Dog gags white mucus | 9 Causes & Solution [2024] –

When dogs gag white mucus, it is usually due to an upset stomach. Under certain circumstances, this could also be caused by food poisoning, inflammation, kennel cough, respiratory diseases, heartburn or even kidney disease.

If the vomit also contains some white foam, then this indicates that there are too many gases in the stomach. In most cases it is harmless and not serious.

There is usually only cause for concern if your dog:

  • Constantly vomiting mucus
  • Very young or very old
  • Has blood in the vomit
  • Further pathological symptoms are expressed

In this case, I recommend seeing the vet immediately. Below you will also learn about the 9 most common causes and their typical symptoms.

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#1 Upset stomach

An upset stomach is a broad term for general malaise, stomach pain, a queasy feeling in the stomach or even flatulence.

It is usually triggered by what has been eaten irritating the stomach. This is more common in dogs than in humans because their digestive system is much more primitive. [1]

Typical triggers for an upset stomach are:

  • Ate grass
  • Drank too quickly
  • Spicy food
  • Ate garbage
  • Leftover food from people
  • Eaten too quickly
  • Physical activity after eating
  • Food intolerances [2]

In addition to the choking of white mucus, there are usually other symptoms. This includes:

If you only vomit once, then 12 hours of fasting may be enough to recover. Afterwards, easy-to-digest food helps.

Many doctors recommend rice with boiled chicken here. If you have persistent problems, I recommend carrying out a free feed check like this.

There you will receive individual food recommendations for your dog. You will also receive a complete box with free food samples so you can test the recommendations.

An upset stomach can cause dogs to suddenly gag white mucus and constantly lick their lips. Among other things, it can also be recognized by the fact that the dog refuses food, sleeps a lot or even suddenly gets diarrhea.

#2 Kennel cough

Paradoxically, kennel cough has nothing to do with a kennel. Rather, it is an infection of the upper respiratory tract. It is also known as a “dog flu”.

It is usually triggered by inhaled bacteria or viruses that accumulate and spread in the respiratory tract. The most common symptoms here include:

  • Strong cough
  • Runny nose
  • Lack of energy
  • Dog gags mucus
  • Loss of appetite
  • Mild fever
  • Frequent sneezing [4]

Kennel cough is harmless to humans. So you don't need to be afraid of getting infected yourself. However, it can also be transmitted to other animals.

This infection usually heals itself within 3 weeks. In severe infections, antibiotics can also help. Only the vet can say whether this is necessary. [5]

Kennel cough can cause dogs to cough constantly and very violently. Among other things, the dog may vomit white mucus, develop a slight fever and generally appear very lethargic and lacking in energy.

#3 Heartburn

Normally, a sphincter at the junction between the esophagus and the stomach ensures that stomach acid stays only in the stomach.

However, various reasons can lead to the sphincter not functioning properly and stomach acid reaching the esophagus – also called “heartburn”.

The most common signs of heartburn in dogs are when they lick their lips, have no appetite, or even gasp for air. Other signs are here:

  • Dog regurgitates undigested food
  • Whining or whining when swallowing
  • Dog spits white mucus
  • Frequent belching after eating
  • Unusually restless behavior
  • Dog refuses treats himself
  • Slow weight loss [6]

Very young and very old dogs are most commonly affected. In addition, being overweight and pregnant can also lead to heartburn. Other causes are:

  • Food portions too large
  • Allergies and intolerances
  • Anesthesia during surgery
  • Chronic stress
  • Certain medications
  • Sudden change in food [7]

In most cases, one-day fasting is recommended here. The dog should then be given small meals several times a day. Home-cooked food is ideal here.

In severe cases, medication or even surgery may be necessary. However, this is very rare. Because heartburn usually goes away on its own. [8]

Heartburn can cause dogs to experience pain when swallowing, regurgitate food, refuse to eat, or even gag white mucus. In most cases this is due to meals that are too large or unsuitable food.

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#4 Food poisoning

In humans, food poisoning is usually caused by meat contaminated with bacteria. For dogs, on the other hand, natural foods predominate.

The reason? For reasons that are still unclear, many of the common home remedies we use every day are toxic to dogs. Classic examples of this are:

  • Garlic and onions
  • Hops and alcohol
  • Chocolate and cocoa
  • Sugar alcohols like xylitol
  • Macadamia nuts and walnuts
  • Grapes and raisins [9]

Vomiting white mucus can therefore also indicate possible poisoning. The most common symptoms here include:

  • Sudden diarrhea
  • Unusual loss of appetite
  • Constant licking of the mouth
  • Dog runs around restlessly
  • Rapid or heavy breathing
  • Bloating and swelling
  • Sudden tremors [10]

In addition to food, poisoning can of course also be caused by other things. Swallowing medication, for example, is common here.

If poisoning is suspected, I recommend contacting the emergency veterinary service immediately. Depending on the type and quantity, poisoning can be fatal. [11]

Even common foods can cause poisoning in dogs. Here, choking the mucus is simply an attempt to expel the toxins. In addition, poisoned dogs usually behave unusually restlessly or even have breathing problems.

#5 Stomach and intestinal parasites

Doctors differentiate between endoparasites and ectoparasites in dogs. The endoparasites live inside the body, while ectoparasites are only external.

Endoparasites are particularly common in stray animals, which primarily feed on garbage. According to studies, a full 22% are said to be affected by this. [12]

These worms are less serious in adult dogs. But they can be dangerous in puppies. The following types of worms are usually responsible for this:

  • Hookworms and roundworms
  • Whipworms and tapeworms [13]

But domestic dogs are also more often affected by these parasites. Especially if they occasionally eat other people's feces, garbage or old leftover meat. Typical symptoms are:

  • Liquid stool
  • Dog vomits mucus
  • Loss of appetite
  • Constant flatulence
  • Diarrhea with mucus
  • Occasional cough
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Worms or blood in the stool [14]

A deworming treatment is usually carried out as treatment. Medication is sufficient for this. The intestinal flora can then be rebuilt with probiotics and fiber.

Various worms in the dog's stomach and intestines can cause dogs to gag white mucus, have consistent diarrhea, and lose weight. There are often worms in the stool, which help with the diagnosis.

#6 Inflammation in the abdominal cavity

If bacteria, viruses or even irritants accumulate in the dog's stomach, this can also trigger the urge to vomit. Typical examples are here:

When the pancreas becomes inflamed, doctors also speak of pancreatitis. Fever and diarrhea also usually occur here.

  • Inflammatory bowel disease

Dogs with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis struggle with chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, underweight and constant vomiting. [15]

Inflammation of the esophagus can cause dogs to have problems swallowing, coughing constantly or even spitting up white mucus.

If the dog's stomach lining becomes inflamed, this can usually be recognized by general lethargy, severe thirst and blood in the vomit.

If you suspect stomach and intestinal diseases, I advise you to see the vet immediately. Because dogs often tend to suffer in silence. [16]

Inflammation in the abdominal cavity can lead to, among other things, chronic diarrhea and vomiting. Gagging on white mucus is also more common here. As a rule, however, other pathological symptoms also appear here.

#7 Kidney disease

In dogs, the kidneys are primarily responsible for regulating fluid and electrolyte balance. They are also essential for detoxification.

So if the kidneys no longer function fully, this affects the dog's entire organism. Typical symptoms here are:

  • Dog drinks unusually much
  • Loss of appetite
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Vomiting with mucus
  • listlessness
  • Sudden diarrhea
  • Blood in urine
  • Unexplained weight loss [17]

Typical causes here are poisoning, severe dehydration, bacterial infections, snake bites and individual genetics.

Incidentally, visible symptoms only occur when around ⅔ of the kidney has already lost its functionality. From then on, however, things get serious.

For diagnosis, the doctor usually examines the urine and blood. Treatment then depends on the cause. Early action is the be-all and end-all here. [18]

Various kidney diseases can cause dogs to suddenly have to urinate very frequently, drink a lot and develop chronic diarrhea. Among other things, affected dogs sometimes regurgitate white mucus and inexplicably lose a lot of weight.

#8 Parvovirus

Parvovirus, along with distemper and rabies, is one of the most dangerous viruses a dog can get. Fortunately, there is already a vaccine for this.

This also explains why young puppies that have not yet been sufficiently vaccinated are particularly affected. Typical symptoms here are:

  • Lack of drive and energy
  • Dog refuses food
  • Chronic vomiting
  • Unusually fast pulse
  • Gagging of white mucus
  • Bloody diarrhea [19]

Parvovirus is also highly contagious for other dogs and cats. However, it cannot be transmitted to humans…