Dog keeps whining: reasons & solutions

5. boredom

Dogs want to be kept busy. You need a regular daily routine that includes both physical and mental activities. If they lack this, they will quickly become bored.

In many cases they then try to keep themselves busy: This often ends in chaos, and some dogs even tend to behave destructively.

But this doesn't come without warning: If the four-legged friend doesn't have anything to do, he usually makes contact with his human caregivers. If he is ignored, he often reacts by whining – he knows that this sound provokes a quick reaction, similar like a whining child.

6. frustration

Communication between humans and pets has many pitfalls. However, this is rarely the fault of the dog, but rather the fault of its owners. Unfortunately, we are masters at it, Misunderstanding dog language – also because some of the four-legged friends’ gestures and sounds can have multiple meanings.

Examples of typical dog-human misunderstandings

BehavePossible “dog language”Man misunderstandsYawningStress, appeasementDog is tiredTail waggingNegative excitementPositive joyHeavy pantingStress, fearExhaustion, “sweating”HummingJoy, comfortThreatLicking faceNervousness, appeasement“Kiss”

If you have ever had the experience of someone not understanding what you meant even after the third explanation, you may be able to understand how the dog feels. He is frustrated and in a certain sense also desperate.

This is often expressed in sounds that dogs use, especially to communicate with people – they are, so to speak, a last attempt to be understood. These include, for example, humming and whining.

7. expression of joy

But whining is not just a learned means of communication for dogs: the sound can also strong emotions mean. Many four-legged friends, for example, express themselves this way when they very happy.

Examples of this are the Return of a family member or a upcoming walk: When you start making your way to the door and hold the leash in your hand, many animals start cheeping out of happiness.

This is also typical in other ways exuberant body language, e.g. tail wagging, joyful sniffing and also positive trembling.

8. Expression of sadness

Beeping can also happen Expression of sadness be. Especially when the dog feels abandoned, he can express himself in this way.

This is the case, for example, if his Caregiver leaves the house while others take care of him. Even if you have installed a dog camera with sound recording, you will also hear the sound often.

The dog usually has one very defensive posture, He makes himself smaller and often retracts his tail, which then makes it barely visible. Listless behavior and refusal to eat also often occur.

9. Male feels/sees female in heat

But also those shoots can cause a dog to suddenly behave differently. If you have one Male dogs It's quite possible that he's out of sorts from time to time, constantly beeping at you and trying to leave the house or apartment.

The reason for this is most likely one female dog in heat in the neighborhood. Because of their excellent sense of smell, male dogs can often spot them even though they are meters away – for example a few houses away.

Normally this phenomenon should only short-lived be. As soon as the desired dog has returned to a hormonal resting state, the frequency of whining should decrease again.

10. Dog wants to play with other dogs

Dogs are very social animals and, as long as they get a fixed dog walking route, they quickly have both “friends” who they like and “enemies” who they would rather not meet.

When a dog has found a companion, he may react very emotionally and unconditionally want to play with him. If this is not possible immediately – for example because he is on a leash – he will often bark at you in the hope of being let go.

It is typical that the four-legged friend positively excited is: He usually wags his tail and will also try to pull on the leash to get to his play partner more quickly.

11. CDS (canine dementia)

But there are also very unpleasant reasons why dogs behave like this. For example, if your four-legged friend really whines for no understandable reason and is already older, there is also the possibility that he is suffering from this “Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome”, short CDS, suffers.

This is the most common form of Dementia in domestic dogs. Affected animals often no longer recognize their surroundings and then make noises that actually have nothing to do with reality: they then bark at nothing, start screaming for no reason or constantly whine.

More signs of CDS

  • Changes in behavior, for example the dog is less happy
  • Dog is no longer house trained
  • Four-legged friend no longer listens to commands
  • Dog can no longer find his way around the house or on familiar routes and is disoriented

Source: Veterinarian Dr. Ralf Michling, Wilhelmshaven.

CDS is incurable. With appropriate psychological and veterinary care However, it is also possible for dogs with dementia to live a good life for quite a long time.

12. Chronic pain

Also Pains can provoke whining and whining. Older dogs often react this way when they suffer from degenerative joint disease.

Are particularly unpleasant arthritis suffering, then the joints are chronically inflamed. A clumsy movement by the dog is often enough to cause it to yelp or even scream.

Other illnesses can also provoke whining, for example suffering chronic back pain cause (herniated disc etc.).

13. Injuries & Foreign body

In addition to chronic pain can also Injuries contribute to the dog cheeping incessantly. For example, if he hurt his paw or got one Foreign body like a splinter, he will often try to communicate with you this way.

In a certain sense that is one Cry for help: The four-legged friend then wants you to take care of him.