Dog gets exhausted quickly | 8 most common causes [2024] –

If dogs tire easily, it could indicate breathing or heart problems. Anemia, asthma, viral infections, a hormonal disorder, breed-specific problems or even heart problems may also be responsible.

All of these diseases have two things in common. They lead to either a lower amount of energy or an insufficient supply of oxygen.

If your dog gets enough sleep, food and water and still gets out of breath quickly, then this could be due to the following 8 reasons.

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#1 Breathing problems

Oxygen is essential for the supply of organs and muscles. However, various illnesses can make it difficult to absorb oxygen. This includes:

Bacteria or viruses can cause the dog's bronchi to become inflamed. As a result, the channels are usually narrowed and the lungs receive less oxygen. [1]

When the nerves and muscles in the larynx lose their function, dogs can breathe less. In practice, it usually leads to dogs becoming exhausted quickly.

In some smaller breeds, the cartilage along the trachea is often weak and collapses over time. This causes the trachea to become massively narrowed. [2]

Due to the inflammation of the lungs, their performance also decreases enormously. In most cases, breathing becomes louder and increasingly faster.

Breathing problems are not something to be trifled with. If you suspect this, you should consult the vet immediately. Especially if your dog suddenly starts breathing heavily.

Inflammation of the bronchi or lungs as well as problems with the larynx and trachea can make breathing difficult. Affected four-legged friends usually become exhausted quickly and breathe unusually quickly even when at rest. The treatment depends on the cause.

#2 Breed-specific trait

Brachycephalic dog breeds in particular tire faster than average. This refers to dogs that have a flat face due to their breeding.

This is because not only do these breeds have a very short muzzle, but their nostrils are also usually narrower than average. Example breeds are here:

  • Bulldogs
  • Chihuahuas
  • Boston terriers
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  • pug
  • Shih Tzu [3]

In addition, many of these four-legged friends also have an elongated palate, which narrows the throat. These dogs naturally run out of breath much quicker.

This type of breathing problem is so common that it already has a medical name. Doctors here refer to it as “Brachycepal Obstructive Syndrome”.

Incidentally, many of these dogs are also known for their voracious and always hungry nature. If you have the wrong feeding habits, this can quickly lead to obesity.

The problem? Every gram of extra fat not only increases energy requirements during activity, but also puts pressure on the trachea in the throat and neck area. [4]

Breeds with a short snout and a flat face often suffer from narrowed nostrils, an overly long palate and obesity due to breeding. In practice, all three factors can cause the dog to quickly become exhausted when exerted.

#3 Hypothyroidism

The thyroid is primarily responsible for producing thyroid hormones. These play a central role in energy metabolism and the absorption of sugar.

The problem? If the small gland in the dog's neck produces too little of it, the entire metabolism slows down. Classic symptoms of this are:

  • Sudden weight gain
  • Dog gets cold easily
  • Lack of energy and drive
  • Dark spots on the skin
  • Dog gets out of breath quickly
  • Unusually severe hair loss
  • Slow pulse [5]

In most cases, hypothyroidism is caused by genes. For reasons that are still unclear, Dobermans, Great Danes and Retrievers in particular are said to suffer from this.

In individual cases, other illnesses such as an infection or tumor can also negatively affect the thyroid. [6]

Curability depends on the cause. Medication is usually prescribed for genetic problems. In the case of illnesses, therapy is carried out individually.

Dogs with hypothyroidism have significantly less energy for hormonal reasons. In practice, it usually shows up when the dog becomes exhausted very quickly, has a slow pulse and generally appears very lethargic.

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#4 Anemia

Even though blood appears to be very liquid, in reality it consists of around 50% solid components. So-called “blood cells” make up a large part of this.

Red blood cells are primarily responsible for oxygen supply in dogs. But if the dog has too few of these, doctors speak of “anemia”.

The result? Even with normal breathing, too little oxygen reaches the organs and muscles. The most common symptoms here include:

  • Whitish gums
  • Dark chair color
  • Increased need for sleep
  • Dog is constantly tired
  • Rapid breathing
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Sudden vomiting [7]

In most cases, this is caused by severe blood loss due to an injury. But numerous illnesses can also be behind it. This includes:

  • Cushing's syndrome
  • Poisonings
  • Blood-sucking parasites
  • Kidney disease
  • Medication
  • Viral infections [8]

The symptoms of anemia can usually be treated well with the help of medication. However, curability depends heavily on the underlying cause.

In dogs with anemia, the organs and muscles are undersupplied with oxygen. This becomes noticeable during physical activity at the latest when the dog becomes exhausted unusually quickly and out of breath or even gets pale gums.

#5 Cushing's syndrome

In Germany, Cushing's syndrome is also known colloquially as “trembling syndrome”. This is because this condition leads to an overproduction of cortisol.

Next to adrenaline, cortisol is the best-known stress hormone. This disease therefore results in the dog being on alert non-stop.

According to studies, it is primarily older dogs that suffer from this. Theoretically, however, it can affect dogs of all ages. Typical signs of this are:

  • Constant thirst
  • Dog pants a lot
  • Frequent skin inflammations
  • Dog trembles when resting
  • Rapid exhaustion
  • Strong hunger
  • Dog has to pee all the time [9]

In almost all cases the cause can be traced back to a tumor. In around 4 out of 5 cases it is located in the pituitary gland, in the remaining cases in the adrenal glands.

With the help of medication, most dogs here can lead relatively normal lives. In individual cases, the tumor can also be removed surgically. [10]

Cushing's syndrome causes dogs to have permanently elevated levels of stress hormones. In addition to a strong thirst, it also causes dogs to quickly become exhausted, have no energy, have to pee often and pant almost constantly.

#6 Viral infections

Dogs and especially young four-legged friends are known to have to fight viruses more often. The most dangerous viral diseases include:

  • distemper
  • Parvovirus
  • Hepatitis Contagiosa Canis
  • Influenza virus
  • Leptospirosis
  • rabies [11]

Affected dogs are quickly exhausted because almost all of their energy is packed into the immune system. Other typical symptoms of this are:

  • Measurable fever
  • Lack of drive and energy
  • Frequent coughing
  • Runny nose
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sudden vomiting
  • Persistent diarrhea [12]

Vaccines already exist against many of the most dangerous viruses. Prevention is therefore the best option by carrying out revaccinations regularly.

However, in the event of an acute illness, I recommend visiting the vet. The earlier the virus is diagnosed, the better the chances of treatment and recovery.

Viral infections in dogs can cause their body to use almost all of its available energy to fight the virus. As a result, affected four-legged friends quickly become exhausted, generally appear very lethargic and are constantly out of breath.

#7 Asthma

Asthma causes dogs to become hypersensitive to certain external influences. As a result, they struggle with shortness of breath more often.

Because the breathing problems begin relatively quickly, it is also referred to as an “asthma attack”. In most cases, such an attack is triggered by allergens or irritants:

  • Essential oils
  • mold spores
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Grasses and pollen
  • Dust mites
  • perfume [13]

Asthma can usually be recognized by the fact that breathing suddenly becomes increasingly rapid and the pulse increases. Other classic symptoms are:

  • Coughing fit
  • Heavy breathing
  • Bluish gums
  • Dog breathes strangely
  • Rapid exhaustion
  • Heavy panting
  • Loss of appetite [14]

In severe cases, an asthma attack can also be life-threatening. An oxygen mask and appropriate medication are usually necessary here.

Asthma itself cannot be cured, but it can be easily treated. It is also important to prevent typical triggers such as allergens in the future.

When dogs suffer from asthma, they occasionally experience attacks of shortness of breath. In practice, it can usually be recognized by the fact that the dog gets out of breath very quickly during physical activity, the gums turn bluish and at the same time he coughs a lot.

#8 Heart problems

The primary job of the heart is to supply blood to all organs and muscles. However, if heart failure occurs, the pump also becomes increasingly weaker.

This in turn means that the muscles and lungs are insufficiently supplied with blood and the dog quickly becomes weak. Other typical signs include:

  • Constant coughing
  • Sudden fainting
  • shortness of breath
  • Restless walking around
  • Lack of energy
  • Accumulation of water in the abdomen
  • Heavy panting [15]

For diagnosis, blood pressure is usually measured, an ECG is carried out and the blood is examined. If it starts suddenly, it usually indicates existing illnesses.

If it occurs gradually, it can also be due to genetics or old age. In all cases, you should visit the vet for treatment. [16]

When dogs struggle with heart problems, it affects all of their organs and muscles. Among other things, it can be recognized by the fact that the four-legged friends are exhausted quickly or even tip over. In addition, their breathing is usually unusually fast.

Other rare causes: