Dog humming | Causes, meaning and solution [2024] –

When dogs hum, it is usually an expression of joy or a sign of frustration. In individual cases, however, it can also indicate a lack of attention, lack of exercise, arthritis, dementia or even poisoning.

In addition, guard dogs in particular tend to behave this way for evolutionary reasons. Here it is important to pay attention to the other symptoms in order to identify the cause.

Furthermore, the respective initial situation can also provide conclusions about the potential causes. Here's a quick overview:

Initial situationMost likely causesWhen cuddlingJoy, lack of exercise, frustration, stomach acheWhen breathingPoisoning, other illnessesIn sleepDreams, frustration, dementiaWhen lying downArthritis, problems with the musculoskeletal systemWhile playingJoy, territorial behavior, frustration, lack of attentionIn the basketStomach pain, lack of exercise, poisoning, lack of attention, dementia

Below you will learn about the 10 most common causes of humming in dogs and what they mean.

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#1 Lack of utilization

The daily need for mental and physical activity is very individual depending on the breed. If you don't meet this basic need, frustration will set in.

In addition, more active breeds also tend to be hyperactive in such a case. Typical symptoms here are:

  • Destroying your own basket
  • Furniture chewing
  • Ignoring commands
  • Constant humming and whining
  • Eye contact with the master
  • Lack of ability to concentrate
  • Running around the apartment [1]

This occurs most often in active breeds such as sheepdogs and hunting dogs when they are kept in small apartments or houses without a garden.

Here the hum is simply an expression of excess energy. The equivalent for children is a nagging “I’m bored!” These measures can help here:

  • Arrange regular playdates with your neighbor's dog
  • Always keep new toys (like ours)
  • Take your four-legged friend with you on bike tours

The busier and more tired a dog is, the fewer sounds it tends to make. Maybe a neighbor's child can go for a walk every now and then for a little pocket money?

When dogs behave hyperactively and grumble, they usually lack physical and mental exercise. What is noticeable here is that they seek eye contact with their owner during this time. Here it is important to find creative ways to utilize capacity.

#2 Arthritis

Arthritis is a chronic disease that primarily affects older dogs and large breeds. It causes the dog's joints to become increasingly inflamed.

According to current studies, a full 20% of all dogs suffer from it. [2] The most common symptoms here include:

  • Dislike of stairs
  • Yelling and whining when petted
  • Constant licking of the joints
  • Humming when lying down
  • Increasingly stiff gait
  • Avoiding jumps [3]

Here the humming is simply an expression of pain. These can be greatly reduced with the help of medication and a change in diet.

However, there is still no cure for arthritis. Depending on the severity, acupuncture treatments and physiotherapy can also bring about improvement. [4]

Arthritis in dogs causes their joints to become inflamed. It can usually be recognized by swollen joints, a stiff walking style and also by the dog grumbling in pain when running or lying down. Medication can help here.

#3 Lack of attention

Young dogs and sensitive breeds generally need the most attention. It's like with small children. If this attention is not given, then nagging is the order of the day.

What is striking here is that the dog seeks eye contact with its owner while whining or even behaves hyperactively. Other signs of this include:

  • Showing tricks without prior command
  • Constant whining, humming and whining
  • Dog follows owner every step of the way
  • Jumping at the master
  • Sleeping out of frustration or boredom [5]

Often this behavior is even learned. Because if the dog makes certain sounds and then gets attention, he will notice and repeat them in the future.

The whiners par excellence include Chihuahuas, Beagles, Miniature Pinschers, Siberian Huskies, Yorkshire Terriers, Bloodhounds and Alaskan Malamutes.

The solution? Implement measures so that your dog gets enough attention every day. With puppies it is also important to define limits.

When dogs lack attention, they usually make themselves known loudly. In addition to yelping, whining and whining, humming is also common. It can also be seen when the dog seeks eye contact or even jumps at the owner.

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#4 Dementia

According to statistics, dogs are even more likely to suffer from dementia than people. According to current figures, up to 70% of all four-legged friends suffer from this in old age. [6]

This in turn means that mental performance progressively declines. Alzheimer's is used here as a synonym. But it is just a special form of dementia.

The most common symptoms include:

  • Constantly repetitive behavior
  • Sudden aggressiveness
  • Restless walking around
  • Humming in confusion
  • Nocturnal activity
  • Loss of orientation [7]

There is currently no cure for dementia. However, such intelligence toys can slow down the spread of the disease.

Depending on the cause, medication can also bring about improvement. Here you should visit the vet for diagnosis and treatment.

Demented dogs become increasingly confused and no longer recognize their own family or home. Because of fear and panic, they hum, whine and bark unusually often. Intelligence trainers are helpful to counteract the disease.

#5 Joy

As paradoxical as it may seem, dogs sometimes use the same sounds to express frustration and joy. This behavior is often learned.

For example, if the dog hums and is then petted, this behavior will be repeated in the future. Other triggers of strong joy are:

  • Dog gets food
  • Master cuddles with dog
  • Friends or acquaintances come over
  • Presence of other dogs
  • Dog gets a cuddle
  • Owner comes home

If there is actually joy behind it, you can usually tell by the dog's body language and posture:

  • Medium height tail
  • Ears erect
  • Constant whining
  • Relaxed posture
  • Wagging tail
  • Restless tapping of the paws [8]

To better understand the dog's body language, I can warmly recommend Johanna Kessler's online dog school.

There you will also learn which commands and which pronunciation are best suited in such situations. Really great.

When dogs are pampered by petting and cuddling or are happy for other reasons, they often start to hum quietly. It is noticeable that the dog's posture is completely relaxed and he is wagging his tail.

#6 Stomach pain

Compared to humans, dogs are much more likely to suffer from abdominal pain. Because, unlike us, they have only been omnivores for a few millennia.

Wolves, on the other hand, are still primary carnivores. Even small inconsistencies can lead to digestive problems. Typical triggers for this are:

  • Food intolerances
  • Too much grain or soy
  • Leftover food from people
  • Food allergies
  • Old meat products [9]

If pain is actually responsible for the humming, then it is usually more serious. Because dogs always tend to hide them. Typical symptoms are:

  • Dog refuses food
  • Flatulence
  • Constant gagging sensation
  • Avoiding physical activity
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Restless behavior
  • Beeping while lying down [10]

If you suspect allergies, an allergy test can help. In addition to changing the food, a visit to the vet can also help to diagnose the cause.

Alternatively, such a free food check can also help to get individual food recommendations and free food samples.

Digestive problems can cause the dog to have a stomach ache after eating. What is noticeable here is that most four-legged friends refuse treats themselves, suddenly vomit, behave restlessly or even start to growl.

#7 Territorial behavior

Since dogs used to live primarily in the wild, they are still genetically attentive and always scan their surroundings for enemies.

In addition, it used to be important for survival to have one's own territory that provided enough food and water.

For this reason, dogs, and especially all guard dog breeds, are very territorial and protective. If someone is threatening your territory, you can usually tell by this:

  • Baring your teeth
  • Growling and humming
  • Constant barking
  • Dog stands in front of his master
  • Patrolling the garden [11]

Here it is important to socialize the dog by gradually getting him used to strange dogs and strange people. A consistent “no” command can also help here.

The earlier you socialize your dog, the more sociable he will become later. It also helps if you always reward your dog with a treat for friendly behavior.

Very territorial dogs often react aggressively when strangers are in their territory or even threaten the territory. Typical behaviors here include growling, baring teeth, deep humming, constant barking and instinctive patrolling.

#8 Musculoskeletal problems

The musculoskeletal system includes all parts of the body that are used for the dog's movement. So primarily muscles, ligaments, bones and joints.

Problems with the musculoskeletal system can cause movements to cause pain. The two most common causes for this are:

If the joint socket on the dog's hip has not developed correctly, then doctors speak of hip dysplasia. [12]

This is most common in large breeds. You can usually recognize it by grinding joints, a stiff gait or a humming sound when climbing stairs.

When young dogs' bones grow too quickly and the rest of the body cannot adapt quickly enough, growing pains often occur. [13]

This is also known among veterinarians as “panostitis.” Here, too, large dog breeds tend to suffer from this more often. Affected dogs often limp and whine when running.
