Dog not gaining weight: reasons & solutions

Does your dog seem rather thin even though he has a normal or even very large appetite? Then you should definitely get to the bottom of the cause, because it's often stuck Parasites or Metabolic disorders behind it.

In this article you will find out which factors usually play a major role. You will also find 7 solution strategies, which have already helped many four-legged friends to be nursed up to their normal weight.

10 causes why a dog doesn't gain weight despite having an appetite

1. Parasitic infestation

Are very common endoparasites, i.e. parasites that live in the intestines are responsible for a lack of weight gain. Mostly they are worms; they find ideal living conditions in the digestive tract of four-legged friends.

During the course of their lives, virtually all four-legged friends are affected by worm infestation at least once. The microorganisms find, for example, after sniffing the feces of other animals, through that Eating raw meat or through contaminated plants the way into the body.

Other common symptoms of worm infestation

  • Itching, especially around the anus
  • Digestive problems such as nausea and diarrhea
  • Problems with the coat and even hair loss
  • Sluggish or apathetic behavior.

The affected dogs are, so to speak, robbed of their nutrients before they can be fully utilized. This is why severe infestations occur quickly Deficiency symptoms on: Although the animal eats well, it does not gain weight and often even loses weight.

Adopted four-legged friends are particularly affected by this: If, for example, you try to foster a dog that has been rescued from abroad, all attempts can be ruined by an uncontrolled worm population.

2. Food with insufficient nutritional value

Also one poorly composed feed can lead to the four-legged friend not really wanting to gain weight despite a big appetite. These are often low-quality varieties with lots of fillers, which provide the body with hardly any usable nutrition.

This phenomenon occurs very often when dogs are fed primarily or exclusively raw meat: a diet that is not tailored to the animals' needs BARF nutrition often leads to deficiency symptoms and lack of weight gain.

3. Feed intolerances

Another possible cause is Feed intolerances. In these cases, the dog food is actually well composed – but not for your four-legged friend.

The body then reacts allergically to certain ingredients; they are then difficult to utilize, so that the body hardly gains weight and often has digestive problems.

Experts differentiate between two different forms:

  • One Food allergy is innate
  • One Feed intolerance is acquired over the course of life, so it is possible that the dog will develop problems over time, even though he was previously able to digest food well.

4. Hyperthyroidism

In a so-called Hyperthyroidism The thyroid secretes too many hormones such as thyroxine and triiodothyronine – this is why the disease is also called Hyperthyroidism designated.

The metabolism then runs at full speed: Affected four-legged friends are therefore often not only very restless, but also do not gain weight despite their increased appetite – in many cases the animal even loses weight.

Possible causes

  • Thyroid tumor
  • Side effect of hypotherosis hormone treatment with L-thyroxine
  • Feeding too much gullet, especially when BARFing.

Source: Intervet Germany.

Unlike cats, dogs are fortunate to have hyperthyroidism not very widespread. If you have symptoms like these, you should still be on guard and think about this disease.

5. Pancreatic weakness

One pancreatic weakness, also as endocrine pancreatic insufficiency known, means that the important metabolic organ cannot properly break down the feed components. As a result, nutrients are no longer utilized properly and are instead excreted unused.

Unlike inflammation, animal patients with a weakened organ do have an appetite and often even eat more than healthy four-legged friends: but they simply don't want to gain weight.

Typical symptomswhich indicate this Cravings, digestive problems and Leftover food in the feces.

6. Canine diabetes

Most dogs under one Diabetes suffering are of the innate Type 1 diabetes affected. Due to overfeeding and generally poor nutrition, there is also an increasing number of four-legged friends who are below the acquired age, especially in old age Type 2 diabetes suffer.

Both forms of the disease have one thing in common: the body does not produce enough insulin or cannot properly utilize the important hormone. The blood sugar level rises, Affected animals often have a lot of appetite but still do not gain weight.

Other typical symptoms include, among others strong thirst with a lot of urine output, Digestive problems, dull coat and clear calmer behavior than before.

7. Very high calorie requirements

However, a lack of weight gain can also occur without a serious illness: in many cases it is because the dog has one very high, healthy calorie requirements which is not adequately covered.

According to relevant Feed tables The dog then gets enough food, but he still needs more. This is very often because the animal moved a lot and therefore needs more calories.

Also pregnant bitches have an increased need.

8. Chronic intestinal inflammation (IBD)

In addition to worm infestations, others can also Digestive problems negatively affect weight gain. Very often there is one chronic intestinal inflammation before.

The Inflammatory Bowel Disease, As the technical term goes, it is actually an autoimmune disease. Although it occurs comparatively frequently, it is unfortunately still largely unexplored.

Affected dogs not only have a lot to do with diarrhea, but also cannot always digest their food well. That's why they gain little or no weight despite eating a lot of food. If the disease progresses for a long time, the digestive tract can also be permanently damaged, for example by destroying the intestinal mucosa.

9. stress

Many dogs are from stress affected without their owners noticing anything. This not only affects the psyche, but also the metabolism: through the increased Release of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, this is disrupted.

At the same time, stressed dogs often either eat less or eat much more quickly. The former inevitably leads to the animals becoming emaciated or not gaining weight. The latter can, for example, cause digestive problems and the nutrients are not utilized optimally.

The possible stress factors for dogs are almost infinite. However, they often feel uncomfortable when eating because they lack the peace and quiet they need for the meal, for example due to animal rivals or too much commotion around the bowl.

10. Dental problems

However, it is also possible that your four-legged friend is under Dental problems suffers. As a result, he eats less, so he won't gain weight.

The most common dental disease in dogs is not tooth decay, but… tartar, which is caused by hardened food residues. This causes bacteria to get into the gaps, which can spread into the head. Injuries, such as broken teeth, are also a common source of danger.

Dogs have a high pain tolerance and instinctively don't want to be seen when they're missing something. That's why you have to go up “hidden” symptoms such as changing eating behavior.

Dog is not gaining weight: 7 good solutions

Of course, if a dog is adult and of normal weight, there is no reason to worry if he is not gaining weight. However, if the four-legged friend is still young or appears emaciated, a lack of weight gain can quickly become a problem.

Since health factors often play a role, you have to watch your four-legged friend closely pay attention to symptoms, which could indicate one or more causes. After that, you should start working on one as quickly as possible Solution to work, because deficiency symptoms can severely weaken the dog in the long term.

The following are particularly important: 7 strategies very proven.

1. Regular deworming

If a dog doesn't gain weight despite having a lot of appetite, parasites are often behind it. These parasites will not leave the four-legged friend's body voluntarily, so you have to go to one Worm treatment grab.

Some dog owners then rely on herbal remedies, which can certainly help with prevention, but are not strong enough in cases of severe worm infestation. Most experts then definitely recommend one that is approved as a medicinal product Antiparasitic.

This clinically proven substances are designed to quickly kill all common endoparasites without the four-legged friend being affected by severe side effects. At the same time, the medications work very quickly; one tablet is usually enough to render the pests harmless.

According to experts, how often a dog should be wormed depends largely on the risk group from: Four-legged friends who travel a lot without a leash need less treatment than an apartment dog. You can find out more about this in the information article “Deworming a dog – when and how often?”

2. Feed change

But sometimes it is also recommended to change food. This applies in particular to the following two cases:

  1. The four-legged friend receives not optimal nutrient supply
  2. The animal suffers from one Feed intolerance.

In any case, when looking for a new dog food, you should read ingredient lists and nutritional information carefully. You can also find out what is important in our article on the topic “What makes good dog food?”

If your pet is allergic or has developed a food intolerance, the only thing that helps is recognizing and avoiding the specific allergens. The easiest way to do this is to use a special hypoallergenic food.

3. Larger amount of food

If the dog simply needs more food, it may be enough to increase the portions slightly.

There are also options for certain cases – for example looking after street dogs or after an illness special building food. These varieties have a particularly high-calorie recipe with a pronounced fat content.

4. High-calorie dietary supplements & Treats

But occasionally they can too high-calorie extras help. For example, there are high-quality oils that offer the dog high-quality fats.

Treats are also a nice option. They are often rather greasy and can be easily combined with, for example, educational and command training.

Be careful with snacks

Please make sure that the dog is next to such…