Dog / Puppy Is Afraid of Other Dogs: Guide (2022)

While fear of other dogs is a completely normal protective mechanism in puppies, it looks very different in adult dogs.

Mostly lie here serious backgrounds before. In general, you should recognize your dog’s fear of other dogs not to be taken lightly and investigate the cause.

So that you can identify and eliminate the reasons for your dog’s fear, we have summarized the most important facts about dogs being afraid of other dogs in this article.

Dog is afraid of other dogs: causes & symptoms

If your dog or puppy is afraid of other dogs, this is often not immediately apparent.

You can tell if your dog is afraid if at least one of the following symptoms is evident:

run away

When a dog is scared, its instinctive response is fight or flight. The latter is usually the first choice.


Dogs often react aggressively out of fear of other dogs. However, aggression usually only occurs when escape is not possible, for example in a closed room.


Like humans, dogs release adrenaline when they are scared. This causes the muscles to contract, causing tremors.

Retracted rod

If a dog pulls its tail between its hind legs, this indicates insecurity or fear.


If other dogs are present, anxious dogs like to hide behind their owner or objects to make themselves virtually invisible.

squeaking or whimpering

If a dog is afraid, he can also communicate that. This is often expressed by squeaking and whimpering.


Your dog will suddenly give up his favorite toy or even treats as soon as another dog is around.

lip licking

If your dog licks his lips in the presence of other dogs, he is showing his submissiveness. Licking the lips is a natural protective mechanism against fears.

You can tell when your dog is scared based on the previous symptoms. With this knowledge, we can approach the possible causes.

Lack of socialization

Straight inexperienced dog owners interpret the term socialization incorrectly or incompletely.

Socialization not only means that a dog gets along well with his family, children and strangers, but also that he compatible with conspecificsbut is also well tolerated by other animals such as cats, cows or horses.

Getting along with other animals is often neglected. One socialization begins in puppyhood.

The later you start, the more difficult it becomes and often only leads to success with the help of a dog trainer.

This circumstance is often observed in «second-hand» dogs whose first owners die missed socialization have.

sensory overload

dogs have one great vision (up to 270 degrees viewing angle) and see about five times better than humans, even at night.

Needless to say, dogs can hear and smell far better than we can.

Currently at dog parksin densely populated cities or in unfamiliar environment thousands of stimuli hit your dog that can make him anxious.

Your dog may not have a problem meeting one or the other dog while walking, but it may be too much for him at the dog park.

get used to your dog in a quiet environment initially to a dog he might even know. Gradually you can increase the number.

traumatic memories

Your dog has never shown fear of other dogs. Has that changed since he was attacked and injured?

This might be one anxiety disorder. The past negative experience has him for the future traumatized.

To take your dog’s fear away associate meeting other dogs with something positive like a treat.

It won’t work the first time. patience and empathy on your part are therefore required.

education and violence

Of course you don’t hit your dog. But your dog already had a previous owner who might have seen things differently?

However, there are also dog breeds that are also extremely prone to verbal “violence”. sensitive react.

Fears that arise from violence lead to a general uncertainty. This is then also noticeable when in contact with other dogs.

Good to know:

You don’t want to believe it, but the massive one American Pit Bull Terriers are really sensitive.

He hardly forgives hits at all, but repeated shouting at this breed can also cause one anxiety trauma to lead.

Unintentional parenting mistakes

When training dogs, you should keep two basic points in mind:

  • Dogs repeat rewarded behavior
  • Dogs avoid punished behavior

That explains typical parenting mistakes. Your dog may have «accidentally» learned to be afraid of other dogs.

This can happen, for example, if you scold your dog when it happily approaches other dogs and wants to start playing.

The overcautiousness of some dog owners also contributes to the fear.

If you already from afar the change side of the streetas soon as another dog approaches and pulls on the leash and is nervous, associates your dog the encounter with the conspecific as something negative.

Of course you want to avoid confrontation. But the more healthy contact your dog has with other dogs, the lower the risk of a confrontation.

Remain alert but calm when encountering other dogs. If the other dog is actually aggressive, you are still in control of the situation.


Dogs instinctively form hierarchies. So it’s normal for them to be submissive to other dogs at times.

If your dog is often or always submissive towards other dogs, this can have various causes.

These include, among other things, a low self-confidence or a violent handling. Existing trauma or your dog was the lowest rank member in the litter can also be a cause.

Especially very small dog breeds are affected by the submission.

Maybe that’s why the smallest dogs bark the loudest. With this kind of aggression, they cover up their fear.


It is rare, but it does happen that a dog Fear of other dogs due to illness has.

At the Cushing’s Syndrome too many stress hormones are produced. As a result, affected four-legged friends are constantly in a kind of escape mode.

Older dogs in particular are at risk dementia. This clinical picture can also lead to fears of other dogs.

Puppy Fear Of Other Dogs – Is This Normal In A Puppy?

Puppies still have the first few weeks and months of their lives little or no experience with conspecifics made outside of own litter.

That a small puppy reacts insecurely or even anxiously when meeting strange dogs for the first time is completely normal and even a problem instinctive defense mechanism.

If the pup is the last born of the litter, it has the lowest rank within its litter family or pack. He submits to all who are above him. This behavior can be shaped for the future.

Even traumatic events, such as attacks or injuries from other dogs during the first encounters, can manifest themselves in future behavior.

What is the fear phase in puppies and how long does it last?

Dogs go through two hormonal phases in which they are more anxious than usual. The first phase occurs between the 8th and 10th week of life instead of.

Depending on the breed, the second phase occurs between the 6th and 14th month of life.

During this window of time, your dog will be scared of almost everything, and even small things can have big implications for the future.

What can I do if my dog ​​is afraid of other dogs?

This question depends on the cause. The solution often lies in the cause.


A fundamental point to avoid fears are Upbringing and habituation.

A early socialization important.

Introduce your dog to other dogs at an early stageto show him that he doesn’t have to be afraid of them. However, this requires a little experience and sensitivity.

Helpful are here Puppy schools or dog schools. The professionals have the experience and an eye for which dogs within the group are compatible and which are not.

upbringing and attitude

Are you afraid of confrontations with other dogs or their owners and therefore avoid contact?

Of course, you shouldn’t let your dog approach every other dog indiscriminately.

However, if you remain sovereign yourself, you already have half the battle. If your dog wants to explore or greet the other, let them, unless the owner signals that he doesn’t want that.

Don’t pull him away, but distract him and don’t give the impression that the contact is a bad thing.


If you are afraid of bad experiences, you need vgreat patience and empathyto take away your dog’s fear of encounters.

Helpful are here Treats, dog toys and a familiar outside dogto rebuild the relationship of trust.

Toys are more of a second choice, since the strange dog could be higher in rank and grab the toy and thus increase the fear. So you see, it’s not that easy.

However, this is where a professional dog trainer can help.


Initial fear of contact with other dogs in puppies is quite normalalthough these can lead to real anxiety if you don’t counteract it directly.

fears of other dogs adult dogs countering it is usually a little more difficult, but it is not an unsolvable problem.

What are your experiences with anxiety dogs? We look forward to your comment.