Licking your face is your four-legged friend’s way of licking you communicate. This Behave he already learns from his mother and other pack members.
What your fur nose is trying to tell you when he licks your face, that is differing.
Does your dog lick your face? Why is he doing this? We’ll get to the bottom of it in this article!
In a nutshell: what does it mean when my dog licks my face?
When a dog licks a person’s face, it has very different meanings such as joy, declaration of love or also stress or one form of marking.
Besides, it can the following mean:
- submission
- curiosity
- grooming
- communication
So always pay attention to the situation when your dog licks your face. In which Mood is your dog
This is also very important body language your animal friend.
7 reasons why your dog licks your face
Here are the reasons why your dog licks your face, explain in more detail.
Then you can understand betterwhy your darling’s tongue licks your nose.
1. Joy
Your dog comes running excitedly and is happy itself, to see you. At the same time, his rod “propells” so strongly, as if he wants to take off.
If your animal friend in one of these Mood and then licks your face too, that can happen Expression from Joy be.
2. Submission/Appeasement
You can often see this gesture in young dogs. They lick an older or higher-ranking dog in the pack soothing around the nose.
Simultaneously duck they turn or turn sideways.
If your dog behaves like this when you lick your face, it is very clearly a gesture of the dog submission or appeasement.
3. Proof of love
If your dog licks your face, it can simply be a sign of affection be.
Within packs It was observed that the dogs lick each other’s fur – especially when they are resting.
4. Stress
If your four-legged friend is unsure, licking your face can be one skip action be.
He doesn’t know how to behave in a certain situation. Often the reaction also hectic licking around your own snout.
Find out what is stressing your furry friend and ask it trigger away. If that is not possible, practice the situation with him.
5. Curiosity
Did you eat something tasty, or do you smell it on your face? Then your dog will want to test what smells so great or also tastes.
6. Grooming
Not only cats clean their fur with tongue and saliva. You can see this in dogs too Behave.
The four-legged friends also clean each other – or your four-legged friend you. Especially in Face and to the ears.
At the same time, this counts as proof of love (see point 3)
7. Mark
Saliva can be a form of mark be.
female dogs «tag» their puppies by licking the fur. So every dog can see that the little ones belong to her.
Dogs drool her toy to identify it as yours.
So it can also be possible that your dog sees you or your face through the licking marked. You belong to him, so to speak!
8. Means of Communication
Bitches communicate with theirs puppies about licking the mouth.
dogs among themselves lick his own muzzle or the mouth of the other dog.
This gesture will as greeting understood. The dogs don’t duck, but meet «politely» at eye level.
How should I react if my dog licks my face?
Because licking is important for your dog social aspect represents, you should not forbid it completely.
However, you can confine to your handswhich you can clean thoroughly afterwards.
Above all, recognize the reason for the licking. Some licking, for example from stress or reassurance, is like a small one “Help Signal”.
So help your dog from the situation where he needs help.
Can my dog lick my face have any health effects?
Is her dog healthy and will regularly dewormedyour health will not be endangered by licking your face.
The mouth, nose and eye area better left out when your dog licks your face.
Pathogens usually only penetrate through the mucous membranes into your body through your nose, mouth and eyes. One infection via the skin is virtually impossible.
So if your darling is fit, you must no concerns before his wet displays of love.
Does your dog lick your face? This is normal because it is a means of communication and can be joy, stress, love or reassurance.
How much you allow your dog to lick your face is up to you. But don’t stop him from licking completely. He wants to tell you every now and then that he likes you.
you have one too Dogwho likes to tell you about Face licks? Are you happy about it, or do you want it out hygienic Found prefer to avoid?
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