Dog names and their meaning, they are super cute!

The dog names and their meaning They can be a hallmark of your pet because apart from being loud, they would come to identify some feature of the furry ones.

When a new member arrives at home, we try to give him all our affection and love. Also, we provide them with comfort and good food, but part of their well-being depends on choosing a nice name for him or her that represents them and obviously, that has a valuable meaning and that reminds us that there is no other pet in the world that is so special.

In case you want to know 5 sad dog movies to cry your eyes out or you are interested in learning the meanings for some dog names and thus baptize your next best friend, then we show you some that you might like:

Cute dog names and their meanings

There is no greater emotion than calling a puppy and having it come wagging its tail. Take a look at these name options and fall in love with their meaning:

  • Drake: translate dragon in latin.
  • Nero: It is a name of Latin origin and means strength.
  • Boris: comes from Slavic and means big bear.
  • Corvo: it means crow in the Galician language.
  • Benji: means the smallest in the Hebrew language.
  • Pixie: means forest fairies and is Irish urine.
  • Shiro: translates white and is of Korean origin. Can be applied as Shira in feminine.
  • Leah: of Hebrew origin and means worker.
  • Ash: It is a name of Persian origin that means truth.

English names for dogs and their meaning

The English language also provides some cute names for puppies and they could even be easily distinguished when you go out on the street and shout their name (to avoid 20 puppies turning to look at you at once):

  • Lucky: It means lucky in Spanish.
  • Shadow: its meaning in Spanish is shade.
  • Prince: its meaning is prince. If you want it in feminine it would be Princess.
  • Fluffy: it means fluffy, furry or fluffy in Spanish.
  • Bacon: this name means bacon in our language.
  • Ghost: its translation into Spanish is ghost.
  • Winter: translates as winter in Spanish.
  • Boss: means boss in our language.
  • Alaska: is one of the states of the United States.
  • Honey: its means in Spanish is honey

Names of gods for dogs and their meaning

Also, mythology provides some beautiful names for your pet. In this list there will surely be one that you love:

  • Hercules: Greek demigod famous for his strength.
  • Thor: norse god of thunder
  • Hades: Greek god of thunder.
  • Zeus: ultimate greek god
  • Ra: egyptian sun god
  • Bragie: Norse god of wisdom.
  • Atreus: Greek mythological character.

What was your favorite dog name? Leave us your answer in a comment and don’t forget to share our content on all your social networks.