Dog farts a lot | 9 Causes & Solution [2024] –

If dogs fart a lot, it is usually due to eating too quickly or unsuitable food. However, under certain circumstances, intolerances, food allergies, stomach and intestinal parasites or even inflammation can also be behind it.

Basically, a fart is always caused by a buildup of gas in the digestive tract. Depending on the location and where they are let out, a distinction is also made between:

  • Belching: Expulsion of slightly smelly gases from the stomach through the esophagus
  • Farts: escape of strongly smelling gases from the intestines through the anus [1]

In 9 out of 10 cases the cause is either food or eating habits. Below you will also learn about the more rare triggers.

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#1 Food intolerances

Some dogs have sensitive stomachs or are very sensitive to certain foods. This especially applies to lactose, soy and toxic foods.

The latter in particular is often neglected by first-time owners. Even ordinary foods can cause poisoning in dogs. This includes:

  • Chocolate and cocoa products
  • Grapes and raisins
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Onions, leeks and garlic
  • Artificial sweeteners such as xylitol
  • Alcohol and hops [2]

The amount of farting is simply a symptom of the resulting gases. Other typical signs of food intolerances are:

  • Stomach noises
  • stomach pain
  • Bloated stomach
  • Dog burps often
  • Visible food residue in the stool
  • Severe fatigue
  • Sudden vomiting [3]

You can usually recognize it because the symptoms only appear after eating. An exclusion diet is usually recommended for treatment.

If dogs react very sensitively to certain foods or even eat toxic foods, this is usually noticeable in their digestion. What is typical here is that affected dogs get stomach pains, fart a lot and also smell.

#2 Eating too quickly

Dogs naturally eat much faster than humans. This is because they learn this behavior when they are puppies through fighting for food.

Because if you don't find a teat quickly before the other puppies, you often end up empty-handed. Brachycephalic breeds in particular are known for slinging. This includes:

  • Bulldog
  • Shih Tzu
  • Boston terriers
  • pug
  • German boxer
  • Lhasa Apso [4]

The problem? By eating so quickly, dogs also swallow a lot of air, which is then let out again through constant farting.

Because the problem occurs so frequently, several great products have already been developed for this exact purpose. My favorites are:

  • Anti-gobbling bowl: Designed to ensure that dogs can only eat slowly. An absolute must-have if you ask me.
  • Automatic food dispenser: Allows you to give your dog many small meals every day instead of one large portion.
  • Food ball: Combines eating with fun. At the same time, you can adjust how quickly or slowly the food is let out.

When dogs gobble and swallow their food without chewing, they also take in a lot of air. After eating, it is therefore more common for dogs to fart a lot or even burp. This is especially true for four-legged friends with a short snout.

#3 Inflammatory bowel disease

If the intestine is chronically inflamed, doctors also speak of “IBD”. The exact cause of this is still unclear. However, strong risk factors are:

  • Parasitic infestation
  • Bacterial imbalance
  • Food intolerances
  • Chronic stress
  • Weak immune system
  • Food allergies [5]

What is noticeable here is that the symptoms usually come in spurts and there are also phases without symptoms. Typical signs of this are:

  • abdominal cramps
  • Frequent farting
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Audible belly gurgling
  • Loss of appetite
  • Constant vomiting
  • weight loss [6]

A biopsy, a blood test and an ultrasound examination are usually carried out for diagnosis. However, there is still no cure for this.

The symptoms can be easily treated with a change in diet and medication. If you suspect this, you should visit the vet.

Dogs with chronic inflammatory bowel disease also usually have permanent digestive problems. Among other things, it can be recognized by the fact that the dog constantly gets diarrhea, farts a lot, vomits frequently and also increasingly loses weight.

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#4 Unsuitable food

An unsuitable food is when it either does not meet the dog's needs or causes digestive problems. Typical triggers here are:

  • Unhealthy fillers
  • Spoiled dog food
  • Human food leftovers
  • Too much fiber
  • Mold in dog food [7]

Organic raw feeding (BARF) can also cause problems for dogs if it contains too many legumes. Typical symptoms here are:

  • Profuse salivation
  • Frequent licking of lips
  • Dog farts constantly
  • Loud stomach noises
  • Dog refuses food
  • Frequent belching [8]

If you suspect your own food, I recommend carrying out a free food check. On the one hand, this gives you individual recommendations for your dog.

On the other hand, you will also receive a complete box with free food samples so that you can convince yourself of the recommendations.

Poor quality dog ​​food or food that has gone bad can lead to digestive problems. This can often be recognized by the fact that the four-legged friend constantly licks his lips, burps more often, farts constantly and his farts also smell strongly.

#5 Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional disorder between the nervous system and the intestines. Or to put it another way: The brain sends on the wrong signals.

The cause of this is still unknown. However, diet, allergies and stress are said to play a key role. Typical symptoms of this are:

  • weight loss
  • Lack of energy
  • Frequent flatulence
  • Diarrhea with mucus
  • Lethargic behavior
  • stomach pain
  • constipation [9]

The frequent farting is simply the result of the strong gas formation in the intestines. Large breeds tend to be affected more often.

An examination of the stool, blood and an X-ray examination are usually sufficient for diagnosis. However, healing is only possible in exceptional cases.

Treatment is therefore primarily about minimizing potential triggers and risk factors. If the symptoms are severe, medication can also help. [10]

Dogs with irritable bowel syndrome usually struggle with chronic digestive problems. What is typical here is that affected four-legged friends constantly have diarrhea, appear tired and often fart. Weight loss and constipation may also occur.

#6 Stomach and intestinal parasites

When most dog owners hear the word “parasites,” they instinctively think of ticks, fleas and mites. However, endoparasites inside the dog are just as common.

According to current studies, one in four strays is said to struggle with this. But they are only really dangerous in puppies and weakened dogs. [11] Common representatives of these are:

  • Tapeworms
  • Hookworms
  • Whipworms
  • Roundworms [12]

The most common way to recognize such worms is that dogs have a constantly bloated stomach and fart a lot. Other typical symptoms are:

  • Constant diarrhea
  • Frequent coughing
  • Blood in the stool
  • Dog vomits worms
  • Severe fatigue
  • weight loss
  • Worms in the stool [13]

These worms are usually transmitted when dogs eat the feces of other animals. A simple worm treatment is sufficient for treatment.

If dogs are infected with endoparasites, this can also become noticeable in their behavior and digestion as they spread. Affected dogs often have worms in their stool, fart constantly and usually lose weight.

#7 Pancreatitis

The pancreas plays a central role in digestion and in regulating blood sugar levels.

“Pancreatitis” occurs when the small gland becomes inflamed. The cause of this is usually unknown. However, the following factors should play a role:

  • diabetes
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Overweight
  • Internal injuries
  • Diet too high in fat
  • Medication
  • Poisonings [14]

Affected dogs usually struggle with loss of appetite and diarrhea. Flatulence and frequent farting are also common. Other typical symptoms are:

Without medical treatment, pancreatitis can potentially become life-threatening. It is therefore important to take action immediately and consult the veterinarian.

Dogs with an inflamed pancreas usually experience severe abdominal pain and bloating. In most cases it can also be recognized by the fact that affected dogs appear lethargic, develop a fever, fart a lot and their fart also smells strongly.

#8 Food Allergies

According to studies, up to 20% of all dogs struggle with allergies, but in total only around 1-2% struggle with food allergies. [16]

Basically, all foods can trigger an allergic reaction. However, according to statistics, the following foods are said to be the most common allergens:

  • Soy and soy products
  • Gluten and grain products
  • Proteins from certain types of meat
  • Milk and dairy products [17]

Such allergies can usually be recognized by severe itching after eating or by the dog vomiting. Other classic signs include:

  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Constant farting
  • Redness on the muzzle
  • Frequent burping
  • Hyperactivity after eating
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • swelling in the face [18]

Many dog ​​owners therefore resort to “hypoallergenic food” as a precaution. However, that is no guarantee of success. It is better to do an allergy test instead.

When dogs react allergically to their own food, they usually experience chronic digestive problems. Without an allergy test, the symptoms can hardly be distinguished from intolerances. Among other things, affected dogs also fart a lot.

#9 Enteritis

When the intestines become inflamed, doctors speak of “enteritis”. If the mucous membrane also becomes inflamed at the same time, then we are talking about “gastroenteritis”.

The causes of this can vary greatly. In most cases, bacteria are behind it. But there are also other factors that come into play:

  • Viral infection
  • Medication
  • Stomach and…