When dogs have crusts on their skin, allergies or parasites are usually behind it. Under certain circumstances, it can also indicate an underactive thyroid, skin fungus, seborrhea, a zinc deficiency, folliculitis or even Cushing's syndrome.
Some breeds are also known to have skin problems very often. This includes:
- Siberian Husky
- Dogs with lots of wrinkles
- Chinese crested dog
- All hairless dogs
- Alaskan malamute
- Dogs with long floppy ears [1]
Below you will learn about the 8 most common causes of crusts on the skin, their symptoms and what to do in specific cases.
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#1 Allergies
Around one in five dogs are said to struggle with allergies. They are triggered by certain irritants – the so-called “allergens”. Typical examples of these are:
- pollen and grasses
- mold spores
- Flea saliva
- Cleaning products and soap
- Insecticides and chemicals
- Feathers and cat hair
- Cigarette smoke [2]
Of all these causes, flea allergy is the most common. Here, affected dogs react allergically to the saliva of the parasites, which leads to crusts.
But some foods also come into question here. These primarily include dairy products, soy, grain products and all kinds of meat. Typical symptoms here are:
- Severe itching
- Nausea and vomiting
- Discharge from the nose
- Dry and crusty skin
- Swelling and redness
- Constant sneezing [3]
To make the diagnosis, an allergy test is first carried out. Medications are usually used for treatment – so-called “antihistamines”.
In the long term, however, it is important to stay away from allergens. Because there is no cure for allergies. Prevention is therefore the be-all and end-all.
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Various allergens such as soap or mold spores can cause crusts on the skin of dogs. In most cases, there are also other visible symptoms such as itching, sudden vomiting or reddening of the skin.
#2 Zinc deficiency
In the dog's body, zinc is primarily responsible for cell growth, wound healing, the immune system and various metabolic processes.
However, if the dog doesn't get enough of it in his everyday food, it systematically leads to skin problems. Typical symptoms of this are:
- Crusts along the joints
- Scaly skin around the mouth and eyes
- Increased hair loss
- Sudden inflammation of the skin
- Wounds heal unusually slowly [4]
Dobermans, German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, Great Danes and Alaskan dog breeds are said to be most commonly affected. [5]
The cause is usually due to poor quality dog food. I recommend doing a free feed check to find suitable food.
At the same time, you will also receive free food samples from various manufacturers so that you can try it out for yourself. It couldn't be cooler.
Alternatively, you can also check here which dog food we currently use. We always keep our recommendations up to date.
Dogs with a chronic zinc deficiency are more likely to struggle with skin problems, which can lead to, among other things, non-healing wounds and scabs. It is important to switch to high-quality dog food for prevention and treatment.
#3 Parasites
Hardly any dog is spared from parasites during their life. No matter whether it is lice, fleas, ticks or mites. All of them are represented in Germany. [6]
You can usually see fleas and ticks with the naked eye. When it comes to fleas, you should look for small, moving spots.
However, mites and lice are usually too small for the human eye. Here it is important to pay attention to the corresponding symptoms for diagnosis. Typical signs of this are:
- Sudden rash
- Severe itching
- Dog bites itself
- Dry and crusty skin
- Spotty hair loss [7]
The problem? Around 50% of fleas carry bacterial pathogens. If these get into an open wound, it can also lead to other illnesses. [8]
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When dogs get fleas, mites, ticks or lice, in addition to severe itching, they usually also have problems with their skin. Affected four-legged friends usually have crusts on their skin, red spots, scaly skin or even open wounds.
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#4 Hypothyroidism
There is a pea-sized gland on the dog's neck that has a massive impact on the four-legged friend's entire metabolism – the so-called «thyroid gland».
Your main task? The production of thyroid hormones. And it is precisely these hormones that are needed for the metabolism, growth and regulation of the body. [9]
The problem? If there are too few of these hormonal helpers in the dog's system, it slows down almost all processes in the body. The most common symptoms include:
- Lack of motivation
- Scaly and crusty skin
- Slow heartbeat
- Dog sleeps a lot
- Slow wound healing
- Dry skin
- Dog is constantly tired [10]
According to statistics, older dogs and large breeds are increasingly affected. In addition to all Great Dane species, this also affects other four-legged friends:
- Golden retrievers
- Irish Red Setters
- dachshund
- Airedale Terriers
- Doberman
- Labrador retrievers
There is no cure for hypothyroidism. The disease can be treated very well by taking medication regularly. [11]
Dogs with hypothyroidism often struggle with a slow metabolism and skin problems for hormonal reasons. It can usually be recognized by dry, flaky and crusty skin as well as constant tiredness.
#5 Skin fungus
Fungal diseases are very common in dogs and can occur basically anywhere. Four-legged friends with a weak immune system are particularly affected by this.
With a healthy immune system, the body's defenses are usually strong enough to prevent the spread of fungi. [12]
However, if the immune system is weakened due to illness, allergies, parasites or injuries, then fungi spread very quickly. Typical symptoms here are:
- Severe itching
- Moldy smell
- Changing skin color
- Dry and cracked skin
- Skin redness and swelling
- Sudden crust formation
- Shiny skin [13]
Dogs with lots of wrinkles, long floppy ears and breeds such as the Shih-Tzu, German Boxer, West Highland White Terrier and the Poodle are most commonly affected.
Special creams and shampoos are usually used for treatment. Depending on the location and severity, drops and medication are also prescribed.
Compresses with yogurt and applying coconut oil and tea tree oil are also said to help as home remedies. However, compared to medical treatment, the effect is small. [14]
Dogs with skin fungus usually develop dry and cracked skin. Among other things, a fungal infection can also manifest itself in a musty smell, reddening of the skin, crusts on the skin or swelling. The vet should be consulted for treatment.
#6 Folliculitis
When the top layer of skin in dogs becomes diseased and the hair follicle becomes inflamed, doctors speak of “folliculitis”. Typical triggers for this are:
- bacteria
- Mushrooms
- Hormonal disorders
- Injuries
- Allergies [15]
In addition to flaky and crusty skin, there are usually other symptoms. Typical signs here are:
- Redness
- itching
- Touch sensitivity
- Small pustules
- Occasional hair loss [16]
Since in most cases bacteria are responsible for the inflammation, antibiotics are usually recommended. Creams can also help with fungi and injuries.
To prevent the spread, you should also consult a veterinarian immediately. Depending on the cause, shampoos, special drops or baths may also be sufficient.
Dogs with folliculitis usually have multiple red patches on the skin that can form a crust. Among other things, affected four-legged friends react very sensitively when the area is touched and also constantly scratch themselves. The treatment depends on the cause.
#7 Cushing's syndrome
Normally, stress hormones are only released in the dog's body when there is an emergency or he feels threatened.
However, with Cushing's syndrome, the body constantly produces stress hormones, regardless of the life situation, so that the dog is always on alert. [17]
In addition to tremors, such an illness is usually accompanied by skin problems. Typical signs here are:
- Constant thirst
- Dry and cracked skin
- Constant panting
- Food cravings
- Hardening of the abdomen
- Crusts on the skin
- Hair loss
- Skin inflammations
- Frequent urge to urinate [18]
The reasons for this can be varied. In most cases, however, a tumor of the pituitary gland is responsible.
If the cause is genetic, special medications are usually used to treat it. Tumors, on the other hand, are predominantly removed surgically. [19]
With Cushing's syndrome, affected dogs produce too many stress hormones, disrupting the skin's balance. This manifests itself, among other things, in cracked skin, constant thirst, crusts on the skin, hair loss and a constant urge to urinate.
#8 Seborrhea
Seborrhea is a skin disease that primarily causes flaky and crusty skin in dogs. In some breeds, genetics may be responsible. This includes:
- Golden retrievers
- Dobermans
- English Springer Spaniel
- dachshund
- West Highland White Terrier
- Labrador retrievers
- American Cocker Spaniel
- Basset Hounds [20]
In addition to genetics, allergies, parasites, nutrient deficiencies, autoimmune diseases and hormonal disorders can also be behind it.
Depending on the cause and severity, the symptoms can look slightly different. The skin becomes either very dry and cracked or unusually oily.
Since it is usually accompanied by severe itching, affected dogs scratch themselves more often. Open wounds, bleeding and crusts often occur here.
You should see a vet for diagnosis…