to the vet: Regularly removing tartar prevents bacteria from easily attaching to the tooth.
- Dental care treats: Some treats are extra chewy and have a special shape so that they clean the entire mouth when gnawed. [16]
Important: Under no circumstances should you use human toothpastes or mouthwashes. These are usually too aggressive for dogs and are often swallowed.
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