When a dog is actually house trained, but still keeps peeing on the couch, then both physical and psychological problems can be behind it. In any case, you have to Address the problem immediately, otherwise both the human and animal family members will suffer.
So that you know what the problem is, you can find it in the following article the 10 most common causes for this behavior. Furthermore, I have you 8 solutions compiled that have already helped many dog owners.
The 10 most common causes for a dog peeing on the couch
1. frustration & Despite
If the dog is actually house trained but still pees on the couch, it is often due to a very emotional reason: the four-legged friend is then easy frustrated and deliberately urinates out of spite.
This phenomenon can be observed especially in younger animals, who are still in their “bool years”. In general, it can occur at any age.
The causes usually lie in the Communication between dog and owner: Maybe the four-legged friend simply feels left alone, but refusing an activity or a longed-for treat can also make him go crazy.
2. Joy & excitation
Does your dog keep starting to pee when he wags his tail? Then it's quite possible that he just very pleased and forgets to keep his body functions under control.
This occurs especially in younger animals on: They are actually house trained, but are so emotionally wound up that they don't mind passing a few drops of urine. A typical example of this is the greeting a family member, that comes home with the dog sitting on the couch.
This is related to this behavior “submissive urination”, with which the dog wants to show his submission. These problems often go away as the animal gets older.
3. Marking his territory
dogs are territorial animals: After puberty, you will notice – especially in male dogs, but also in female dogs – that they repeatedly mark their territory outside.
Dog trainer Melanie Lippisch explains why dogs suddenly behave very territorially. Source: DOGs TV Online Dog Training / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LUbeioMC6I .
This shouldn't actually happen in-house, but there are exceptions: If the… four-legged friend feels under pressure, He sometimes puts his “scent marks” in the apartment.
This often affects households in which: more than one pet lives – especially in the first days of living together. But also one Baby, a new partner or Neighbor dogs can unsettle the dog so much that they feel compelled to give a signal.
4. Bacterial infections & Cystitis
But there are also reasons that the dog can hardly influence: If an animal is suddenly no longer house trained, it is often due to one of the following Urinary tract infection. It is usually caused by bacteria and can quickly become one painful cystitis develop.
Cystitis, as the technical term goes, often manifests itself in: temporary incontinence: The dog has to pee again and again, so the usual exercise is no longer enough.
Be especially careful with female dogs
For female dogs you should do this too Possibility of uterine infection take into consideration. It festers quickly, is very painful and also leads to incontinence.
Typical of this are small amounts of urine, which have a dark or in some cases even bloody reddish color. A very strong, often fishy smell is also a typical symptom of such an inflammation.
Also chronic bladder infections are possible and not without danger: If the bacteria affect other organs such as the kidneys, things can become very critical.
5. Dog is suffering from stress or anxiety
You probably know the saying “Shit your pants with fear”. Although unclothed, this also applies to dogs: If the four-legged friends are frightened by something, afraid or simply suffer from constant stress, the body releases increased hormones such as adrenaline.
Typical factors
- Loud noises
- darkness
- Uncanny movements
- Lots of hustle and bustle in the house
- Changes, e.g. moving, new pet or children
- Deviations from habits.
These stress hormones have an anti-anxiety effect and often make the animal a little more aggressive, but also reduce certain concentration abilities. Among other things, they no longer have complete control over their bodily functions, forget their good behavior and urinate uncontrollably.
6. Hormonal reasons
In some cases, however, there are also hormonal reasons responsible for the dog not being able to hold himself up and, for example, peeing on the couch.
In the case of (often older) female dogs, it is sometimes due to one thing decreasing estrogen levels, which makes the animal hypersensitive to certain substances in the urine and thus provokes the urge to urinate.
Another disease that can affect all four-legged friends is this Cushing's syndrome. The cortisol level is permanently elevated and the release of this stress hormone makes it more difficult for the dogs to control their bladder.
7. Prostate disease
Mostly older dogs can also benefit from one Prostate disease to be affected. The clinical pictures are then comparatively diverse: Often it is just one Inflammation, but it can also be one pathological expansion of the organ behind it.
This makes it difficult for the dog to hold its bladder and incontinence often occurs: the four-legged friend then urinates in “forbidden” places such as the couch. What is pleasing, however, is that most disorders benign are. Prostate cancer like in humans is very rare in dogs.
8. Metabolic diseases
Among the most famous Metabolic diseases in dogs include disorders of the kidneys, pancreas and liver. These can e.g produce inflammation, which also go on the bladder and thus prevent the animal from having sufficient control over the bladder.
Also diabetes is often included in this spectrum of diseases. In diabetic dogs, the nerves of the urinary tract are often damaged, making it difficult for them to stop.
9. dementia
Dogs can also stay there dementia suffer. Older four-legged friends are particularly affected. Veterinarians also refer to the disease as “Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome”, or CDS for short.
The symptoms are similar to those of human Alzheimer's disease: For example, a severely disturbed daily rhythm is typical; affected dogs walk around uncontrollably at night and sleep a lot during the day; disorientation and helplessness are also typical signs.
Incurable disease
Unfortunately, CDS is an incurable disease. With veterinary attention, understanding and a treatment plan However, it is often possible to improve the quality of life so that the four-legged friend retains his dignity for as long as possible.
Furthermore, these dogs are often no longer house trained. They forget – briefly or even permanently – where they are, no longer indicate that they have to do their “business” and therefore, for example, simply pee on the couch without warning.
10. Joint problems
And finally can too Problems with the joints cause the dog to suddenly pee on the couch. These are usually degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system and are the most common
- arthritis
- Osteoarthritis and
- Hip dysplasia.
are affected mostly older four-legged friends, In some dogs – large breeds in particular are susceptible – the symptoms can also appear very early. Animals that have grown unhealthily quickly or have frequently made movements that are not appropriate for their species, such as jumping from great heights, also belong to the risk group.
These animals do not pass water because they are incontinent, but because they can barely stand up. They then prefer to stay lying down to protect themselves: If the bladder is full, “accidents” often happen and places like the couch or sleeping area become soiled.
More reasons for incontinence in dogs
There is still other causes causes a dog to become incontinent. These include, among other things:
- Long-term consequences of castration
- Tumors
- Urinary stones
- Nerve diseases, e.g. herniated discs
- Pathological misalignment of the ureters (ureterectopia)
- Exit too short/not optimally scheduled
- Side effects of medication.
However, these causes are rarely a reason why a dog only pees on the couch. They usually occur on significantly more occasions.
Dog pees on couch: 8 solutions
If the dog pees on the couch, it's not just a hygiene problem: In most cases, the four-legged friend also feels physically or psychologically uncomfortable.
So this cannot be a permanent situation. However, scolding or punishing the dog is usually not the best solution: this only rarely eliminates the underlying problem.
That's why you should act constructively and work on a solution that benefits both human and animal family members.
1. More attention
In many cases it helps, just for the dog a little more attention to give. Anyone who plays a lot with their four-legged friend, responds to their signals and also takes their wishes into account (e.g. rest periods) often has to deal with significantly fewer behavioral problems.
This also includes the dog not to be left alone longer than necessary: So if you're going to be out of the house all day, it's a good idea to have someone check on you every few hours. A (paid) day stay in a dog boarding facility or relatives or acquaintances who would like to look after your four-legged friend during the day could also be options.
2. Respond with hygiene
You shouldn't scold your dog excessively, but it's still advisable not to just accept the «pee attacks» on the couch. This means that you… Be sure to clean urine from the seat must as soon as it has been defiled.
Clean carefully
Dogs can smell even the smallest traces of urine. That's why it has to Cleaning must be carried out very carefully. If possible, you should put the seat cover in the washing machine. Otherwise, we recommend using a pet-friendly but still penetrating cleaning agent.
This is not just for hygienic reasons, but… also sets limits for the four-legged friend. He learns that dirtying the sofa won't help. If you left it as it is, he would have his own smell in his nose and would see it as an invitation to move on to the couch.
3. Let the dog drink a lot
You should be sure that the dog is under one Urinary tract infection suffers, it is helpful to him drink a lot allow. The animal then urinates even more, but flushes out a lot of germs in the process.
The water bowl…