Dog can no longer stand on its feet: 6 causes

If your dog can’t stand, sways and maybe even trembles, that’s it Worry first.

The causes can be very diverse, but unfortunately they are often serious.

In this article we explain what these are and what that means for your dog.

Dog can no longer stand on its feet: causes & symptoms

Balance problems, a head injury, a nervous condition – there are many reasons why your dog can no longer stand on his own.

vestibular syndrome

Vestibular syndrome is a balance disorder that commonly affects older dogs.

Typically, your dog falls over when trying to walk – and always on the same side.

The good news is that with expert treatment, the syndrome can be completely cured within a few days.

However, there is usually a deeper cause for which vestibular syndrome is only a symptom. This also needs to be dealt with.

injury to the legs

An injury after an accident can also only become noticeable after a few hours, when the adrenaline wears off.

If your dog is limping, lame, or not visibly putting weight on any part of its legs, a closer examination is warranted.

Internal injuries sometimes only get worse slowly.

Likewise, your dog may have twisted unnoticed by you or have fallen from a great height behind it, from which it sustained a fracture or a torn ligament.


Dogs can also suffer from the neurological disease epilepsy.

However, unlike people in dramatic medical television series, they do not convulse, but tend to have tense tremors all over their body.

If they are still standing when the seizure begins, they will literally collapse under the trembling.

Epilepsy cannot be cured. However, depending on the severity, you may be able to learn how to administer your dog’s medication so that you are prepared for seizures.

Tumors and other neurological diseases

A brain tumor grows and eventually presses on the healthy tissue.

As a result, normal body processes are disrupted because confusing signals or no signals are sent.

Only your veterinarian can diagnose such a tumor and other diseases that cause neurological deficits.


Hot days don’t just affect us humans. Dogs can overheat too.

Not only in locked cars, but also in the blazing sun or under thick fur, their body temperature can rise so much that their circulation threatens to fail.

With trembling legs, uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea, your four-legged friend will then indicate that it has become too much.

To prevent overheating, it is important that your dog always has shade and enough to drink, especially on very warm days.


Some dogs don’t know their limits well and will push themselves beyond their capacity.

Puppies and older dogs in particular, who are not yet good at assessing their strength, sometimes go overboard.

And just as you think after a marathon that you will never be able to walk again, your four-legged friend only shuffles into the basket to sleep.

How can I help my dog ​​myself?

If your dog is still breathing, is not showing severe pain, and is not showing any neurological signs, you can briefly walk him first examine yourself.

Check the legs pain and mobility. Try to identify a reason why your dog is no longer able to stand up on its own.

do you see an injury Does your dog allow the examination or is something bothering him?

Log your observation for your vet!

If your dog is noticeably warm and may be overheating as a result, encourage him to drink first and drape wet towels over him to cool him down.

When should I go to the vet?

The fact that a dog can no longer stand on its feet without you recognizing a harmless cause is a fact serious problem.

So you should definitely always see your vet as soon as possible. If it could be a neurological seizure, an emergency appointment is also called for immediately.

You should also practice immediately if your dog is overheated and is not drinking enough or no more to compensate.

Then he must as soon as possible infusions received so that the condition does not become life-threatening.

When should I consider euthanasia?

Euthanasia is always an option when nothing else can help and you your dog with it saved suffering.

This can happen when a malignant tumor no longer promises a chance of healing or there is a genetic defect in the nerves.

Even if your dog’s quality of life is so severely reduced by a treatable disease that letting him go is a salvation, you should talk to your vet about it.

In addition, some treatments are so stressful that old or very sick dogs cannot survive them.


When your dog can’t stand up, it’s a horrible sight for you.

Unfortunately, it can also be a sign of a very serious illness. Therefore, you should definitely seek veterinary advice in order to be able to start treatment as soon as possible.

Have you ever experienced that your dog could no longer stand? What helped him? What was the cause? Tell us your story in the comments.