Dog has lump after tick bite: THAT is behind it

In summer it is not uncommon for the dog to come home after a walk with a tick bite.

In most cases, however, this can hardly be seen after a short time. However, if a thick lump remains for a long time, this can have several causes.

What does it mean when a dog has a bump after a tick bite? We’ll tell you in this article.

My dog ​​has a lump after a tick bite – causes

A lump up to one centimeter in size on the dog’s body is often just a stuck tick. Tick ​​season is from March to October, so you should pay particular attention to checking your dog for small critters. If dogs often roll in the grass, your dog can also get a nest of ticks.

If the tick has already been removed and a lump remains, it could be

that the Head of the tick stuck in the animal’s skin and the site of the bite then became inflamed. Is also the head removed, can bacteria be responsible for the inflammation and thus the lump.

Another possible cause is a allergic reaction on the saliva of the tick. This contains an anticoagulant that is supposed to stop the bleeding of the bitten animal while the tick feeds on its blood.

Sometimes this causes a slight allergic reaction, which is usually caused by a severe itching shows.

The body’s defense reaction causes the area to swell and form a lump.

How long does swelling last after a tick bite?

If it is a slight inflammation after a tick bite, the bump usually swells after a few days all by itself again.

In some cases, however, the swelling can last longer. There is no need to worry if the lump stays thick for up to two weeks.

However, if the head is stuck in the dog’s body when the tick is pulled out, the swelling usually remains until it is removed.

In an allergic reaction, the bump is often wet or has pus in it. A crust may also form. However, if the reaction is more severe, it will remain swollen and the dog will also exhibit other allergy symptoms.

What does an infected tick bite look like on a dog?

An infected tick bite is swollen and almost looks like a small pea is stuck under the dog’s skin.

Redness and pus can also occur. When touched, the inflamed area feels warmer than the rest of the skin.

This is also sometimes uncomfortable or even painful for the dog and it will squirm when touched.

A bright red ring or a double ring around the bump can also indicate inflammation due to a Borrelia infection.

Tick ​​bite swelling in dogs – home remedies

Alcohol is a good home remedy to disinfect the bite after removing the tick.

Vodka is the best option because it doesn’t contain any additives that could further irritate the dog’s skin.


The alcohol must not be applied to the skin until after the parasite has been removed and must not be used to kill the tick beforehand.

In the agony of death, this could then secrete more bodily fluids into the dog, which then increases the risk of infection. You should inform yourself about the tick season in advance.

A lukewarm chamomile tea bag or chamomile tincture can be applied to the swelling to help it heal.

Tea tree oil and lavender oil can also help.

To reduce the itching, fresh plantain can be crushed and rubbed on the affected area.

Onions have an antibacterial effect and prevent infections. To do this, simply halve an onion and hold the cut point on the swelling for up to ten minutes.

What other symptoms should I see the vet for?

If the bump doesn’t go away after two weeks, it’s worth having your vet take a look.

Even if he secreting a lot of pus, bloody appears or is getting biggera visit to the vet is recommended.

Does the dog show you one severe itching accompanied by Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, shortness of breath or heavy breathing, or has skin rashesyou could have a severe allergic reaction.

The veterinarian should be consulted directly in order to avoid shock and consequential damage.

A ring or double ring around the swelling can also indicate a Borrelia infection, which can lead to dangerous Lyme disease. You should also make an appointment with the vet as soon as possible.


A lump after a tick bite in a dog is not uncommon and usually harmless.

The reason for this is usually a slight inflammation, which goes away on its own after a few days.

Sometimes this can take up to two weeks!

However, if the lump keeps getting bigger, is very red or contains pus, or if the dog seems to be doing badly in general, the vet should be consulted as soon as possible.

Tick ​​bites can cause allergies or infections that need immediate treatment.

Has your dog ever had a lump after a tick bite? How is its healing? get lost? Feel free to share your experiences and tips with others in the comments dog owners!