If a dog doesn't like you, it's usually because the dog has classified you as inferior in its hierarchy or you're not meeting any of its basic needs. In individual cases, illnesses can also be responsible for the behavior.
Fortunately, 9 times out of 10 this problem is solvable. It is important to first find out the relevant causes and then proceed proactively.
Because compared to people, dogs don't judge you based on your character, but more on how you make them feel.
For this reason, it is very rare for dogs to permanently dislike a person. Below you will learn about the most common signs, causes and solutions.
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Here you will learn about 11 signs that can indicate that your dog no longer loves you. The more of these that apply, the more likely it is.
- #1 Dog refuses to eat from you
Negative feelings and emotions also upset dogs. If dogs don't like someone, they will refuse to be fed even when they are hungry.
- #2 Dog no longer greets you
Normally, dogs always greet their masters or acquaintances warmly and euphorically. If that doesn't happen, then something is wrong.
Does your dog leave the room when you enter? Or does he even avoid any eye contact? Then this is often a sign that he doesn't like you anymore. [1]
- #4 Dog snaps or growls at you
Baring his teeth and growling are a clear sign that the dog feels threatened by you. Very fearful and territorial dogs in particular react this way.
- #5 Dog is nervous about you
You can usually recognize nervousness when the dog walks around restlessly, trembles, pants heavily or even yawns without being tired.
- #6 Dog refuses to be petted
Some dogs like physical contact more than others. However, if your dog lets others pet him but not you, then he probably doesn't like you.
- #7 Dog is afraid of you
You can usually recognize fear in dogs when they are very restless, hide, tuck in their tail, put their ears back or even start to whine and whine. [2]
Most dogs are more of a “burdock” by nature and follow their master wherever they go. If this doesn't happen, it may be because your dog doesn't like you.
- #9 Dog has stiff posture
A tense posture signals that the dog is on alert. This may be because he doesn't trust you or perceives you as a threat.
- #10 Dog pees in the apartment out of spite
Dogs express frustration in a variety of ways. Among other things, they sometimes pee in the apartment out of defiance, to express their disappointment.
- #12 Dog behaves ignorantly
Are your orders completely ignored while others obey them? Then one of the reasons may be that your dog does not perceive you as an authority. [3]
Below, you'll learn about 13 potential reasons why your dog doesn't like you anymore. In most cases it is a combination of several factors and not a single one.
Frustration most often occurs when dogs are regularly forced to do things they don't like. Bathing and visits to the vet are just one of many options here.
But regularly taking away treats, food or favorite toys can also lead to your dog no longer loving you.
- #2 Inappropriate physical contact
Basically, dogs love to be petted. However, there are some areas of the body where many four-legged friends prefer to avoid physical contact.
For example, many dogs are fussy when someone touches their tail, ears or stomach. Others, however, love it. Here it is important to pay attention to body language.
Dogs are so-called “macrosmatics”. Your primary sensory organ is your nose and not your eyes like humans. They even smell up to 100,000 times better than we do. [4]
If you have a toxic smell because of your job or any hobbies, they usually turn away. Here they just don't like your smell.
- #4 Unfriendly interactions with people
Unbelievable but true. One study found that dogs are capable of interpreting human interactions.
Specifically, this means that if people treat others unfriendly in front of their dog, then dogs often refuse attention or even food. [5]
- #5 Pain and illness
“My dog doesn’t like me anymore” – Sure? Or could it be that he is just very sick? Because illnesses are the most common cause of sudden behavioral changes.
In addition to a tucked tail and restless behavior, illnesses are also often manifested by sudden aggressiveness, lack of motivation and constant whining.
- #6 Violation of intimate distance
You've probably experienced it before when a person stood too close to you during a conversation and you took a step backwards.
This is because the person has exceeded your personal intimate distance. Dogs also have such a distance. If you get too close, they often feel uncomfortable.
According to studies, almost 70% of all dogs over 15 years of age and around 30% of all dogs over 11 years of age are said to suffer from dementia. Memory is increasingly failing here. [6]
As a result, old dogs become increasingly confused, forget their own home, no longer recognize their family and give the impression that they no longer love you.
- #8 Alcohol and drug use
This is something I only recently learned. Because our caretaker is a well-known alcoholic who has an extreme habit of drinking.
And when he came by recently, our dog “Alex” growled at him and stood in front of us protectively. That was the first time I ever saw him like that.
- #9 Physical or verbal violence
Even if some breeds look very fearless, dogs are very sensitive animals at heart. Traumatic experiences therefore leave a deep impression on them.
Physical violence definitely has the biggest impact. But screaming and shouting can also increasingly intimidate your dog so that he no longer likes you. [7]
Very territorial dogs are more likely to interpret people as a threat if they are not gradually socialized to it. This is particularly common with guard dogs.
You can tell because the dog is very attentive in your presence, watches all your movements, has a stiff posture and looks skeptical.
Studies have already shown that dogs react particularly positively to voices that tend to be slightly higher pitched.
On the other hand, they associate very deep and grumpy voices negatively and can cause them to naturally dislike you. [8]
Every dog has the same basic needs. He needs enough food, regular fresh water, lots of exercise, sleep and lots of attention.
If one or even more of these basic needs are constantly neglected, it leads to frustration and depression. Affected dogs often stay away from people.
Constant stress caused by loud noises, storms or loneliness, for example, causes adrenaline and cortisol levels to be permanently elevated.
Affected dogs usually behave restlessly, pant heavily, tremble and turn away from people. Many owners interpret this as “my dog doesn’t like me anymore”.
Dogs do not judge a person's character or values. Instead, they judge you based on how you make them feel.
In addition, studies have already shown that positive feedback methods are most effective at strengthening the connection between dogs and people. [9]
If the dog liked you before and suddenly that's no longer the case, then it's important to investigate the cause. Has anything significant changed?
I would also advise you to see a doctor immediately if you experience sudden changes in behavior. Because illnesses, injuries or pain are often behind it.
If your dog is completely healthy and nothing serious has changed in the environment, then the dog usually doesn't like you because of the following 2 factors:
- #1 You are below him in his hierarchy
By nature, wolves and wild dogs always live in fixed hierarchies. At the top is the Alpha, followed by the Betas, Deltas and at the bottom are the Omegas.
With domestic dogs, however, the alpha is usually the master. At least when he has proven himself to be one. Dogs always orientate themselves on him.
On the other hand, if you are on the same level or even lower in the dog's hierarchy, then he will not develop a closer relationship with you. [10]
Specifically, this means: Commands from you are often ignored, he's hardly happy when you come to visit and won't appreciate your caresses either.
Here it is important to appear more authoritarian and dominant. This includes maintaining eye contact, consistent actions, firm rules and assigning tasks.
In Johanna Esser's online dog school you will find a separate module in which the strategy is well explained. I can warmly recommend this course to you.
- #2 You don't meet any of his needs
Relationships are always give and take. If you don't bring any benefits to your dog, why should he be particularly friendly towards you or love you?
In order for the dog to like you, it helps to regularly satisfy your four-legged friend's needs and desires. Classic examples are here:
- give food
- Walking the dog
- Stroke
- Treats are enough
- Pay attention
- Care for fur
- Play
- Refill water
All of these things intuitively signal to your dog that you are important to him. Because without that he would be missing something. [11]
Important here: Some breeds naturally only focus on a single person. So it's not your behavior that's to blame, but rather the dog's genetics.
These include, among others, the Basenji, the Greenland Dog, the Guatemalan Dogo, the Hanoverian Scenthound, the Koolie and the Croatian Shepherd Dog.
After a few weeks at the latest, your dog should have recognized you as part of his family. If he still doesn't like you, I recommend going through the reasons again.
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