When dogs let their tails hang, it is usually due to a water tail or severe fear. Under certain circumstances, it can also be an indication of a broken tail, submissive behavior, a sprain, severe stress or even back pain.
Even today, the myth still persists that a dog's tail cannot break or bend. But that has long since been refuted.
The tail is just a chain of 5 to 23 vertebrae that are held together with muscles, ligaments and tissue. [1]
Below you will learn about the 7 most common reasons why dogs suddenly stop lifting their tails and the symptoms.
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#1 Water Rod
When dogs spend a lot of time in cold water, it can overwhelm the muscles in their tail. Doctors also refer to this as a “water rod”.
It can usually be recognized by the fact that the affected four-legged friend lets his tail hang down as if paralyzed and hardly moves. Other typical signs of this are:
It is also noticeable that the first 3-10 cm of the rod usually protrude almost horizontally towards the back. This is particularly common with water dogs. This includes:
- Labrador retrievers
- beagle
- English Setters
- American Water Spaniel
- English Pointer [3]
In most cases, a water rod heals itself. In order to promote regeneration, it is important to consciously reduce the activity level.
If you have severe pain or are constantly in the water, pain-relieving medication and warm compresses can also help. Here I recommend visiting the vet.
If dogs let their tails hang down and no longer lift, then it is often due to a water rod. This muscular strain usually occurs after prolonged periods of time in cold water. Water dogs are particularly affected.
#2 Severe fear
You've probably seen a stray that retracts its tail when it comes into contact. This is a natural reaction when fear exists.
Young dogs and sensitive breeds in particular struggle with anxiety. The most common causes include:
- Contact with strangers
- Existing traumas
- Severe storms
- Loud noises
- Violence in education [4]
In cases of severe or chronic anxiety, dogs may no longer lift their tails at all. Other typical signs of this are:
- Physical restlessness
- Constant shaking
- Avoiding eye contact
- Ears laid back
- Scared pee
- Sudden incontinence
- Constant running back and forth [5]
First, you should find out the trigger for the fear. If this can be eliminated, then all complaints should stop.
If this is not the case, then you need to either prevent the trigger or get your dog used to it. It is important to proceed step by step here.
When dogs are chronically or severely afraid, they not only tuck their tails, but also let their tails hang down in everyday life. This can usually be recognized by the fact that the four-legged friend generally appears very restless and adopts a stooped posture.
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#3 Broken rod
A broken tail occurs when one or more vertebrae in the tail break. The most common triggers include:
- Constant weaving against an edge
- Rod jammed in the door
- Accidents involving cars or bicycles
- Dog runs off with his tail tucked in [6]
It is extremely important to pay attention to the symptoms here. If left untreated, this can cause the rod to grow together incorrectly and lead to long-term problems.
In most cases, a broken tail can be recognized by a kink in the tail or by the dog no longer lifting its tail. Other typical symptoms are:
- Knobs along the tail
- Touch sensitivity
- Dog constantly runs in circles
- Coordination problems
- Dogs no longer wag
- Rod hangs strangely
- Dog sits strangely [7]
An x-ray image is usually taken for diagnosis. Treatment then takes place depending on the severity. In simple cases, a bandage may be sufficient.
In more severe cases, medication or even surgical correction are necessary. If the vertebrae are completely shattered, amputation may also be necessary.
If vertebrae in a dog's tail break, this is usually accompanied by a loss of function in the tail. This usually occurs when a kink in the tail is visible or when the four-legged friend lets his tail hang down.
#4 Submissive behavior
Wolves always form their own hierarchy within their pack. Starting with the Alpha, then the Betas, Deltas and the lowest ranked are the Omegas. Dogs do it the same way.
Except that when it comes to domestic dogs, the pack is the family. Normally, the Alpha is the master and the remaining family members are usually Betas and Deltas.
The problem? Some dogs have such low self-confidence that they automatically put themselves at the bottom and submit to everything. [8]
This can usually be recognized by the fact that the dog avoids eye contact, appears distant, hangs his tail and adopts a stooped posture.
Violence in upbringing can also cause such submissive behavior. The aim here is to strengthen self-confidence. Best practices are here:
- Focus primarily on positive feedback methods
- Try to keep your composure even in exceptional situations
- Introduce your dog gradually to strangers
- Get your dog used to things he is afraid of [9]
If dogs always place themselves at the bottom of their own hierarchy or have low self-confidence, then this becomes noticeable in their behavior. Among other things, it causes the dog to become distant and no longer lift its tail.
#5 Distorted tail
In addition to a broken rod and a water rod, a dislocation can also occur. This is what we are talking about when the vertebrae shift or even separate.
In most cases, the cause is getting caught in a door. But other accidents can also lead to a sprained tail. Typical symptoms of this are:
- Rod has a kink
- Touch sensitivity
- Dog no longer lifts tail
- Constant beeping
- Swelling on the tail
- Weird sitting position [10]
In many cases, the displacement of the vertebrae also pinches nerves, which can cause great pain.
In most cases, the vertebrae have to be brought back into the correct position by the doctor. With local anesthesia, this can also be done completely painlessly.
In any case, you should seek professional help here. If the blood supply is stopped as a result of the dislocation, the rod can also die. [11]
A dislocation of the tail can cause the tail to lose some of its functionality. You can usually tell when the dog suddenly becomes sensitive to touch, lets its tail hang down and sits strangely.
#6 Chronic stress
In addition to fear, chronic stress can also affect both behavior and rod posture. The most common triggers include:
- loneliness
- Presence of strangers
- Constant noise
- More dominant dogs
- Lack of socialization [12]
All of these things can lead to the release of stress hormones. This primarily refers to cortisol and adrenaline, which put the dog on alert.
If this becomes a permanent condition and the stress hormone level is constantly elevated, then affected four-legged friends will often let their tails down. Other typical symptoms are:
The first step here is to identify the trigger. It is then up to you whether you want to remove the trigger or proactively get your dog used to it.
If there is no stress factor nearby, this can also indicate potential hormonal imbalances. Here I recommend consulting the vet.
Severe or chronic stress can lead to permanently elevated levels of stress hormones. In most cases, it can be recognized by the affected dog suddenly shaking, yawning frequently, no longer lifting its tail and constantly licking its lips.
#7 Back pain
Unlike humans, dogs always try to hide existing pain. They inherited this protective mechanism from their ancestors, the wolves.
The reason? In nature, it is not a good idea to show external weakness. Otherwise, even predators become victims of other predators.
Problems with the spinal cord or vertebrae in the lower back can also affect tail posture. Typical triggers for this are:
- Herniated disc
- Pinched vertebrae
- Degenerative disc disease
- Injuries to the spinal cord
- Nerve damage [14]
If the nerve pathways are affected here, the rod may also lose function. The most common signs include:
- Dog humps cat
- Touch sensitive back
- Dog lets his tail hang
- Unusual posture
- Sudden swaying
- Restless sleep [15]
Back problems are not something to be trifled with. If you suspect something, I would advise you to see the vet immediately. Treatment then depends on the cause.
Existing problems with the back can also lead to a reduction in the functionality of the rod. Affected dogs are often no longer able to lift their tails. They also usually react very sensitively to touch on the back.
Rare causes
- Nerve damage
- Congenital anomaly (“kinked rod”)
- Cancer on the tail
- Diseases of the anal glands
- Injuries caused by bites
- Brain disease [16]
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