Living with a dog is a dream for many of us. But what if you have an allergy?
Does that mean you can never have a dog? Or are there options that a life with a dog despite an allergy make possible?
You will get the answers in our guide below.
Get a dog despite an allergy – this is how it works
An allergy to dogs – strictly speaking to things that are in dog saliva – must no exclusion criteria be when it comes to a dog and you.
Then: Not all dog breeds trigger the same strong reactions in allergy sufferers out of. There is also Dog Breeds Considered Hypoallergenic are valid.
These dogs lose less hair and the allergy-causing protein is also significantly lower in these furry friends.
Hypoallergenic breeds include, among others the poodle, the Havanese, the Portuguese water dog, the cotton ball bichon frisé as well as various doodle breedssuch as the Labradoodle.
Good to know
Doodle dogs have theirs Origin in Australia. And indeed, in these breeds, the Claim to breed dogs that are suitable for allergy sufferers are.
What exactly is a dog allergy?
If one speaks of a dog allergy, that is it not allergic to dogs per se meant. So that’s one Allergy to dog saliva meant.
Because it contains a specific protein so-called Can f1. This in turn is released to the environment, among other things, when the dog is licks or drools.
The proteins are also about the urine and dead skin cells delivered.
The reason why some people then react allergically: The body has antibodies against these proteins educated.
That means he’s the egg whites identified as an enemywhich must be fought against.
Keeping the dog despite an allergy – is that possible?
you want yours Keep dog despite allergy? Then there are a few ways you can do that too. Here you can find out what you can do if you have a dog allergy.
allergy test
You definitely should beforehand get an allergy test done. The doctor can use certain types of hair and saliva to find out whether and to what exactly you are allergic.
You can also do this allergy test with your own dog hair make. Namely when the dog hair allergy suddenly occurs.
rehearsal cuddle
Have you fallen in love with a specific breed and not sure if you are allergic to these react?
Then you can get in touch with a breeder rehearsal cuddle agree. Here you can find out very quickly whether your desired furry nose makes you sneeze or not.
Set up taboo zones for the dog
Well, a dog actually wants to be with you always and everywhere. However, do you have an allergy? should some area of the apartment/house be taboo for him.
It makes sense, for example the bedroom to your personal space to explain in which your dog has no business.
That too living room sofa can be declared a «red zone» to prevent excessive hair.
Limited-time cuddle
that will a bit more difficultbecause both you and your furry friend probably love nothing more than spending time together.
But do you notice that announces an allergic reactionyou should get one first break from your dog make.
Brush and wash pillows and blankets regularly
Straight pillows and blankets magically attract dog hair. This to depilate and wash regularlycan also help to keep your allergy «in check».
All of this doesn’t help?
give a dog to a loved one
But does all this not help and you have to part with your dog with a heavy heart?
Then you should for it Take care that he comes to a person who gives him an equally loving home gives as you have done.
Animal Welfare & Animal Shelter
Also the option that Give your dog to an animal shelter or an animal shelteris there.
But you should really only consider this if no other solution more is to be found.
Treatment options for dog allergies
You are allergic to dog hair, but want to definitely not live without a dog?
And then there’s some short- and long-term treatment optionswho can help here.
In the Hyposensitization or desensitization It’s like absolute shock therapy for your system.
Because your body gets through Tablets and syringes have been exposed to the allergens for so long and stressed until he has gotten used to them and no longer reacts allergically.
Antihistamines & Co.
For one, you can antihistamines take, which prevent the allergic stimulus. There is also special meansthat help with an animal dander allergy.
This includes including cortisone. However, this remedy should not be taken «like chewing gum» because it is not exactly healthy in the long term.
Can a dog allergy go away?
A dog (hair) allergy will probably never go away completely – unless you have opted for hyposensitization.
Keeping a dog despite allergies – experiences of allergy sufferers with dogs
Some dog lovers report that they do not react equally strongly to all dog breeds.
This is expressed among other things in the severity of the allergic reaction as well as in the time that they are allergy-free around the dog can stop.
Other allergy sufferers give the same Tip to talk to an animal shelter and there the to “test” handling dogs – so something similar to the rehearsal cuddling we mentioned.
In addition there is one or the other personwho reported that a dog hair allergywhich was particularly pronounced in childhood, over the years almost completely gone is.
As you can see, there are numerous ways to live with dog allergies and dogs!
Keeping a dog despite an allergy is quite challenging, but possible. Then not every dog evokes a violent reaction out.
And there is many breeds considered hypoallergenic are valid.
Do you want to be sure that you don’t have a dog hair allergy? Then you should already have them can rule out before buying a dog, because that’s the best option for both of you.
Occurs a dog hair allergy suddenly on? Or do you want to get this under control? Then you can, among other things a desensitization help.
What experiences have you had with dog hair allergies? We’d love for you to share them with us in the comments!