| Dog magic

In total there are 21 toy dogs that are regularly asked about in crossword puzzles. Here you can find a list of all typical solutions:

  • #1 CHIN – 4 letters
  • #2 PUG – 4 letters
  • #3 CORGI – 5 letters
  • #4 CHIN – 6 letters
  • #5 DACHSHUND – 6 letters
  • #6 SHIHTZU – 7 letters
  • #7 VOLPINO – 7 letters
  • #8 PHALÈNE – 7 letters
  • #9 MALTESE – 8 letters
  • #10 PAPILLON – 8 letters
  • #11 PEKINGESE – 9 letters
  • #12 CHIHUAHUA – 9 letters
  • #13 HAVANESE – 9 letters
  • #14 BOLOGNESE – 10 letters
  • #15 KLEINSPTZ – 10 letters
  • #16 POMERANIAN – 10 letters
  • #17 ZWERGSPITZ – 10 letters
  • #18 TOY POODLE – 10 letters
  • #19 REHPINSCHER – 11 letters
  • #20 AFFENPINSCHER – 13 letters
  • #21 ZWERGPINSCHER – 13 letters

Then let's take a closer look at the individual breeds.

>> Our top recommendations

#1 CHIN – 4 letters

If your crossword puzzle asks for your toy dog ​​with 4 letters, it's usually the Chin. These dwarf dogs originally come from China.

In his homeland, he is still kept primarily as a lap and family dog. These four-legged friends can live up to 15 years and are very friendly.

Fun fact: These dogs have similarities to cats not only in their size, but also in their behavior. Because they often lick their paws and like to cuddle up to their master's legs while standing.

#2 PUG – 4 letters

The pug also comes from China. Since these toy dogs only have 4 letters, they find their way into crossword puzzles relatively often.

Internationally, this breed is also one of the 30 most popular dogs. Because they are considered very trusting, sociable and playful. However, they shed relatively heavily.

Fun fact: These four-legged friends develop such a close relationship with their master that they want to follow him wherever they go. This also explains her nickname “Shadow”.

#3 CORGI – 5 letters

“Corgi” is Welsh and stands for dwarf dog. Not only is it the smallest German Shepherd breed in the world, but it is also often the answer to crossword puzzles.

According to statistics, they are also the 13th most popular breed in the world. Because they are easy to train and are considered very friendly and protective.

Fun fact: With, without, with, with, without – dog owners are amazed at these animals when some puppies are born with and others without a tail.

#4 CHIN – 6 letters

The Tschin comes from China and is often the answer when crossword puzzles ask for a toy dog ​​with 6 letters. He mostly serves as a lap dog.

In addition, this breed requires very little exercise and is moderately easy to train. Their trusting nature also makes them suitable as therapy dogs.

Fun fact: This breed is known for what is known as the “Chin Spin”. The dogs stand on their hind legs and turn in circles while standing.

#5 DACHSHUND – 6 letters

The dachshund comes from Germany. This also explains why these toy dogs are particularly frequently asked about in German crossword puzzles.

In addition, this breed not only comes in three different sizes, but also with three different hair types. They are also very playful and bark a lot.

Fun fact: The name of these dogs is more often used in southern Germany as a swear word for stupid people.

#6 SHIHTZU – 7 letters

If your crossword puzzle asks for a toy dog ​​with 7 letters, then it is usually the Shihtzu.

This Chinese breed lives up to 18 years and weighs around 6 kg when fully grown. They also make great family dogs and get along very well with children.

Fun fact: In the past, these dogs sometimes served as foot warmers for their masters.

#7 VOLPINO – 7 letters

The Volpino is a relatively rare toy dog ​​breed from Italy. There are currently only around 3,000 living examples of these dogs left.

And yet the four-legged friends are often asked about in crossword puzzles. They are also considered friendly, cheerful and particularly active. On the other hand, they bark quite a lot.

Fun fact: While other breeds loudly defend their food, these dogs like to share it with others – true Italians.

#8 PHALÈNE – 7 letters

The Phalène is a subspecies of the continental toy spaniel. However, this race is rarely asked about in crossword puzzles due to the accent.

In addition, the toy dogs are easy to train, shed little and are considered friendly. But they bark even more and have a strong hunting instinct.

Fun fact: These small dogs often react aggressively towards much larger dogs. Paradoxically, even in this state they still look very cute.

#9 MALTESE – 8 letters

The Maltese is said to come from Malta and is primarily known for its white fur. The exact country of origin of this breed is still controversial.

With only 8 letters, these toy dogs are one of 2 possible answers in the crossword puzzle. They are also among the 40 most popular dogs worldwide.

Fun fact: If this breed doesn't get enough sun, their black nose turns pink.

#10 PAPILLON – 8 letters

The Papillon is a dwarf dog from an area now divided into Belgium and France. It also only weighs around 3 kg and is often asked about in crossword puzzles.

With a life expectancy of up to 17 years, they are also one of the longest-lived breeds in the world. They are also very easy to train and shed little.

Fun fact: These dogs like to bark at strange dogs from a distance. However, if they get closer, they usually run away.

#11 PEKINGESE – 9 letters

The Pekingese comes from China, where they are mostly used as family dogs. These toy dogs are also just as suitable as guard dogs.

In addition, they are considered very stubborn, aggressive and stubborn. They also bark quite a bit and are asked relatively frequently in German crossword puzzles.

Fun fact: With long fur, these four-legged friends often look like a walking mop.

#12 CHIHUAHUA – 9 letters

If your crossword puzzle asks for a Mexican toy dog ​​with 9 letters, then it's the Chihuahua.

This breed was named after the Mexican state of the same name. In addition, these little four-legged friends only weigh around 2-3 kg and shed little.

Fun fact: The smallest Chihuahua in the world is less than 10 cm tall – about the size of a glass of water.

#13 HAVANESE – 9 letters

The Havanese is the only Cuban dog breed. These four-legged friends are now also very popular in Germany. They are therefore often used in crossword puzzles.

Compared to other toy dogs, they are also easy to train, bark little and have a strong hunting instinct. They live up to 16 years old.

Fun fact: These dogs are particularly likely to eat their own stool. Here you should stand aside particularly quickly with a poop bag.

#14 BOLOGNESE – 10 letters

The Bolognese or “Bolo” is an Italian dwarf dog. When fully grown, these four-legged friends only reach around 3 kg. They also live up to 15 years.

In crossword puzzles, however, they are only the solution in one out of 5 cases. Because with 10 letters there are also 4 other possible races.

Fun fact: Although these four-legged friends are very intelligent on the one hand, they are also particularly stubborn on the other.

#15 KLEINSPTZ – 10 letters

The Kleinspitz is a subspecies of the German Spitz. So if the crossword puzzle asks about a German toy dog, then you've come to the right place.

This Spitz dog breed is also considered to be very caring, active and devoted. Compared to other dogs, they are also easy to train and bark a lot.

Fun fact: The creativity of these dogs seemingly knows no bounds. Because even on the quietest night, they always find a reason to bark.

#16 POMERANIAN – 10 letters

The Pomeranian is the smallest subspecies of the German Spitz. However, statistically speaking, this breed of toy dog ​​is only rarely asked about in crossword puzzles.

In addition, they come in more than 20 different colors. They also make great family dogs. But they rarely get along with other dogs.

Fun fact: These dogs usually have a smile on their cheeks by nature. Because her mouth is slightly curved upwards at the side.

#17 ZWERGSPITZ – 10 letters

The Pomeranian is not only one of the 30 most popular dogs worldwide, but is also often the answer to crossword puzzles. He also lives up to 16 years old.

Due to his trusting and friendly nature, he is sometimes used as a therapy dog. He also only gives birth to around 2-3 puppies per jump.

Fun fact: These toy dogs are known for learning to do a backflip particularly quickly. All you need to do is hold a few treats over their heads.

#18 TOY POODLE – 10 letters

The toy poodle is the smallest subspecies of the poodle. In addition, these toy dogs are among the 10 most intelligent breeds in the world.

Because they are easy to train, they are also ideal for first-time owners. In addition, with 10 letters, they are often the solution to crossword puzzles.

Fun fact: These dogs come from France… No, you thought wrong. This breed has its origins in Germany.

#19 REHPINSCHER – 11 letters

If your crossword puzzle asks for a toy dog ​​with 11 letters, then it can only be the Rehpinscher.

This breed has its origins in Germany and only weighs around 4 kg when fully grown. They also love activity and need plenty of exercise.

Fun fact: These four-legged friends are the “breed clowns”. Because they always find a way to make their family laugh through silly behavior.

#20 AFFENPINSCHER – 13 letters

The Affenpinscher got its name because of its monkey-like hair. These dwarf dogs are colloquially known as “Affie”.

These German four-legged friends also appear more often in crossword puzzles. They also shed and bark very little. However, they are relatively difficult to train.

Fun fact: Affenpinscher puppies are born blind and are still blind for the first few days.

#21 ZWERGPINSCHER – 13 letters

The Miniature Pinscher is one of the 70 most popular breeds worldwide. At 13 letters, it is also the longest possible solution for toy dogs in crossword puzzles.

Because of his proud behavior, he is also more often referred to as the “King of the Lap Dogs”. He also needs a lot of activity and makes a great watchdog.

Fun fact: These dogs are sneaky and creative at the same time. Because if you just take them out of the…