Dog does not eat dry food: guide & 4 tricks

As much as dogs are considered omnivores, they can also be very fussy. Above all, it is not uncommon for a dog to refuse dry food.

Does your dog not eat dry food? Then we’ll tell you what can be behind it and what you can do.

Why isn’t my dog ​​eating dry food?

Does your dog not eat dry food? It may be because he just doesn’t like it because it doesn’t taste good or doesn’t suit him.

Dental problems can also mean that the dog no longer eats dry food – be it young or older.

Last but not least, gastrointestinal problems can be the reason if you find that the dog suddenly stops eating dry food.

If he has had diarrhea and had bad experiences, that is definitely a reason not to touch the dry food again.

Is it bad if the dog does not eat dry food?

No, it usually is it doesn’t matter if your dog doesn’t eat dry food. Strictly speaking, he only follows his natural eating behavior.

Because a «real» dog food consists of raw or fresh meat and one or the other vegetable component.

So it’s almost normal when a dog suddenly stops eating dry food – especially if you find out that the dog no longer eats dry food, but only wet food.

However, a dog that does not eat dry food can also suffer from a disease such as the dental problems mentioned.

In addition, organic diseases, such as the liver, thyroid or kidneys, can lead to the dog no longer eating dry food.

If you’re concerned about eating behavior, talk to your vet about it.

How can I get my dog ​​to eat dry food?

By feeding the dry food mixed with some warm wateryou can get your dog to eat the dry food again.

The following tricks can also help your dog accept the food again.

warm up the bowl

It can be enough to warm the food bowl – for example by washing it out with hot water before feeding.

The warmth helps feed flavors to be stronger. This makes the dry food tastier for your dog.

Mix with some wet food

Your dog does not eat dry food, but only wet food? Then wet food can be another trick to get your dog interested in dry food.

It is important that you mix the wet food and dry food properly.

Otherwise your dog may peck the wet food out of the bowl but not touch the dry food.

Sprinkle appetizers over the dry food

Treats are often the surest way to convince a dog to eat.

This can also work with dry food. How? By crushing your furry friend’s favorite treat and sprinkling it over the food!

With a bit of luck, your dog will be so distracted that he will inhale the dry food at the same time.

Beef fat powder also works as another appetizer. Here, however, the gift should be given in moderation, just like with the treats.

Because of the high fat content, the natural appetite stimulant can quickly get on your hips.


Treats designed to get your dog to eat his kibble can only be a short-term solution as they are not a long-term food replacement.


This tip definitely needs clarification from the veterinarian and should only be used in exceptional cases.

There is an antidepressant from human medicine that is also used in dogs and cats that eat too little.

The exact dosage is important here, otherwise the dog will get high. The administration takes place at intervals of 3 days, which of course also decides the veterinarian.

Can I make dry food myself?

You can dry dog ​​food also make it yourself. So you know which important ingredients it contains.

You also know which taste your dog likes the most. The preparation is easy.

You mix together the ingredients that your dog particularly likes and needs.

You then bake the dough in the oven until it has become a kind of flatbread. You can break this into small pieces – and the homemade dry food is ready.

An alternative to dry food that you can also make yourself is BARF. This is a diet that is particularly species-appropriate and natural.

How often should I change my dog’s food?

In general, that frequent feed changes have no positive effect on the health of the dog and therefore should not take place.

A change of feed means an enormous effort, especially for the stomach and intestines.

Because these two digestive organs first have to get used to the new feed composition.

Typically, no veterinarian or canine nutritionist will recommend that you change your dog’s food often.

Exceptions can be food intolerances.

If the ingredient that is causing the dog’s stomach and intestines to be found has to be found, it may even be necessary to change the food frequently.


When changing dog food, do so in baby increments, mixing the new food into the old in small portions and then slowly increasing the portions.

Your dog suddenly stopped eating dry food? What did you do to change that? We’d love for you to share your tips with us in the comments.