If dogs breathe quickly with their mouths closed, this is usually due to narrowed nostrils in certain breeds. Under certain circumstances, anemia, onion poisoning, allergies, bronchitis or even heart failure can also be behind it.
When you breathe quickly, doctors speak of “tachypnea”. There are basically two different reasons for this:
- 1) The need for oxygen is increased
- 2) There is not enough oxygen arriving [1]
Small and young dogs generally breathe faster than large and old four-legged friends. What is considered “normal” therefore varies depending on race and age.
When resting, the values should fluctuate between 15 and 30 breaths per minute. During activity, up to 60 breaths are completely normal. [2]
If your dog's breathing rate is between 30 and 60 breaths per minute, even when at rest, then it's important to investigate the cause.
For this reason, below you will learn the 8 most common reasons for rapid breathing through the nose.
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#1 Brachycephalic syndrome
The “brachycephalic dogs” include those breeds that have a particularly short snout. Nowadays, these four-legged friends are also referred to as “torture breeding”.
Because in order to cultivate the unusually flat face, even physical suffering and pain were accepted. Proof of this is brachycephalic syndrome.
It describes the fact that, due to their breeding, the nostrils of these dogs are often too narrow and the palate is too long, which often leads to breathing problems. [3]
This is most easily recognized during heat or physical activity. But rapid breathing with your mouth closed can also indicate this.
The most popular brachycephalic dog breeds include:
- Pekingese
- pug
- Shih Tzu
- German boxer
- All types of bulldogs
- Chihuahuas
- Boston terriers [4]
If you suspect this, I recommend visiting the vet. In milder cases, no treatment is necessary. In extreme cases, the nasal canal can also be widened surgically.
Brachycephalic dog breeds often breathe quickly with their mouths closed during heat or physical exertion. These breathing problems are breeding-related and can usually only be improved through surgery. If you suspect this, you should consult your veterinarian.
#2 Anemia
After the oxygen reaches the lungs via the trachea, it is then transported to the organs and muscles via the blood.
The red blood cells take on this task. However, if there are too few of them, then doctors speak of “anemia”.
This systematically leads to the body not receiving enough oxygen, even though there is enough oxygen in the lungs. [5]
Rapid breathing through the nose is therefore just an attempt to keep the oxygen supply constant. Other typical signs of anemia are:
- Constant tiredness
- Dark colored chair
- Crusty skin
- Increased need for sleep
- Pale gums
- Dog draws quickly
- Lack of motivation [6]
In most cases, chronic illnesses, medications or severe blood loss are responsible. But poisoning, viruses and parasites are also possible.
In the case of genetic anemia, medications are usually used that must be taken throughout life. This enables a pain-free life.
Dogs with anemia can no longer supply their bodies with enough oxygen. Rapid breathing with your mouth closed is just one of many symptoms. Anemia can usually be recognized by constant tiredness and exhaustion.
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#3 Laryngeal paralysis
Laryngeal paralysis in dogs can cause the larynx to progressively lose its function. The problem? The larynx connects the pharynx with the windpipe.
However, if the nerves in the larynx no longer function, water or food often gets into the windpipe. Constant choking is inevitable here.
For reasons that are still unclear, mountain dogs, retrievers and setters are most commonly affected. Typical signs of this are:
- Coughing fits after drinking
- Dog breathes quickly through his nose
- Constant gagging when eating
- Bluish mucous membranes
- The pitch of barking becomes higher
- Rattling breathing [7]
Fortunately, laryngeal paralysis does not happen overnight. In most cases it lasts several months and sometimes even years. [8]
In the case of persistent breathing difficulties, medications are usually prescribed that widen the larynx. In severe cases, surgery can also provide relief.
Laryngeal paralysis can cause shortness of breath in dogs as well as problems eating and drinking. Affected dogs usually breathe unusually quickly with their mouths closed and constantly choke when eating and drinking.
#4 Onion poisoning
As cruel as the news about poison bait may be. In reality, most dog owners poison their dogs themselves. But not on purpose.
The reason? Many foods that are on your daily menu are toxic to dogs. Onions are a classic example here.
Because onions contain, among other things, N-propyl disulfide, which attacks and reduces the red blood cells in dogs. [9]
The problem? Red blood cells are primarily responsible for transporting oxygen in the body. Consuming onions can therefore affect all organs.
The symptoms here are similar to those of anemia:
- Dog appears listless and weak
- Unusual loss of appetite
- Dog suddenly has trouble breathing
- Sudden tiredness and increased need for sleep
- Dogs breathe quickly through their noses
- Nausea and vomiting [10]
Consuming onions in large quantities can also be fatal for dogs. You should therefore consult your veterinarian immediately.
For diagnosis, the blood is usually examined to determine the number of red blood cells. The ratio can then be restored with medication.
Large amounts of onions can cause temporary and severe anemia in dogs. Among other things, it can manifest itself in sudden nausea, lack of appetite, severe tiredness or rapid breathing with your mouth closed.
#5 Heart failure
The lungs are primarily responsible for absorbing oxygen. In order for the lungs to function properly, they must be supplied with enough blood.
And this is where the heart comes into play. Because it serves as a kind of pump that allows blood to circulate in the body. If the heart is weak, the lungs also suffer.
This also explains why affected dogs are constantly tired, sleep unusually much and generally tire quickly. Other typical symptoms are:
- Whitish gums
- Frequent coughing
- Dog refuses food
- Accumulation of water in the abdomen
- Labored breathing
- Rapid breathing through the nose
- Cracking noise in the lungs
- Constant panting
- Sudden weight loss [11]
To make a diagnosis, the vet usually examines the blood for the red blood cell content and also carries out an electrocardiogram (ECG).
The treatment is then very individual depending on the suspected cause. In the short term, breathing problems can usually be alleviated with medication. [12]
In dogs with heart failure, the lungs also lose some of their functionality. It can usually be recognized by a constant cough, a build-up of water in the stomach and rapid breathing with the mouth closed.
#6 Bronchitis
Doctors use bronchi as a synonym for the lower respiratory tract. Bronchitis is therefore just an inflammation of the lower respiratory tract. Classic causes here are:
- Viruses and bacteria
- Allergens and irritants
- Heart and lungworms
- genetics [13]
If there are allergens from the household or genetics, then bronchitis is often chronic. Typical symptoms of this are:
- Constant gagging sensation
- Vomiting mucus
- Sudden rattle
- Rapid nasal breathing
- Rapid exhaustion
- Strange breathing noises [14]
Chronic bronchitis is currently considered incurable. However, the symptoms can be alleviated with the help of medication and lifestyle adjustments.
In the case of viruses, bacteria or even worm infestations, antibiotics are usually used. The symptoms should disappear within a week. [15]
When the bronchi become inflamed in dogs, breathing also suffers. The first signs here are that the dog wheezes quietly and is exhausted comparatively quickly. But rapid breathing with your mouth closed and a frequent gag reflex can also indicate this.
#7 Tracheal collapse
In some dogs, the cartilage along the trachea is so weak that the trachea becomes increasingly collapsed. The exact cause is still unclear here.
However, without treatment, breathing problems become more severe as the airways become narrowed. Small brachycephalic breeds are particularly affected:
- English bulldog
- Maltese
- Yorkshire Terriers
- French bulldog
- Pekingese
- Shih Tzu [16]
Affected dogs usually have a dry cough, breathe loudly and often have a bluish head when they are happy. Other classic symptoms include:
- Coughing when picked up
- Lack of motivation
- Frequent nausea
- Dog falls over
- Rapid breathing through the nose
- shortness of breath
- Rapid exhaustion [17]
The more the trachea collapses, the more it affects breathing. In milder cases, medication to widen the trachea may be enough.
If you have acute or regular shortness of breath, surgery may also be necessary. In addition, a diet can bring about significant improvement in overweight dogs.
Dogs with a tracheal collapse not only find it increasingly difficult to breathe, but also usually struggle with a cough and a constant urge to gag. Among other things, affected four-legged friends often breathe quickly with their mouths closed.
#8 Allergies
The triggers of allergies are so-called “allergens”. Theoretically, dogs can be allergic to anything. In practice, however, the following allergens are the most common:
- Perfumes and cigarette smoke
- Chemical substances and insecticides
- Soap and other cleaning products
- Pollen, grasses and leaves
- Gluten, soy and certain proteins [18]
You can remember the 20-2 rule: According to studies, around 20% of all dogs have allergies and 2% are also allergic to some foods. [19]
When dogs inhale the allergens, it can also narrow the nasal passages. Here is the…