Dog restless at night | 11 causes + solution [2024] –

When dogs are restless at night, it is usually due to a lack of exercise, their guarding and guarding instincts, or an unpleasant temperature. More rarely, it can also indicate longings, poor eyesight or even existing illnesses.

In most cases, a one-time restlessness at night is completely normal and nothing to worry about. Chronic symptoms, on the other hand, can also indicate pain.

Here is an overview of the potential causes:

Potential cause:Primary target group:Watching and guardian instinctSniffer and guard dogsLack of exercise Hunting and shepherd dogsCold or heatDogs with very long or very short furDreams and nightmaresAll dogsLongingsHungry dogs, bitches in heatDementiaDogs aged 10 and overLow eyesightOlder dogs Stomach problemsLarge dogs and bulldogsArthritisOlder and large dogsFear and Stress lap dogs and other sensitive breeds

Then let's go through all possible causes together.

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#1 Guard and guardian instinct

If your dog is restless at night and barks at the same time, it may be due to their instincts. Because dogs' senses are many times superior to ours.

  • Dogs hear ultrasonic frequencies that are inaudible to humans. [1]
  • Dogs see up to 4 times brighter in the dark.
  • Dogs smell up to 100,000 times better than people. [2]

Even in the moments when we don't hear, see or smell anything, dogs often perceive hundreds of objects.

In addition, some breeds have been specifically bred to immediately sound the alarm when potential danger is perceived.

The restlessness at night can just be a sign that your dog notices something in the distance that you don't understand at all.

In particular, guard dogs and all German Shepherd breeds are more often affected by this. Typical signs here are barking, restless running around or even howling.

If dogs are restless at night or even start to bark, this is usually a warning. This instinct is particularly strong in sheepdogs and guard dogs. In addition, dogs' sensory perception is significantly better than that of humans.

#2 Lack of utilization

Have you ever drunk too much coffee and then found yourself sitting at your desk, totally restless and shaking your leg?

It's similar to dogs who can't let out their daily energy. These four-legged friends not only need physical activity, but also mental activity.

If this is missing, then its excess energy often manifests itself as follows:

Since hunting dogs and sheepdogs tend to be among the most active breeds, they are statistically the most likely to experience restlessness at night.

The cause is partly due to unsuitable living conditions. For example, if very active breeds are kept in small apartments or cities.

Unfortunately, how much physical and mental activity your dog needs varies from person to person. So why not do a self-test?

The following measures can also help:

  • Daily playdates with neighborhood dogs
  • Throwing games such as Frisbees or ball slinging
  • Occupation with a chewing bone made of coffee wood

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Restlessness at night can indicate excess energy. Active breeds such as sheepdogs and hunting dogs are most commonly affected. By increasing daily mental and physical workload, this should decrease significantly.

#3 Cold or heat

You've probably laid awake a lot in the summer and couldn't sleep because it was too warm, right?

Dogs are even more sensitive to temperatures that are too high or too low. Long-haired dogs in particular often have problems with the heat in summer.

Typical symptoms of excessively high temperatures are:

  • Heavy panting
  • Sleeping on the tiled floor
  • Restless behavior
  • Increased pulse [3]

In this case, such a self-cooling dog mat is ideal. It needs neither electricity nor water, nor does it need to be cooled.

In short-haired dogs, on the other hand, cold is usually the cause of nighttime restlessness. Hairless dogs are particularly affected by this. Typical signs here are:

  • Look for physical contact
  • Trembling all over the body
  • Whining or whining
  • Curled sleeping position [4]

A warm blanket, a dog coat and choosing a suitable basket help against the cold. Cuddles are also welcome at any time.

Restless behavior at night can indicate temperatures that are too high or too low. Dogs with very long or very short hair are particularly often affected by this. This can be counteracted by purchasing warming or cooling products.

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#4 Dreams and nightmares

Dogs go through the same phases of sleep as humans. They dream most often, especially in REM sleep.

Dogs also use dreams to process what they have experienced and to satisfy unsatisfied longings. You can usually recognize this by the following behavior:

  • Muscle twitching during sleep
  • Whining or whining
  • Moving eyelids
  • Barking in sleep [5]

If your dog is having a nightmare, you can often tell by its restless behavior at night. Typical examples are here:

  • Constantly changing sleeping places
  • Getting up and shaking at night
  • Smacking noises or groans
  • Constant rolling around in the basket

There is no reason to worry here. On the contrary! Studies have already linked dreaming to mental health and good memory.

Both normal dreams and nightmares can be responsible for restlessness at night. That's not a reason to worry. Rather, dreams are a sign of good mental and physical health.

#5 Desires

Most dog breeds are naturally much more sensitive than us humans. For this reason, they often express their desires more strongly:

  • Hunger: whining and smacking in the basket
  • Master: Whining in front of the bedroom door
  • Attention: Howling in the night
  • Sex drive: hyperactivity and whining

Loneliness is one of the most common longings. Especially if the dog is surrounded by people during the day and then sleeps alone at night.

Dogs that feel lonely usually appear depressed, sleep excessively and moan more often. [6]

If there is strong inner restlessness at night, a strong sex drive is usually responsible. However, this only applies to unneutered dogs.

While male dogs almost always have a consistently high sex drive, female dogs only go into heat for around 2 weeks every 3-12 months.

Longings such as hunger or attention can manifest themselves in restless behavior in dogs at night. Dogs also yelp, howl or yelp more often when they are lonely or have low sex drive. The solution here is to identify the longing and then satisfy it.

#6 Dementia

Dementia is an umbrella term for all kinds of illnesses that reduce mental performance. Alzheimer's, on the other hand, is only a specific type of dementia.

Dogs with dementia often react restlessly both during the day and at night because they have simply forgotten their surroundings or even their master.

Other symptoms of this are:

  • Nocturnal activity
  • Stubborn and ignorant behavior
  • Sudden incontinence
  • Disorientation
  • Confusion [7]

According to studies, around 70% of all dogs over 15 years of age suffer from this. For dogs over 11 years old it is already around 30%. [8]

Since dementia is considered incurable, prevention is even more important. Mental tasks to increase cognitive performance can also slow down the progression.

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If older dogs are restless at night and suddenly go back into the apartment, this could be a sign of dementia. Although this disease is considered incurable, the effects can be slowed down with mental exercises.

#7 Poor eyesight

If your eyesight decreases, it becomes much more noticeable in the dark. At the same time it is accompanied by fear, discomfort and confusion.

This explains why many dogs with poor eyesight or even blindness often run around restlessly and are generally very restless.

Older dogs are more commonly affected. Typical symptoms of eye problems include:

  • Color change of the eyes
  • Aversion to jumping
  • Fear of stairs
  • Clumsy behavior [9]

When completely blind, the discomfort and fear can be so severe that dogs become depressed and no longer want to leave the house.

You should visit your veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment. Although not all eye diseases are curable, most can be easily treated.

Poor eyesight in dogs can make them feel increasingly uncomfortable. Affected dogs often become so anxious that they behave unusually restless, especially at night.

#8 Stomach problems

Dogs' means of communication are very limited compared to humans. Since they cannot express pain verbally, they show it more often in their behavior.

Abdominal pain is generally one of the most common complaints. Typical signs here are:

  • Stooped posture
  • Restlessness and restlessness
  • Flatulence
  • Smacking and whining
  • Diarrhea and vomiting [10]

If the dog has been given food or leftovers in the evening, then the restless behavior at night can also be due to stomach and intestinal problems.

It helps to change the food frequently. In some cases, food allergies can also be behind the symptoms. An allergy test is ideal for this.

Alternatively, such a free food check can also help to get individual food recommendations and free food samples.

In rare cases, it can also be due to a torsion in the stomach. This also results in a gagging sensation without vomiting and trembling. [11]

The latter is also an emergency. Here you should contact the emergency medical service immediately.

If dogs are restless at night and have frequent flatulence or diarrhea, then stomach problems may be to blame. Under certain circumstances it can also be a life-threatening gastric torsion. The veterinarian should be consulted immediately.

#9 Arthritis

Doctors understand arthritis as chronic inflammation of the joints. According to studies, around 20% of all dogs over a year old suffer from this. [12]

Affected dogs behave…