Dog has diarrhea at regular intervals: 7 causes

Does your dog have diarrhea at regular intervals? Then there can be various causes behind it, which in some cases with a home remedy Seek medical.

But beyond that, it can unfortunately also illnesses give, which cause the frequent diarrhea.

You can find out what regular soft stool is all about in the following guide.

My dog ​​has diarrhea at regular intervals – 7 possible causes

Before we introduce you to some remedies that can help in the situation dog has diarrhea at regular intervals, let’s go first the possible causes more precisely one.

The wrong food

Feed intolerances are in many cases the reason why a dog suffers from diarrhea at regular intervals.

Excluding them or finding out at all is not always easy and definitely should be be discussed with the veterinarian.

Good to know:

a necessary one Feed change takes time. It cannot be implemented overnight. Because that would mean additional stress for the dog’s intestines.

An intestinal parasite

Among the most common intestinal parasitesthat our dogs haunt belong to worms and giardia. Both can be the trigger for diarrhea in your dog.

You can recognize this not only by the fact that your dog has diarrhea.

In fact, the following phenomenon is even more likely to occur: Solid stool in the morning and diarrhea in the evening So first tight, then thin. There is a changing faecal consistency here.

Good to know

fecal samplesthat are given to the vet should also for this reason collected on 3 consecutive days become. Because the parasites are not necessarily excreted with every bowel movement.


wormers have another property in addition to their effect: They are full of chemistry.

It is often recommended that dogs have to do such a worm treatment regularly – if there is a worm infestation.

As a result, the means attack the gut and one of the damages may be regular diarrhea.


antibiotics are only prescribed by veterinarians if nothing else works.

And with good reason – or for several. On the one hand, the organism develops resistance to repeated antibiotic therapies, so the agents are no longer effective.

On the other hand these drugs attack the intestinal flora which subsequently requires intestinal cleansing. It is therefore not surprising that regular diarrhea can be the result here.

Good to know:

If your dog had to take antibiotics, you should administer a pro- or prebiotic after the end of treatment.

This can be both, for example yogurt trade or a special preparationwhich you can obtain from your veterinarian or pet shop.

organ diseases

Among the most common organ diseaseswhich can lead to regular diarrhea in a dog liver diseases as well as Diseases of the pancreas. You can recognize this, among other things, by the yellowish color of the faeces.

Dirty water

Dogs eat and drink just about anything that comes in front of their curious snouts.

If your dog has diarrhea at night, it may be that he during an evening walk eaten something wrong or but dirty water has drunk.


poisoning can also be the reason why your dog suffers from diarrhea.

However, this is not diarrhea that occurs at regular intervals. But for someone who suddenly and violently fails.

Poisoning can also be recognized by the color as well as other symptoms such as vomiting and foaming at the mouth.

What does the diarrhea tell me about the cause?

Maybe you know that too Color and consistency of dog faeces provide insight into the possible reason.

As disgusting as it may seem at first glance (and sniffer): Based on the colour, shape and consistency identify the possible triggercan be a real help for your dog.

For diarrhea apply here the following parameters:

  • Yellow diarrhea: Disease of the liver or pancreas
  • Green diarrhea: Eaten too much grass/green vegetables, bile problems
  • Bloody diarrhea: An injury to the colon or an infestation of Giardia
  • Slimy diarrhea: Feed intolerance, giardia, intestinal disease
  • Black or watery diarrhea: Poisoning or bleeding stomach ulcer

What helps against regular diarrhea in my dog?

Does your dog have diarrhea at regular intervals? Then – as long as there are no further and worrying symptoms – some home remedies are administered as first aid.


Oats is in all its forms rich in dietary fiber – but should only be given to your dog in a softened form.

Especially porridge is a good first choice if your dog has diarrhea at regular intervals. Because it is not only the dietary fibers that help to bring the intestinal flora back into balance.

Oats and oatmeal also bind a lot of liquid – which you probably know at the latest when you have prepared oatmeal for your dog.


Also rice – again in boiled form, preferably with a pinch of salt – is suitable to be used if your dog has diarrhea at regular intervals.

like oats, also binds rice liquid. The admitted Salt in turn has the same effect and also ensures that the dog’s body important minerals are replenished.


chicken you can also give your dog if it suffers from diarrhea. The important thing is that it properly boiled in order to be able to rule out the risk of salmonella infection.

Ideally, the chicken should be unseasoned and contain at most a pinch of salt.

carrot soup

Especially the Mohr’s carrot soup is a very popular home remedy used by dog ​​owners for regular diarrhea.

Due to the special cooking technique, in the carrots certain enzymes released. These in turn ensure that the diarrhea is dealt with in a timely manner.

When should I go to the vet?

Diarrhea that does not occur constantly and does not last long (applies here: No longer than 48 hours!), is usually nothing to worry about.

The situation is different when it just doesn’t seem to stop, when it actually does accompanied by other symptoms becomes.

Prolonged diarrhea also always carries the risk of dehydration – and this can be corrected most quickly by a veterinarian.

How can I prevent changing bowel movements in my dog?

At first it can correct feed be a first step to prevent further diarrhea in your dog.

With the right nutrients and minerals, the intestinal flora should sooner or later be in balance again.

In addition, the adding pro and prebiotics contribute to your dog’s intestines ideally enjoying the best of health.

Last but not least, you should make sure that he don’t drink dirty water or eats anything that falls in front of its nose along the way.

Also regular faecal examinations can’t do any harm to know what the general well-being of your fur nose is like.


your dog has in periodic diarrhea? Then you now know which one possible causes can be behind.

In some cases, there is no immediate cause for concern and panic. However, you should Pay close attention to the shape of the chair.

Because not only them risk of dehydration is always given here. Often it can a disease or parasite hide behind the soft chair.

These causes should be promptly confirmed or eliminated by the veterinarian.

Has your dog ever had diarrhea at regular intervals? If so, what was the reason or reasons? And what resources did you use to support your dog?

We would be happy if you share your experiences and tips with us and of course all other dog owners in the comments!