Dog salivates heavily | 11 most common causes [2024] –

When dogs salivate heavily, it is usually due to breeding-related problems or nausea. However, under certain circumstances it can also be an indication of dental problems, poisoning, stress, tonsillitis or problems swallowing.

Doctors also speak of “hypersalivation”. As a rule, the problem stems from three underlying factors:

  • Increased production of saliva
  • Problems swallowing saliva
  • Poor drainage of saliva [1]

There are also big differences depending on the race. Below you will learn about the 11 most common causes and what helps against excessive drooling.

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#1 Dental problems

If you have a toothache or other oral problems, don't expect your dog to alert you.

This hiding of existing pain is a behavior that dogs have inherited from their ancestors, the wolves. The most common oral problems include:

  • Dental caries
  • Strong tartar
  • Splinters in the gums
  • Cancer in the mouth
  • Broken tooth
  • Inflammation of the gums
  • Holes in the tooth [2]

Since saliva also has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect, more of it is produced when dental problems occur. That explains why many people are drooling. Other symptoms include:

  • Redness on the gums
  • Dog refuses food
  • Dog chews on one side
  • Severe discoloration on the tooth
  • Dog has foam at the mouth
  • Sudden aggression
  • Dog is sensitive to touch
  • Unusual bad breath [3]

If you suspect this, you should consult your veterinarian. Dental problems can be very painful if left untreated and can usually be treated relatively well.

When dogs struggle with dental problems, they automatically produce more saliva. Affected dogs usually begin to salivate heavily, refuse to eat, develop redness in their mouths and become sensitive to touch around their snouts.

#2 Breeding-Related Problems

Some breeds suffer more often from problems in the mouth and nose area due to their breeding. The so-called “brachycephalic dogs” are the prime example here.

This refers to all breeds that have been specifically bred to have a short snout and a flat face. Typical examples are here:

  • English bulldog
  • Bordeaux Mastiff
  • Neapolitan Mastiff
  • German boxer
  • Great Dane
  • bullmastiff [4]

Due to breeding, saliva in these breeds collects in the cheeks. When you move or shake it, it drools out. The same goes for water after drinking.

In this case, even the best training doesn't help. Because the only fault is the breeding that took place several decades or centuries ago. [5]

For this reason, these breeds are also referred to as “torture breeding”. Because when they were bred, health and visual problems were deliberately accepted.

Due to their breeding, dogs with a short snout usually have a buildup of drool in their cheeks. This explains why these breeds salivate a lot compared to others. But the four-legged friends can't do anything about it.

#3 Poisoning

Poisoning occurs significantly more frequently in dogs than in people. This is partly because even ordinary foods have a toxic effect on dogs.

In addition, young four-legged friends in particular are sometimes so curious that they swallow plants or other things without thinking. Common causes of this are:

  • Chocolate & cocoa
  • Pesticides and insecticides
  • Toxic plants
  • Onions and garlic
  • Rat poison
  • Medicines and drugs
  • Grapes and raisins [6]

Here too, all the drooling is just a subconscious protective reaction of the body to reduce the effects. Other classic signs of poisoning include:

  • Sudden vomiting
  • Dog starts shaking
  • Foaming at the mouth
  • Dog breathes laboriously
  • Excessive saliva production
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sudden attack [7]

If you suspect something, you should take action immediately and go to the veterinary emergency clinic. Because without treatment, poisoning can be fatal.

If dogs have been poisoned by swallowing toxic things, this usually becomes noticeable in their behavior shortly afterwards. What is typical here is that affected four-legged friends salivate heavily, tremble and have breathing problems.

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#4 Upper respiratory tract infection

If bacteria, fungi or other viruses settle in the throat or nose, inflammation can occur. Doctors differentiate between:

  • Rhinitis = Inflamed nasal mucosa
  • Pharyngitis = inflammation of the throat
  • Sinusitis = Inflamed sinuses [8]

Such infections most often occur in breeds with a short snout, as bacteria or viruses can penetrate more easily. Typical signs of this are:

  • Constant sneezing
  • Dog drools a lot
  • Loss of appetite
  • Rattling breathing
  • Dog gags mucus
  • Thick nasal discharge
  • Frequent coughing [9]

According to statistics, in addition to the brachycephalic breeds, Greyhounds, Australian Shepherds, Collies and Shetland Sheepdogs are also often affected.

Basically, treatment depends on the cause. Antibiotics are usually used for bacteria and possible creams and sprays for fungi.

When a dog's upper respiratory tract becomes inflamed, it can also greatly affect the production of saliva. Such inflammations can usually be recognized by the fact that breathing changes, the dog drools and sneezes unusually often.

#5 Nausea

Did you know that dogs struggle with nausea significantly more often than humans? This is because they have only been omnivores for a few millennia.

Their digestive system is therefore still relatively primitive and even small inconsistencies can cause problems. The most common causes of this include:

  • Eating people
  • Mold in the food
  • Gastrointestinal infections
  • Motion sickness
  • Liver and kidney diseases
  • Spoiled dog food
  • Toxic foods
  • Worm infestation [10]

You can usually tell that dogs are sick because they constantly lick their lips and salivate heavily. Other classic signs include:

  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Dog whines and squeaks
  • Frequent smacking
  • Dog burps often
  • Listless behavior
  • Swallowing air
  • Dog refuses food [11]

Normally, nausea should resolve itself after several hours of fasting. If you have chronic problems, I recommend changing your food and seeking help.

When dogs are sick, they usually start drooling excessively. It is also typical for affected dogs to often lick their lips, start smacking their lips or even vomit. In most cases, this problem resolves itself.

#6 Problems swallowing

It's completely normal for dogs to produce new saliva non-stop. Normally, above a certain amount, this should flow down the throat.

It becomes a problem when dogs have difficulty swallowing and therefore saliva accumulates. Typical causes of this are:

  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Laryngeal paralysis
  • Swallowed foreign body
  • Tumor disease
  • Nervous disorder
  • Tonsillitis
  • Injury to the oral cavity [12]

All the salivating is the smaller problem here. This is especially true if the dog also refuses water and food. Other typical signs include:

  • Constant choking
  • Dog doesn't eat
  • Strange breathing
  • Dog keeps choking
  • Swelling in the neck
  • weight loss
  • Dog drinks too little [13]

If you have breathing problems, you should take action immediately. The therapy here depends on the respective cause. The vet can help here.

When dogs have difficulty swallowing, this is usually noticeable through excessive drooling. It is also typical that affected dogs do not eat anything, drink less, choke more often and have a constant urge to gag.

#7 Heat and fever

Unlike us, dogs find it much harder to cool down. This is primarily due to the fact that they have significantly fewer sweat glands than humans.

Instead, they try to cool down their bodies by panting in summer or when they have a fever. Typical causes of increased body temperature are:

  • Viral infections
  • Insect bites
  • Driving in summer
  • Poisonings
  • Infection of the organs
  • Vaccination reaction [14]

Because of the heavy panting, affected dogs usually start to drool and avoid warm places to lie down. Typical symptoms of increased body temperature are:

  • Hot ears
  • Very red gums
  • Increased pulse
  • Dog breathes quickly
  • Red eyes
  • Lethargic behavior
  • Loud breathing [15]

If you have any signs of heat stroke, you should see the vet immediately to prevent permanent damage. If you have a fever, you need to find out the cause.

When dogs have a fever or are simply too hot, they instinctively start panting. The higher your body temperature rises, the more you salivate. It is also typical for affected dogs to appear listless and have hot ears.

#8 Strong appetite

You probably know the feeling when you see something delicious to eat in the supermarket and your mouth starts watering just by looking at it. Not true?

Dogs are no different here. The reason for this is also simply explained. As we all know, digestion begins in the mouth. Typical triggers for this phenomenon are:

  • Dog watches while eating
  • Sound when the food pack is opened
  • Washing the bowl
  • Dog is fed sporadically from the table
  • Smell of freshly cooked food [16]

Newfoundlands, Bernese Mountain Dogs and Bloodhounds in particular usually start to salivate a lot. Other signs of a strong appetite include:

There is no reason to worry here. As a solution, it may make sense to feed the dog at the same time as lunch and dinner.

Heavy drooling in dogs can also be a sign of an appetite, among other things. This is particularly the case if the owner is eating or he is expecting his food based on a smell or a noise. This is completely normal.

#9 Liver and kidney problems

The kidneys and liver are primarily responsible for removing existing pollutants and toxins from the body. So they act like a kind of “filter”.

Both organs also help with the digestion of the food and thus also influence saliva production. Typical causes of this are:

  • Viral infections
  • Medication
  • Poisonings
  • Bacterial inflammation
  • Cancer disease
  • Internal injuries [18]

Liver problems are…