Dog panting and shaking | 9 most common causes [2024] –

When dogs pant and shake at the same time, it is usually a sign of stress or anxiety. In rare cases, poisoning, Cushing's syndrome, hyperthyroidism, high blood pressure and other illnesses can also be responsible.

If the dog also becomes clingy and restless, then this is a strong indicator of negative emotions. There is usually no reason to worry here.

In order to rule out possible illnesses, you will learn about the 9 most common causes and their symptoms below.

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#1 Anxiety & Stress

Every time dogs feel fear or stress, the body releases adrenaline and cortisol. This is completely normal. Common triggers are:

  • Drive a car
  • Noise (>85 decibels)
  • Violent handling
  • presence of strangers
  • Memory loss
  • Lack of socialization
  • Strong storms [1]

This cocktail of stress hormones also ensures that the dog's muscles are oversupplied and blood pressure rises due to more water.

The panting and trembling are simply a side effect of the internal processes. Other typical signs of stress and anxiety include:

  • Restless walking around
  • Stooped posture
  • Frequent licking of lips
  • Dog has tail tucked in
  • Constant yawning
  • Dog is suddenly very affectionate
  • Ears laid back
  • Profuse drooling [2]

Very young dogs in particular are often anxious and can easily become stressed. The same generally applies to very sensitive breeds such as lap dogs.

The solution? Find the trigger and eliminate it. If it cannot be eliminated, such as when driving, then it is important to gradually get the dog used to it.

Severe stress or anxiety can cause dogs to start shaking and panting. Physical restlessness and sudden clinginess can also indicate this. This is particularly common when there is a lack of socialization or in the car.

#2 Cushing's syndrome

The release of stress hormones is completely normal and healthy in states of anxiety and stress. In Cushing's syndrome, however, this is due to the illness.

This hormonal disorder causes stress hormone levels to be permanently elevated. Affected four-legged friends therefore never rest and are always on the alert.

The best way to tell is that your dog suddenly starts shaking, drinks a lot, is panting heavily and is generally restless. Other classic signs include:

  • Strong hunger
  • Swelling on the stomach
  • Dog has to pee all the time
  • Wandering at night
  • Quick fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Poor wound healing
  • Thin and crusty skin [3]

In almost all cases the cause is a tumor. In around 80% of cases it is located in the pituitary gland and in the remaining 20% ​​in the adrenal glands.

If the tumor has not yet spread, it is often removed surgically. But even with medication, affected four-legged friends can usually continue to live for many years. [4]

Cushing's syndrome causes dogs to constantly release stress hormones, regardless of their emotional state. Among other things, it usually causes affected dogs to drink a lot, start shaking, pant constantly and generally become restless.

#3 Poisoning

Studies have shown that poisoning is one of the most common reasons why dog ​​owners go to the vet. However, poison bait is only very rarely the cause.

Much more often, it is due to affected dogs being fed the wrong foods or swallowing things out of curiosity. Typical causes are:

  • Toxic plants
  • Chocolate and cocoa
  • Cleaning products
  • Grapes and raisins
  • Medication
  • Insecticides and rat poison
  • Drugs and alcohol [5]

The problem? Dogs often swallow things in your absence. And depending on the type of poisoning, the symptoms can vary. Classic examples are here:

  • Lack of motivation
  • Heavy panting
  • Problems breathing
  • Dog trembles when resting
  • Lethargic behavior
  • Increased saliva production
  • Pale gums
  • Diarrhea and vomiting [6]

Mild poisoning usually resolves itself. However, if left untreated, severe cases can lead to permanent organ damage or even be fatal.

If you suspect something, I would advise you to go to the veterinary emergency clinic immediately. Depending on the cause, doctors usually try to make the dog vomit with medication.

If dogs accidentally swallow toxic things, poisoning can occur depending on the type and quantity. This can usually be recognized by the dog suddenly drooling heavily, vomiting or starting to shake. Restless behavior and panting are also common.

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#4 Hyperthyroidism

The primary task of the thyroid is to produce so-called thyroid hormones. If you are underactive, your body produces too few, and if you are overactive, your body produces too many.

Both too low and too high levels of these hormones lead to problems in practice. Typical symptoms of hyperfunction are:

  • Strong thirst
  • Hyperactivity
  • weight loss
  • Constant shaking
  • Dog breathes quickly
  • Restless behavior
  • Chronic vomiting
  • High pulse [7]

Affected dogs also tend to become dehydrated very quickly, which can be manifested by panting. The most common cause is damage to the thyroid gland.

In rare cases, tumor diseases can also be behind it. Special medications are usually used to treat this.

This means that affected dogs can usually lead a relatively normal life. Depending on the cause, some of the thyroid gland may also be surgically removed. [8]

If a dog's thyroid gland is too active due to illness and produces too many thyroid hormones, this is noticeable in their behavior. Typical features here are rapid breathing, constant panting, a lot of thirst and slight trembling.

#5 Addison's disease

Addison's disease refers to an underactive adrenal cortex. This in turn leads to reduced production of adrenal hormones.

This means, among other things, that the body does not have enough cortisol available. Typical symptoms of this are:

  • Strong thirst
  • Lethargic behavior
  • Trembling and panting
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Dog looks tired and sad
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Irregular and weak pulse
  • Diarrhea and vomiting [9]

In most cases the cause of this is unknown. However, for reasons that are still unclear, the following breeds are particularly affected:

  • poodle
  • Great Dane
  • Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
  • Bearded Collie
  • Portuguese water dog
  • West Highland White Terrier [10]

If left untreated, Addison's disease can become life-threatening. However, with the help of medication, affected four-legged friends can lead a normal life in almost all cases.

If dogs suffer from chronic underactive adrenal glands, this can manifest itself in tremors, a weak pulse and panting, among other things. Unusually strong thirst and sudden vomiting can also indicate this.

#6 High blood pressure

If the pressure in the blood vessels is permanently too high, doctors also speak of “high blood pressure”. In most cases the cause of this is unclear.

In some cases, however, it can also be an indication of other illnesses. Especially diseases of the kidneys, adrenal glands and diabetes.

In principle, you can measure your blood pressure yourself with a blood pressure monitor. In severe or chronic cases, there are usually other symptoms:

  • Dilated pupils
  • Depressive behavior
  • Sudden tremors
  • Increased drinking quantity
  • Seizures
  • Frequent panting
  • Increasing blindness
  • Muscle weakness
  • Nosebleeds [11]

If the cause can be diagnosed, the problem can be tackled directly at the root. If this is not the case, medication is usually used.

Among other things, the diet of affected dogs is often adjusted and the salt content is reduced. You should definitely visit the vet here. [12]

In rarer cases, high blood pressure can also be responsible for the shaking and panting. In addition to a measurement, this can usually be recognized by the fact that the dog has very dilated pupils, suddenly gets convulsions or bleeds from the nose.

#7 Heatstroke

Normally, dogs' body temperature should be between 38 and 39 °C. However, if dogs are in the heat for too long, this can increase.

And that has massive consequences. Just 2 to 3 °C more can be life-threatening. Typical signs of heat stroke are:

  • Gums are bright red
  • Fast breathing rate
  • Dog is panting heavily
  • Labored breathing
  • Dried gums
  • Trembling and sudden tipping over
  • Strong thirst [13]

Compared to humans, dogs have a much harder time coping with heat. One of the reasons for this is that they don't sweat all over their bodies, but primarily on their paws.

In addition, their thick fur insulates heat much better than human skin. For this reason, you should never lock your four-legged friend in the car when it is hot. [14]

To prevent this, I recommend using a self-cooling dog mat like this in the summer. This means your dog can always keep his body temperature low, even in hot weather.

Hot temperatures and especially physical activity in hot temperatures can quickly lead to heat stroke in dogs. It is primarily manifested by rapid breathing and heavy panting. Among other things, it can also lead to trembling and fainting.

#8 Neurological problems

In rare cases, the problem also lies in the brain. Because the tremor is basically just a rapid muscle contraction that is triggered in the brain. Possible causes of this are:

  • stroke
  • Injuries to the spinal cord
  • Infections in the brain
  • epilepsy
  • Injuries to the brain
  • Tumor diseases
  • Poisonings [15]

The trembling is caused by overloading the nerves and the panting is usually caused by the associated fear. Other typical symptoms are:

  • Disorientation
  • Dog is confused
  • Restless walking around
  • Strange behavior
  • Sudden seizures
  • Dogs stagger
  • Sudden aggressiveness
  • Dog spins in circles [16]

Since dogs' means of communication are severely limited, it is up to you to recognize the corresponding symptoms. If you suspect anything, I recommend visiting the vet.

Both injuries and diseases of the brain can be noticeable in the dog's behavior. You can usually tell if the dog is panting or is confused and disoriented. Trembling and staggering are also common here.
