Dog extends his member? Common Causes & Tips

It’s not always easy to understand all of our dogs’ behaviors.

So what does it mean when a dog keeps extending his penis? Is this a concern or is it normal dog behavior?

In this article, we’ll explain why your dog extends his penis, if and when to worry about it, and the differences between neutered and neutered male dogs.

We wish you a lot of learning while reading. Nice that you’re here!

Causes: Why is my dog ​​extending his penis?

The Extension of the limb in male dogs is called «excavating». This behavior is often seen when your male dog is excited.

Both can positive as well as negative stress cause an excavation. It is therefore not always, in fact rather seldom, a sexual motivation.

Frequently a excavation of the limb can also be observed while sitting. Usually this is not a cause for concern.

However, if you feel your dog is in pain or having trouble retracting the extended penis, you should definitely see a vet!

It doesn’t have to be that one Illness is behind the excavation. But it can be permanent dirt and related infections come. That’s why it’s important to play it safe!

Should I be concerned if my dog ​​keeps extending his penis?

When a dog constantly extends its member, this is a cause for brooding for many dog ​​owners. But you don’t usually have to worry, as this behavior often occurs excitement is due.

When a discharge from the penis is added, can – but does not have to – on a pathological change indicate. If the discharge is whitish-yellow, slimy, purulent or even bloody, this can indicate a urinary tract disease, malformations of the foreskin or tumors Clues!

Good to know:

Excavating the penis in male dogs is part of the normal behavior of our dogs. If this happens occasionally when your dog is excited, don’t worry.

What to do if the dog extends his penis

If you observe your dog constantly extending his member, first of all pay attention to the situations in which this happens.

Is your dog for example excited when driving or if you Visit gets and then extends his member, it is due to this very excitement.

The only thing you can do is see if that excavation your dog is experiencing difficulties in any way, is in pain, or is exhibiting other symptoms that may indicate discomfort or illness.

Of course, you can also try to minimize the stress for your dog. For example, if a car ride is very exciting for him, practice with your dog specifically so that he can relax more. The same applies to other stressful situations!


It is beneficial for any dog ​​once they have learned to relax. Teach your dog from the start that there are fixed rest periods and that life isn’t always about action. If there are situations that are extremely stressful for your dog, a dog trainer can also help to minimize its stress level in the long term.

Can neutering help my dog?

If you have had the cause of the excavation clarified by a veterinarian, it may be that they will suggest neutering your male dog.

Experience shows that castrated males extend their penises much less frequently than castrated males. This also minimizes the risk of infection from contamination.

Only a veterinarian can decide whether castration is an option for your dog!

Conclusion: Dog extends limb – is that bad?

If your male dog occasionally stretches out his penis, this is not at all bad, it is completely normal.

It is rarely one sexual motivationbut in most cases simply about excitement. A dog encounter, a car ride or the return of master or mistress after a long day at work excavation of the penis to lead. Sounds funny, but that’s how it is.

If you feel your male dog is getting worse or in pain, you should definitely contact a veterinarian. Excavation may also indicate penile or foreskin adhesions, hypospadias, urinary tract infections, or other diseases.

Still have questions about male dogs that extend their penis? Then leave us a comment below this article and we’ll see how we can help you!